Mars and Venus both enter Aquarius this week and when they do, they immediately consult with Pluto who has officially entered the Age of Aquarius! Then, you'll learn how to manifest in sync with this week's Taurus 2nd Quarter Moon. If you want to actually achieve your 2024 goals, you're gonna want to add these elements! A DAILY DOSE OF STARS PODCAST IS FREE FOR 2 WEEKS! Get daily guidance, work with the daily moon aspects, and make strategic power moves with the Nodes of Fate all FOR FREE!...
Published 02/12/24
Although Pluto ushered in the Age of Aquarius in January, this week we begin to get a taste of who, what, when, where, how, and why Pluto's shaking up the Aquarius parts of our charts! Enjoy this episode, sign up for all of my upcoming events below, and book your yearly readings! BOOK YOUR YEARLY READING  There are so many options this year! Figure out which one aligns with you here. PS Payment plans are available :) LUNAR NEW YEAR CELEBRATION Register for free here! LUNAR NEW YEAR...
Published 02/04/24
In the finale episode of the “How to Manifest BIIG in 2024” series, I am so proud and honored to host my friend, and certified meditation teacher, Bethany Valentin! In this special episode, Bethany discusses what mindfulness actually is (trust me, it’s not what you think!), how mindfulness is different than meditation, what joy is and what it isn’t, the four ingredients you need to make a joy cocktail (ingredients that could end wars!), and she ends the series by leading you through a...
Published 02/01/24
Quincunxes, squares, oppositions, OH MY! To put it plainly, this week is all about adjustments, Astro Lovers! There isn't much planetary activity to discuss this week, but Monday's Mars-Uranus trine invites exciting movement on your work and goals fronts. Plus, Mercury entering Aquarius on Sunday shifts us into three weeks of high vibrational, community connection. When it comes to your 2024 goals, though, the most VIP cosmic takeaway is Friday's Scorpio fourth quarter moon. During this...
Published 01/28/24
This is probably the most exciting week of 2024, so far! Venus leaves visionary Sagittarius and jumps into Capricorn for a few weeks of serious goal-setting and professional achievement. Love takes a more serious, "get down to business" vibe during this time. The Leo Full Moon is perfect for getting motivated and taking inspired action with the goals you've written down in your Manifest BIIG journal. Haven't set any goals for this year, yet? Don't fret. You are NOT behind...ever! This is the...
Published 01/21/24
Elite BODI super trainer and wellness expert, Elise Joan, breaks down the six pillars of longevity—pillars to living a long, healthy life that you actually enjoy! These are pillars you’ll want to consider when making your 2024 goals. Plus, she explains the magic of habit stacking and how it can dramatically improve your day-to-day productivity. As you’re about to discover, longevity isn’t just about living a long life. It’s about living a life that’s full of joy, purpose, and community. How...
Published 01/18/24
After a long stint in Capricorn since 2008, Pluto, the planet of power, evolution, and transformation, shifts into Aquarius on the same day the Sun does! Artificial Intelligence, extraterrestrial life, and technological advances are just some of the new social norms we can expect in the zeitgeist over the next twenty years. Mercury also clears his retrograde shadow this week, with some phenomenal growth opportunities and exciting advancements coming at you in the second half of the...
Published 01/14/24
Expert Feng Shui practitioner, Kristina Hollinger, gives four bonafide Feng Shui adjustments (plus extra bonus tips!) that you need to make in your living space right now to manifest more money, opportunities, and abundance in 2024. Then, she evaluates my apartment in real-time, exposes energetic leaks I never knew about, and the Feng Shui tips I need to fix them! KRISTINA’S FREE MINI-COURSE & FENG SHUI BAGUA MAP CLICK HERE to download your free Bagua Map and take the free “Manifesting...
Published 01/10/24
This week's astrology is centered around clarifying your dreams, visions, and GOALS for the next 12 months! We cover all the major astrological aspects you need to be aware of, but most importantly, we're using the energy and opportunity of the CAPRICORN NEW MOON to streamline your 2024 goals, clarify the purpose and meaning behind them, and maximize their achievability. GET YOUR FREE MANIFEST BIIG IN 2024 JOURNAL! -Head to drunkastro.com/amazingyear and download now. Don't wait, your most...
Published 01/07/24
As a new year begins, love is often at the top of our lists. Have you ever considered relationships, sex, and love as NUTRITION, though?! In the fifth episode of “How to Manifest BIIG in 2024”, sexual nutritionist, Tamina Paris breaks down what sexual nutrition looks and feels like. Then, she's teaching you how to connect to your JUICY YES and PRIMAL NO. Enjoy this oh-so-juicy episode and share it with anyone who needs some juicy sexual abundance in 2024 and beyond! THE “I FEEL SO JUICY”...
