On Episode 82 let's have the conversation about who we should have around us to reach our future plans. Hopefully my word can help you choose the right circle. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 12/13/23
On episode 81 the target is what does hard work bring in your life. Forget anything outside of pure grind, the question is what does it bring to your table? Let's talk about it. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 12/12/23
On Episode 80 I had a great conversation with a friend who reminded me that the journey in front of me is already written. Also reminded me to stop worrying just let grand believe. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 12/11/23
On this Episode I'm here to simply remind you to respect yourself first over accepting disrespect.  Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 12/10/23
On episode 78 I went to Instagram to answer some questions in a Q&A. Check this Episode out please. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 12/07/23
On Episode 77 was a tough one for me as I reach out to those who lost someone. Today is my Dads passing date from four years ago. My prayers out to everyone pushing through. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 11/30/23
On episode 76 I want to talk to you about whatever is weighing you down during the holiday season. Theirs so many things that can bring our mood down and I'm here to talk to you about it. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 11/28/23
On episode 75 Ramon Clemente speaks on taking advantage of your Alter Ego for the better. Pushing you to take full advantage of a different side of you for the better.  Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 11/21/23
On Episode 74 Ramon Clemente gives a few tips on mastering the best version of yourself. The world can only be a better place if we give the best person that we could be to society. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 11/16/23
On Episode 73 Ramon Clemente speaks on keeping really people in your life instead of walking away. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 11/08/23
Just take your time out to hear this Episode Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 10/31/23
Just take your time out to hear this Episode Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 10/31/23
On Episode 71 Ramon Clemente reaches out to anyone going through bad days with no one to reach out to. In life life sometimes we rather suffer alone because we're embarrassed or  to prideful to reach out for help. So on Episode 71 Ramon is just reminding your greatness. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 10/25/23
On Episode 70 Ramon Clemente talks about his hunger for what he wants in life. Being normal will only get you normal things so why would he settle? Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 10/24/23
On Episode 69 Ramon Clemente talks about self growth. The process of development can be overlooked because results doesn't come exactly when we want it. But the process in-between has so many lessons and that's what we need to appreciate the most. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 10/23/23
On Episode 68 Ramon Clemente speaks  directly to the kids feeling trapped in their environment. Reminding them to never doubt their potential because the world embrace everything about them. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 10/19/23
On Episode 67 Ramon Clemente talks about the War in the Middle East. Trying to figure out why us as human choose hate to handle situations. Confused in the actions taking place today Ramon can only try to figure out Why?".   Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 10/18/23
On Episode 66 Ramon Clemente talks about changing your mindset in order to get what you want. A lot of the time we settle with so many goals and  ideas just to never go all out for them. Listen to this episode and hopefully this will push you even more to finish what you started. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 10/17/23
On Episode 65 Ramon Clemente speaks on the battle against passed down trauma. A lot people growing up dealt with "tough love" instead of being heard. This is an episode you wouldn't want to miss. Enjoy episode 65. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 10/16/23
On episode 64 Ramon Clemente talks about turning your losses into life changing moves. When we fail at things we tend to walk away instead of building in that L. Hear this episode to get Ramon's word on this situation. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 10/13/23
On Episode 63 Ramon Clemente talks about living your purpose, finding your purpose and accepting your purpose.  Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 10/12/23
On Episode 62 Ramon Clemente walks you through 5 of his easy hacks to become more discipline in your life. One of the hardest things is becoming spot on with scheduling and being consistent with things that are good for us. Check this episode out to get these 5 steps. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 09/18/23
On Episode 61 Ramon Clemente checks up on the listeners with the year winding down. We set goals at the top of the year but failed during the journey. That's just a bump in the road and that conversation in held in this episode. Also putting together a group of people that will hold each other accountable for success. Please check out this episode. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 09/06/23
On Episode 60 Ramon Clemente ask a huge question and that question is "Is social media ruining your life?'. This is a huge issue that needs to be discussed especially in a era where social media is apart of a lot of peoples lives. Lets discuss please. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 08/18/23
On Episode 59 Ramon Clemente has a talk about when is it time to walk away from a person, job or any other situation. This isn't a easy task and that's understood. But how do we get through these times and when should we walk? Enjoy the episode and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, SHARE and COMMENT the Podcast. PUSH 100MPH
Published 08/01/23