Hi, I'm Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. Make a plan: what do you do when you want to get to the gym? You pack your gym bag, you set your alarm 30min earlier, you plan for it. So, why aren’t you planning to eat healthy in the same way? Stop telling yourself that there won’t be temptation today or that you will magically be able to handle it differently, there will be and you won’t. Plan for temptation, plan your healthy dinner, plan how you will handle Netflix...
Published 01/02/24
#1 way to prevent holiday weight gain Hi, I'm Hayley Sohn, nutritionist and weight loss expert. A lot of people have reached out about the holidays and worry over gaining weight right now Stating it as if its inevitable they will gain weight right now But what if it wasn’t ineveible… What if holidays were easy. What if they were a non issue? What if this time of year was just like any other… I used to gain weight during the holidays Oveereat, obsess abut the foods that would be there, eat...
Published 11/29/23
I am Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and Weight loss Expert sharing with you today how I lost over 4 pounds of postpartum weight in just one week. Everything I’ve done in the last week to lose 4lbs You can follow my journey on instagram at hayley_sohn and grab your weight loss guide at https://www.basicallyitmeals.com/10lbsin30daysfreebie 1. Focused on my brain, not a new “diet”. The Personal Weight Loss Plan I am using and all my clients use isn't another diet and exercise plan that you follow for...
Published 11/15/23
How to create a lifestyle you love and stop dieting for a temporary result. On this episode Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and Weight Loss Expert breaks down making a lasting change in your relationship with food and making weight loss easy and effortless for life. If you want to work with Hayley, join the waitlist and be the first to know when spots open up: bit.ly/callwaitlist
Published 10/25/23
If you want me to show you how to change your brain so you can experience lifelong effortless weight loss join the waitlist to work with me and be the first to find out when spots are open: bit.ly/callwaitlist HI, I’m Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and weight loss expert and host of this Podcast weight loss without dieting. On today’s episode we are talking about what to when there are cookies in teh breakroom. Of course what I mean by that is any time there is a really tempting food lying around,...
Published 10/18/23
Work with me and let’s hit your weight loss goal together. Join my waitlist to be the first to know I am taking new clients: bit.ly/callwaitlist Hi, i’m hayley sohn, nutritionist and weight loss expert and today we are talking about feeling stuck! If you feel stuck, if you feel like you want to lose weight but then find yourself eating all the things, beating yourself up, spinning out on all the bad things you ate yesterday, you can’t find motivation, you can’t believe you let yourself get...
Published 10/11/23
Cravings management: I want you to picture a toddler that always gets a candy bar at the store. If you say now, it just throws a fit and you don’t know how to handle it so you give it the candy bar. What this teaches the toddler is that throwing fits works! They get the candy bar. Our brains operate in the same way- what you brain knows is taht even if you say no all it has to do is throw a fit and you will give it the candy bar. What processing cravings does is it teaches you brain that...
Published 10/04/23
Hi, I'm Hayley Sohn, your host of Weight Loss Without Dieting. On this episode, hear from Lucy, who has been a client for a few months. On this episode she tells her story of many early successes, and how she got through a weight plateau and lost 19lbs in 2 weeks. If you want results like Lucy, join the wait list to work with me and be the first to find out when spots are available: bit.ly/callwaitlist
Published 09/27/23
If you are interested in working with me, please join my wait list and be the first to know when spots become available: bit.ly/callwaitlist Hi, i’m hayley sohn, nutritionist and weight loss expert and today we are talking about magic weight loss pills, weight loss miracles, foolproof weight loss solutions! By all of that i mean things like gastric bypass, and the Ozempic shot which you may have heard a lot about recently. I am going to preface this conversation by saying I am not a doctor...
Published 09/20/23
Hi, Hayley Sohn here, nutritionist and Weight Loss expert and today we are talking about motivation to lose weight…where it goes! This is what I hear: I lost some weight years ago but since then I have just lost my motivation, i can’t get started again! So on todays episode we are going to dive into where your motivation goes, the GSR Cycle which is what I teach my clients, and how to get it back. When i explain the GSR cycle, likely if you currently have no motivation you are going to be...
Published 09/13/23
Hayley Sohn here, nutritionist and Weight Loss expert and today we are talking about diet advice overwhelm and confusion! if you are stuck in the confusion of what to eat because you have tried a lot of diets before, worked with nutritionists before and you just don’t know wher to begin and you feel bombarded by the advice out there, this episode is for you This is so common It’s so common that me, as a nutritionist, has experienced it. When i was trying to lose weight I got myself so...
Published 09/06/23
Hayley Sohn here, nutritionist and Weight Loss expert and today we are talking about making healthier substitutions and how to make them work for you instead of against you This came up on a recent call I hosted for my free training, Master Your Cravings We were discussing when we have a craving, aka we want to eat something in the moment…sometimes its a strong desire and sometimes you just think “I’m a snacker”. Either way, in our area of focus when we are consistently eating things we don’t...
