Shit, Y’all! It’s been a minute! We realize it’s been months since our last episode, but we’ve all been living through this crazy pandemic and… well… energies around here have been low. But we also just marked a year of this craziness and we decided we should acknowledge that (and maybe get back on a regular recording schedule). Join us as we discuss everything we’ve learned in the past year (the good, bad, and ugly). (Sorry about the audio quality! Loni got a new mic and we’re still not...
Published 04/09/21
Whew! What a f*****g year this has been, eh? Yes, we kindof curled up in a ball and hid from the world for the last half of 2020, but we are still here! This is just a bit of an update on us/year end episode. It’s a hot mess… but what the f**k isn’t these days? We talk a bit about what’s been going on in our worlds, and find some positive things that happened to us this year. Happy Holidays to you all, and may the New Year find us all in a better place (we’re already planning episodes for...
Published 12/27/20
Katie and Loni are back with an episode they recorded the last week in May. They held off on posting this episode for a couple weeks because it just felt gross to put something light hearted up in the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the subsequent demonstrations. The bulk of this episode discusses some big changes coming to the podcast format (all good), so listen and see what you have to look forward to! Find us at www.welcometoyourmidlifecrisis.podomatic.net, and tell your friends! If...
Published 06/16/20
Katie and Loni are back with a new-ish episode. I mean, it’s new to you, but they recorded it over a month ago. I just edited it and I have no idea what was even said now. Are you listening to the slow unraveling of their minds, or two women just doing their best to make it through this shit with a sense of humor? You be the judge. Find us at www.welcometoyourmidlifecrisis.podomatic.net, and tell your friends! If you would like to support the show you will find links to our Patreon and...
Published 05/29/20
The Gals got their socially distant s**t together enough to record a new episode. Join in as they discuss current events and how they are coping or not coping with all this. Obviously they weren't able to record in the studio (and won't be for the foreseeable future), so the sound isn't great. But hey... we are all in this s**t together, right? Find us at www.welcometoyourmidlifecrisis.podomatic.net, and tell your friends! If you would like to support the show you will find links to our...
Published 04/10/20
Happy New Year everyone! Katie and Loni are talking about the things that cause our middle-aged insomnia. They also toss around a few ideas about what we can do to help it (just a few though). Find us at www.welcometoyourmidlifecrisis.podomatic.net, and tell your friends! If you would like to support the show you will find links to our Patreon and Paypal on our website. You can also link to our RebBubble store where you will find both Welcome To Your Midlife Crisis gear and Two Artsy Gals...
Published 01/30/20
In this, our last episode of 2020, Katie and Loni talk GenX and holiday specific mental health issues and triggers with Portland Licensed Clinical Social Worker Shanna Branham. She is witty, insightful, and incredibly kind (and also looks kinda like the human embodiment of Jessica Rabbit)… we found her insights into our generation to be stunningly validating. Although this was intended to go up before Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza, the holiday advice still holds true for all holiday...
Published 12/31/19
Katie and Loni are back to talk about anxiety and how it changes as we age. Do you experience anxiety differently now that you did when you were in your 20s? We sure as hell do… maybe it’s better, maybe it is just bad in a different way. Whatever… we’ll figure it out eventually. Find us at www.welcometoyourmidlifecrisis.podomatic.net, and tell your friends! If you would like to support the show you will find links to our Patreon and Paypal on our website. You can also link to our RebBubble...
Published 11/23/19
Holy s**t balls… it has been a while! Here’s the thing, Loni and Katie have been pretty preoccupied by Midlife Crisis s**t lately. We know you are feeling their feels. Anyway, there is a weird click in this episode. Katie tried to edit it out. It is still there. Sorry. You are going to want to listen to this one despite the audio anomaly because it is all about the heartbreak of losing our GenX Stars. Ric Ocasek’s recent death kindof triggered a weird flashback to all the big deaths of...
Published 11/06/19
We have a group of fans that are very near and dear to our hearts and they recently upped our numbers by a significant amount. To thank and celebrate their awesomeness we put a shout out in the Facebook group we know them from asking for questions and comments for the show… they didn’t disappoint. Learn more about Welcome to Your Midlife Crisis on our website http://welcometoyourmidlifecrisis.podomatic.net/. All episodes are available there and you can link to our Paypal, Patreon, and Red...
Published 09/17/19
Katie and Loni dissect the weirdness of their marriages and discuss how they are different due to age. They also wonder what life would be like if they had stayed with their first marriages/partners (thank goodness they didn’t), and talk about how shallow their pool of f***s these days. Learn more about Welcome to Your Midlife Crisis on our website http://welcometoyourmidlifecrisis.podomatic.net/. All episodes are available there and you can link to our Paypal, Patreon, and Red Bubble store...
Published 08/31/19
Join Katie and Loni in a conversation about grown-ass lady friendships. From how puberty suddenly made female friendships more complicated; the devastating friendship hierarchy of high school, cycling through your party friends and losing most of them because you made a baby, the weird mom friend limbo of our 30s… they cover it all to finally land on how f*****g amazing our female friendships become once we reach middle age and run out of f***s to give. Learn more about Welcome to Your...
