Dr. Katherine Zagone | Clockwize: The Missing Link Between Biological Age + Birthing Children (Fertility is Not What You Think)
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Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 626 What can you do to boost your fertility + optimize your genetics pre-pregnancy? Dr. Katherine Zagone, Naturopathic Doctor and Co-Founder of Clockwize, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 626, to shed light on infertility; how infertility can be reversed, what role your biological age plays in conception, and why it's essential to optimize your health if you're planning to have a baby. "Women are waiting longer to conceive and it's not necessarily that they have more chronological years, they've just had more years on the planet of high stress and toxin exposure. And in a lot of ways, those are reversible." - Dr. Katherine Zagone 10% Off Clockwize Test 10% off with code "JOSH" • Want babies in 1-5 years and want to know if it’s time to take action now so you don’t struggle when it’s time? • Looking to optimize your egg quantity and quality outcomes with reproductive technologies (egg freezing or IVF)? • Curious if advanced age is the reason you are currently struggling? Clockwize Fertility Test is designed for women who want to find out their biological age, specifically related to their fertility. The test looks at biological age, how fast you are aging at this moment, as well as exposure to the fertility toxins bisphenols, phthalates, and parabens through Clockwize proprietary ClockTox panel. In This Episode, Dr. Katherine Zagone Uncovers: [01:30] Conception Is Creation Dr. Katherine Zagone Clockwize - 10% off with code "JOSH" Fertility is declining for both men and women. Why fertility isn't related to chronological age but biological age. Conception is an act of creation. How bringing science and spirituality together can improve fertility. [07:35] Fertility Fallacies The human body is designed to procreate. Having struggles conceiving can be an opportunity for us to have more time to heal. Not conceiving is a signal from nature. The most common causes of fertility issues. [12:35] Mind-Body Healing for Fertility Stress and toxins affect women's fertility. How Katherine helped a woman conceive at 42 after being diagnosed infertile. The mind-body connection can be more important than biomarkers. The healing techniques she uses on her patients. [19:50] The Truth About Male Fertility It's easier to conceive when a man also desires to become a father. Sara Mintzer How they help men when they have fertility. Sacred plant medicine can cause harm if it's abused. [25:10] Biological Age Affects Fertility How Katherine found out biological age played a major role in fertility. Why she didn't want to use hormone supplements to improve her biological age. How knowing she had more time to have children took the pressure off of her. [30:00] Natural Healing The mind-body component is the first thing you should focus on if you want to have a child. God complex in medical workers. 624 Teal Swan | Ancestral Healing: Multidimensional Genetics, Conscious Parenting + The Impossible Task of Single Mothers 628 Eric Clopper | The Truth About Circumcision: Ending Male Genital Mutilation + Protecting Infant Innocence  How the Rockefellers shut down the natural healing realm. Why birthing is creating dysfunction in the society. [39:05] Empowering Women The Flexner Report Power doesn't come from force. Each woman gets to choose what feels best to her. Why Katherine doesn't want a free birth. She wanted a 'freebirth' with no doctors. Online groups convinced her it would be OK. Jury finds male doula was defamed by women calling him predator in the birthing community MaternityWise court case Emilee Saldaya is as ethically responsible for baby Journey Moon’s death as if she had taken out a gun and shot her [45:00] Clockwize Fertility Test Women have more responsibility and work when it comes to pregnancy and labor than men. The role of epigenetics during pregnancy. 275 The Revolution Is Here: Paul Chek What Clockwize fertility test measures. The fertility t
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