Published 08/30/23
Hey guys, it’s Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and Weight Loss Expert and today we are talking about trusting your body…. I had this scenario happen to me recently and it made gave me the idea to do this podcast. This is such an important topic, so I am going to share this story with you and tell you want you need to do. Modern society/modern dieting and weight loss advice has created so much distrust between us and our bodies. We fear hunger, we feel like we need to micromanage our metabolism we...
Published 08/23/23
Top 3 emotions to use for weight loss If you are interested in working with me, join the waitlist and be the first to know when spots open up: bit.ly/callwaitlist We often think actions are what we need to lose weight…another to do list if you will. If i just do this, find the right diet, go to the gym, never eat sugar again then i can lose weight. But how many times have you done that before…and how many times has it worked. The reason this doesn't work is there is a step you have to align...
Published 08/16/23
If you are interested in working with me, join the waitlist and be the first to know when spots open up: bit.ly/callwaitlist Weight loss can feel like a chore We come into it from this place of frustration, feeling like we failed, like there is something wrong with us, like we want to try and lose weight but we don’t believe it will actually work We believe the journey will be painful, we will have to give up what we love. Eat things we hate. We will Suffer, oh the suffering. We will have to...
Published 08/09/23
If you are interested in working with me, join the waitlist and be the first to know when spots open up: bit.ly/callwaitlist    Couple on vacation, faced with a plethora of snacks each night. Finding themselves overeating on these foods and they couldn’t stop….   This can feel tricky; how do we get ourselves to a place where this isn’t appealing? Where i don’t want to overeat even thought I WANT TO!   What i told this couple is something you can utilize as well   So that is what we...
Published 08/02/23
I got this on a call the other day with someone who wanted to work with me: “Where is this coming from that is telling me to eat things I don’t want to eat?” We call this desire to eat things we don’t want to many different things- cravings, emotional eating, stress eating, hormones, my husband won’t stop buying junk, but the way she put this I thought perfectly summed it “Where is this desire to eat things I don’t actually want to eat coming from?” It’s your brain. Always and only your...
Published 07/26/23
On today's episode you are going to meet Julie who has gone from the diet roller coaster to losing weight consistently without restriction or willpower. On her recent vacation, she missed weighing in on her scale, something we tend to have a lot of drama over, and had lost weight when she got home. Listen to how Julie went from hating the scale and worrying about weight loss, to loving the process and making it work for her. I'm Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist, Weight Loss Expert and your host of...
Published 07/19/23
For some reason, there is this stigma in weight loss that if you fail once you will never succeed at it, but I want to challenge that. In this podcast i;m going to share with you how i teach my clients to think about failure and how i encourage you to think about it so that you can see the weight loss success you want I'm Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist, Weight Loss Expert and your host of Weight Loss Without Dieting. If you are interested in working with me, I recommend you join my Waitlist and...
Published 07/12/23
This is a topic my clients have asked me to cover countless times Its a cultural thing that is driven into us when we are young- throwing food away is unacceptable Many of us were raised in the clean plate club. Sometimes before you can have dessert so you are eating just so you can get to the reward You must finish everything you were given because there are starving people in the world! Waste not, want not. If you don’t finish your food, you are ungrateful for what was provided for you…...
Published 07/05/23
Craving Mastery Free Training is part of my paid course, but I am offering it for free to you! From July 6th until July 11th me and you are going to go through it together with live coaching calls and all the materials you need to master your cravings. BUT early access starts now! If you sign up now you can get started learning the materials right away. Mastering Cravings is all about practicing the process. Think about it like learning how to hit a tennis ball…the first time might not be...
Published 06/28/23
You don’t need more accountability to lose weight. Diets teach us that what goes in our mouth is not in our control, therefore, we must put someone or something else in control of what we eat. “The diet” is a great place to start…just order an expensive and tasteless meal delivery service and all of your weight issues will be fixed! Put someone else in charge of what you eat and you’ll never struggle again! But the reality is, you ARE in charge of what goes in your mouth. Well, your brain is....
Published 06/28/23
We often have a “reaction” response to the scale going up: we react with an extreme diet, restriction, deprivation, skipping events ... .we give ourselves a lot of actions to complete what we are eating. What this doesn’t do is take the brain into account….when we focus on actions and not our brain that is causing us to take those actions we often find that we can’t complete the actions, our desire for food grows stronger and what is accomplished is a lot of effort and no results that we...
Published 06/21/23
Rebekah spent 25 years in the same cycle of restricting, overeating and emotional eating all the while watching the scale creep up. Rebekah is a great example of someone who has a lot going on in her life, but not letting it prevent her from signing up for the program, showing up to get coached and putting the coaching I gave her into action in her life and seeing results fast. She is not someone who has done a deep dive into all of the tools I offer in the program and she is still seeing the...
Published 06/14/23
The idea of traveling and losing weight used to feel like an impossibility to me. Isn’t it inevitable that I will be bloated and tired by the end of my trip? The truth is, you can enjoy your travel meals and still lose weight. It’s not about being super restrictive, it's about being exclusive with what you eat, it’s about deciding ahead of time where you will indulge, it's about being present in your body so you can feel your best for the this special time away instead of feeling shit because...
Published 06/07/23