Published 08/12/19
WE ARE BACK! Like for real back. Sorry about the time away, yo… sometimes things get ahead of us. There wasn’t really a plan for this episode other than catching up with all of you (we missed you). Loni and Katie start off with a bit about what they have been doing in their time away from the show; this conversation morphed into one about the expectations we have for ourselves. S**t gets a bit wild a couple times (but would this even be the podcast you love without a few crazy rants?). We are...
Published 06/25/19
We are back! Sorry it has been a while, Katie’s Mac broke as she was editing this episode several weeks ago and it has finally been fixed. Loni and Katie had so much fun with this episode; listen in as they discuss Optimistic/Compassionate Nihilism because they are running out of f***s to give, but don’t want to be complete assholes. One correction for this episode: At the end of the episode Katie talks about a badass cassette tape lamp she was making and mentioned that her friend Ealasaid...
Published 05/07/19
Is your body starting to do weird s**t as you age? Are your joints sore for seemingly no good reason? How many meds are you on? How are your bowels working, yo? Ha! This week Katie and Loni commiserate with each other about their aging bodies and how they don’t work like they did 20 years ago. Join in, as they laugh at this sometimes unfair again process and complain a little about it too. Find us at www.welcometoyourmidlifecrisis.podomatic.net, and tell your friends! If you would like to...
Published 03/19/19
Huh… guess this is a monthly podcast right now. In this new episode The Gals talk to Katie’s childhood friend, and current hairdresser, Michelle Krause! We had a lot of questions for Michelle about how our hair and skin changes in middle age and beyond and she had tons of answers for us. Learn which products to spend your money on and which are total scams. Most importantly, laugh along with us because aging is hard stuff. We still haven’t replaced the broken guest microphone so Loni and...
Published 02/24/19
Hey! Happy Effing New Year, listeners! Loni and Katie are back to talk about what b******t New Year’s Resolutions are and how setting realistic goals may be easier on our middle-aged brains. Katie rearranged her studio and in the excitement of recording in the new space she set up, forgot to select the mixer as input. So basically the sound on this first episode of 2019 sucks because she accidentally recorded the entire episode through the microphone on her computer… which she had her back...
Published 01/25/19
2018 is almost over! We hope you are all making it through the winter holidays without too much emotional strife. Katie and Loni are rounding out the year with a conversation about family and how particularly stressful spending time with them can be during the holidays. Let’s be real people, as much as you love them, families are a huge pain in the ass. Find us at www.welcometoyourmidlifecrisis.podomatic.net, and tell your friends! If you would like to support the show you will find links...
Published 12/28/18
Man it has been a while but we are still here and are back with a special midterm election episode. Don’t worry; we aren’t getting preachy about who and what you should vote fore. We just want you to vote! And we also want you to chill the f**k out! Yes, this political stuff is maddening and can be stressful, but this s**t should not be preventing you from enjoying your life. Join us in a discussion about how we can move forward with positivity in this turbulent time (we promise this isn’t a...
Published 11/06/18
Hey friends, sorry we haven’t posted a new episode in a while. We had a microphone go bad without us noticing so we have been working to fix the sound on a couple episodes before we get them to you. In the mean time we decided to acknowledge National Recovery month (September) by interviewing our first guest! Dean is a friend of the show and always speaks candidly about addiction and his recovery. It is a great conversation and we hope you enjoy it! Find us at...
Published 09/26/18
We are about ready for summer to be over around here… with all the smoke from forest fires and high temperatures we are finding ourselves quite thankful we recorded a bunch of episodes ahead last spring! For some reason Loni is a bit quiet in this recording (Katie did all she could to level the sound) but this conversation is worth it! No one ever talks about watching our parents age being such a distressing part of middle age (and if we are lucky, our grandparents). Join in as Katie and...
Published 08/22/18
After a few weeks of avoiding the hot studio and doing summer vacation type things Katie finally found the strength to edit a new episode for you! Yay! Join She and Loni as they discuss the lies the “self-care” industry try to make us believe about ourselves, and ponder how coming of age in the “Oprah Winfrey” generation has made us believe we have to achieve some next level Zen b******t every time we groom ourselves. There are plenty of laughs and inappropriate joking as The Gals get to the...
Published 08/11/18
After a little catching up on life stuff, Katie and Loni talk about all of the #metoo moments they have had in their lives. They take an interesting look at things that happened to them when they were much younger women, through their middle-aged eyes. There is some real interesting talk about “fight, flight, or freeze”, how women of our generation (and the ones before us) were raised to react to things from sexual harassment, to sexual assault, and our hopes for the changes our children’s...
Published 07/01/18
This week Katie and Loni discuss money and what a drag it is to not have enough of it. I mean, who didn’t think they would have everything figured out before their midlife crisis started? There is nothing to be ashamed of though… and all financial problems can be solved. Take a deep breath, grab your beverage of choice, and let’s talk money! In other podcast news… We have a NEW, new website! Find us at www.welcometoyourmidlifecrisis.podomatic.net, and tell your friends! The Two Artsy Gals...
Published 06/22/18