People really find it difficult to initiate a conversation. So in my 4th episode as a behaviour analyst I will take you for a sneak peek view about how to initiate a conversation with the categories of DOS and DONTS. Want to know more, give an ear to it. Don't forget to share your valuable feedbacks. Till then stay great.
Published 11/07/20
Published 11/07/20
Whether to impress you or not I am important irrespective of what. So if you want me to favour you it's likewise you have to react. Life is mutual codependence so it's actually a symbiotic relationship of every individual. Listen to the podcast to know more and stay tuned.
Published 10/16/20
In episode 2 I, Ishani Chatterjee will take you in a roundabout journey about ourselves and others. Since childhood we stay in a family, later we grew up and keep on searching for a family of our own. Human beings are social creatures thus they hate isolation. So in this journey of life why do other people matters so much? Stay tuned for revealing certain ideas of our own selves and others.
Published 10/09/20
This is my first episode, I talked about time and it's importance on our life. I hope you enjoy this episode. Past, present and future intersects each other in this unending course of life. The strategic activities of our mind is beautiful so encourage it more. Make a good use of both time and resources which you already have. To know more, given it an ear and enjoy.
Published 10/02/20
Published 09/28/20