We are bombarded daily by so many messages and images--how can we tell what is really real? More than that, how can we understand the reality of God, and of Jesus? We think we know who He is, but if we were to encounter Him, would we recognize Him? Listen as Pastor Daniel shares these thoughts and more along another beautiful springtime walk through the woods. Recorded in an undisclosed location in the woods of Eastern Kentucky.
Published 03/31/20
Published 03/31/20
How do we know when God is leading us? Why does God allow His people to suffer under trial? Listen as Pastor Daniel shares these lessons and more from the Bible in this message: "Under the Good Shepherd."
Published 02/26/20
Have you ever made New Years' resolutions, only to break them later? Listen as Kristina shares how we can make promises AND keep them!
Published 01/20/20
How can you tell a genuine spiritual revival from a counterfeit? How can you tell a prophet of God from a con-artist or a raving lunatic? Listen as Kristina answers this questions with a fascinating but little-known story from the Bible!
Published 01/20/20
What is different in our lives, when we come under conviction? Do we listen, or ignore it? What motivates our action, when we know that our works cannot commend us to God? Listen as Micah explores this deep subject in this week's message.
Published 12/29/19
Centuries before the birth of Baby Jesus, His story was told in the pages of an ancient book. Listen as Pastor Daniel explores some of the most beautiful prophecies of Jesus' birth and life from the book of Isaiah.
Published 12/26/19
What does it mean to "pass the mantle"? This week's message focuses on the mentoring relationship between Elijah and Elisha, and the purpose and power God places in our lives through those who have gone before us. Read this message and more: https://www.pastordaniel.net/a-gifted-coat/
Published 11/22/19
We talk so much of "Thankfullness," but what is the essence of gratitude, and why is it so important? Listen as Pastor Daniel shares a simple story from God's word that shows the eternal consequences of gratitude and greed.
Published 11/21/19
Listen as Bruce inspires and encourages us all to follow the light as we go out, following Jesus' call, to become "fishers of men."
Published 11/19/19
There's a saying: "Success is Something You Attract By the Person You've Become." Danny Chacko breaks this down for us and shares from the Bible what real success looks like.
Published 11/01/19
Have you ever felt ashamed of what you believe? Listen as Pastor Daniel shares from Paul's encouragement to Timothy--how old and young can help each other to never be ashamed of the gospel!
Published 10/24/19
What is the best way to share the message of Jesus' love with a world who doesn't want to hear? Listen as Micah shares about the Power of a Personal Testimony.
Published 10/17/19
Listen as Kristina shares the amazing story of God's work in Appalachia--of how the men of this rugged country helped shape the history of America, and still play a part in God's story today!
Published 10/17/19
Listen as Brother Glen shares from the heart, how to experience the power of God through prayer.
Published 09/10/19
Listen as Kristina McFeeters shares about Nehemiah's prayer life, and how we can be men and women of prayer.
Published 08/19/19
In every age, God gives His followers one choice the supersedes all others--a choice that makes the difference for all eternity. Listen as Pastor Daniel tells the story of Noah's Ark, and how we can avoid destruction in the flood of judgment that is about to fall upon this world.
Published 08/05/19
There's an old story about two eagles and a vine. Though it brings a smile, it teaches an important lesson--the same lesson that Jesus taught His disciples. Listen as Pastor Daniel shares thoughts on this story, and what it means to "abide" in the vine.
Published 06/22/19
Some say that the results of our lives are determined by fate. Do we have freedom of choice, or is our freedom merely an illusion? Does God's sovereignty and foreknowledge preclude our ability to choose our destiny? Listen as Pastor Daniel explores this thought from the Word of God!
Published 06/04/19
Listen as Kristina shares the first-person narrative of a very special woman who was called, not once, but several times in her life for a very important purpose.
Published 06/04/19
Angels. We hear so much about them, but who are they, and what are they like? Listen as Glen shares answers from the Bible!
Published 05/17/19
How important do you think it is to eat, or drink, or breathe? How important for the Christian is it to meet with Jesus daily through Bible study and prayer? Listen as Micah shares practical ways to have personal devotions.
Published 05/07/19
Listen as Kristina shares this week's Sabbath School about Proverbs for families, and addresses some of the traps we are so prone to fall prey to.
Published 05/07/19
You've certainly heard the epithet, "Majoring in Minors." But did you know that Jesus' taught the Kingdom of Heaven is built upon very small things? Listen as Elder Haley, Kentucky-Tennessee Conference President, shares this week's special message, "Majoring in the Minors."
Published 05/07/19
Can these live? Listen as Pastor Daniel explores the resurrection story through the lens of the ancient prophet Ezekiel, and learn how we can experience resurrection power in our lives and churches today!
Published 04/30/19