This week Jess takes us back to the 1930's to talk about the very strange paranormal phenomenon known as Gef the talking mongoose. Dive into this super nutty case about how a mongoose terrorized the Irving family and gave skeptics a whole new reason to question their reality. Dane also vents about the now infamous UAP congressional hearing that took place on May 17th, 2022. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6185702-Eric-Davis-meeting-with-Adm-Wilson
Published 06/08/22
Published 06/08/22
Back in business after a 6 month recording hiatus, we catch up on some current UFO news before diving into The Dyatlov Pass Incident - an event in which 9 Russian alpine skiers died in the Ural Mountain range on February 1st, 1959 under mysterious and unexplainable circumstances.
Published 04/09/22
Spooktober is here friends! To get things started, Jess gives a super creepy history lesson on haunted mirrors - including stories about the infamous Dark Mirror, which is known to give horrifying visions to those who look into it. 
Published 10/13/21
This episode takes us through the troubling history of the Trans-Allegheney Lunatic Asylum - a mental hospital built with a promising future that ended in a dark tragedy. 
Published 09/16/21
The Rendlesham Forest incident was a series of reported sightings of strange lights near Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, England, which neighbored two military bases - RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters. This event has been dubbed "Britain's Roswell" due to the abundance of evidence and official reports that link the sightings to a strange craft with otherworldly capabilities.
Published 08/20/21
Welcome back friends! This week Dane catches us up on the UAP report released on June 25th, and Jess takes us to the Bridgewater Triangle - a 200 square mile area in Massachusetts that is a paranormal lover's dream! 
Published 07/26/21
Join us this week as we discuss the rare and crazy concept known as Spontaneous Human Combustion - a explosive phenomenon where a person catches fire without an apparent source of ignition.
Published 06/01/21
The Berkshire UFO was a phenomenon reported by over 40 people in Berkshire county Massachusetts on September 1st 1969, when a strange craft was seen across multiple towns.
Published 05/07/21
This episode we're traveling back to 1800's NOLA to talk about two high profile women, Madame LaLaurie and the Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau - and how their spirits may still reside there.
Published 04/20/21
We're bringing the spook back! This week we discuss the hauntings that take place at the Stone Lion Inn in Guthrie, OK, which has been the subject of numerous paranormal investigations. 
Published 03/04/21
Part 2 of our dive into the CIA documents!
Published 02/12/21
We're back friends! With the entire archive of the UFO-related documents that the CIA released to the public in early January. Buckle up and get ready for information overload...
Published 01/29/21
We're back friends! And this time, our material presented itself. The last month alone has seen mainstream news stories published about the possible existence of a Galactic Federation, intriguing radio frequencies detected from our closest exoplanet, and an Ivy League professor shares an exciting new hypothesis about an extraterrestrial visitor in 2017. Is this all a coincidence? Or are we on the cusp of the greatest revelation in human history? 
Published 01/05/21
This week we examine the timeline of events that occurred over consecutive weekends in July 1952, when multiple UFOs were seen from the ground and caught on radar over the White House and areas around Washington DC, prompting a murky military investigation that came to a controversial conclusion...we also discuss the insane life and career of famous Ufologist George Adamski, who famously claimed to have had multiple contacts with alien beings. 
Published 12/01/20
Join us this week as we talk about two really creepy dolls - Robert and Annabelle - and how they wreaked havoc on any of those who crossed their paths. 
Published 11/18/20
Happy Halloween everyone! This week we enjoyed adult beverages and talked about some really weird shit - specifically the case of Elisa Lam, who died under mysterious circumstances in the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles, CA in February 2013, and the haunted history of the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago IL, which is known for being built on top of thousands of lost graves. 
Published 11/01/20
It's spooky szn! Join us this week as we journey into Japan's infamous "Suicide Forest" - an ultra haunted forest with an even spookier history. 
Published 10/20/20
The second part of the epic story of Skinwalker Ranch - one of the most infamous paranormal hotspots in history.
Published 10/15/20
Skinwalker Ranch (located in northeastern Utah) is one of the most infamous paranormal hotspots on planet earth, known for its connection to UFO sightings, cattle mutilations, paranormal activity, glowing orbs and other unexplainable phenomena. This episode we discuss the insane story of the Sherman family, who purchased the property in 1994 -  unaware their lives would be changed forever. 
Published 09/24/20
Join us this week as we discuss the super-unsettling past of the Eastern State Penitentiary, considered to be one of the most haunted places in America!
Published 09/09/20
Join us as we dive into the story of the Fox Sisters, our local Rochester, NY legends who launched spiritualism in the entire US in the mid to late 1800's. 
Published 08/18/20
Dane & Jess discuss the incredible story of Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson, who say they were abducted by three space creatures and medically examined aboard a UFO on October 11th, 1973. If their story is real....holy s#!%
Published 07/30/20
Dane and Jess discuss the eerie history of the Ouija Board and how it became to be one of the worlds most feared "games". 
Published 07/13/20
Dane and Jess cover the timeline of events that happened in Kecksburg, PA on December 9th, 1965 - an incident that has been appropriately dubbed 'Pennsylvania's Roswell'
Published 07/01/20