Published 01/04/24
Happy New Year, Astro Lover! For episode one of this podcast's FOURTH SEASON (😱), we're doing things a lil' different this week. We cover the astro weather--Mercury retrograde comes to an end, Venus squares off with Saturn, and the emotional weekend thanks to the Sun squaring Chiron--but we are walking through the only thing you need to manifest BIIG in 2024...the free Drunk Astrology Manifest BIIG in 2024 Journal! GET YOUR FREE 2024 MANIFEST BIIG JOURNAL!  -Head to...
Published 01/01/24
The King of Spades sets the tone for collective consciousness in 2024! What does that mean? In this in-depth interview with expert symbologist, CJ Testa, we take a look at what the Destiny Cards say about the year ahead.  By the end of this episode, you’ll be repeating CJ’s mantra, “W-T-E-L,” or “Wisdom-Truth-Experience-Love,” and applying it as you move throughout your personal 2024 experience! WATCH THIS EPISODE HERE WHAT’S YOUR DESTINY CARD? Discover the destiny card that rules your...
Published 12/28/23
Sending you a cosmic holiday message + taking this week to "power down" and incubate on what I'm bringing to you in the new year! You're not gonna wanna miss next week's podcast, I'm sharing a method for new years goal setting that's a mixture of science-backed methodology + the astrology of it all! See you then :) Support the show FOLLOW Instagram + Newsletter SHOP THE WEB STORE Zodiac Candles and Cosmic Body Oils! FREE ASTROLOGY 101 CHEAT SHEET Learn the fundamentals of Astrology with my...
Published 12/25/23
Welcome to episode three of the How to Manifest BIIG in 2024  podcast series! In this episode, I'm talking with Tali from the Astro Twins (astrologers for ELLE Magazine and the cosmic brains behind the show Cosmic Love  on Prime Video) about the major astrological events of 2024 and how every. single. zodiac sign. can optimize each one of them! That's right, every zodiac sign is getting MULTIPLE readings in this episode! Get your pen and paper ready because this episode is jam packed with...
Published 12/20/23
This week hosts a grab bag of swirling cosmic energy but one of the most important elements is the message behind the Winter Solstice--find stillness and time for intentional reflection to establish a sense of harmony and balance this week. HOW TO MANIFEST BIIG IN 2024: The Limited Podcast Series Scroll through the "This Week with Drunk Astrology" episode library to listen to the series or go HERE to watch the interviews on YouTube! THE ULTIMATE MERCURY RETROGRADE HACK As a Daily Dose of...
Published 12/17/23
In last week's episode of the How to Manifest BIIG series, you learned how to build a legit AF altar in the name of primetime manifesting for the new year. In this week's episode, we're talking to Shauna McDonnell from The Crystal Shrine about what crystals will best support you throughout the energy of 2024. As you learned from Stephanie at Rituals By Tarot.com, crystals are a huge element when building your altars. In this episode Shauna shares what crystals you'll want to include in your...
Published 12/13/23
I'm calling this week the "Week of Reflective Forward Motion" because we have the Sagittarius New Moon on the same day that Mercury stations retrograde. The New Moon presents prime opportunity to set intentions and manifestations for our vision of the future while Mercury retrograde asks you to pause and reflect on how your vision for 2023 came to pass this year (or didn't). Enjoy New Moon readings for all twelve zodiac signs in this week's episode. NEWS BOARD ITEM •My How to Manifest BIIG...
Published 12/10/23
There are VIP elements to consider when creating a "legit AF" altar! Stephanie Spirovski, Intuitive Guide and the Creative Director of Rituals by Tarot, shares all of the vital components of a powerful altar. If you are new to creating altars or committing to a dedicated manifestation practice, I strongly encourage you to take notes during this episode! Stephanie shares TONS of great insights re: manifesting, vision boarding, and creating a legit altar! SPECIAL OFFER FROM RITUALS BY TAROT A...
Published 12/06/23
This week we're discussing Neptune's direct station and why you might be swimming through brain fog. Plus, love goddess Venus minxes her way into Scorpio and encourages you to explore the taboo over the coming weeks. Lastly, it's the last week of the Gemini Full Moon which brings opportunities to get your house in order. We also take a look at the big headlines from last week and connect them with the astrology we discussed in last week's episode. With Venus joining the South Node, we saw...
Published 12/03/23
SHOP THE WEB STORE! Check out my handmade Zodiac Candles and Cosmic Body Oils! There's something for every Astro Lover, especially YOU! Check it all out here. It's a monumental week with lots of energetic shifts! The week begins with the Gemini Full Moon culminating stories from late June while Mercury begins his series of conversations for his upcoming retrograde. Venus triggers the eclipse energy mid-week, then Mercury shifts into Capricorn, one of two signs he'll explore during his...
Published 11/26/23
It's a BUSY week with the Sun and Mars entering sabertooth Sagittarius, in fact it's so busy that I forgot to answer listener questions! Doh! I'll make them up in next week's episode! The week starts with a de-stabilizing Aquarius Quarter Moon, plus Mercury enters his retrograde shadow this weekend. Prepare for the travel and communication pitfalls! THE DRUNK ASTROLOGY WEB STORE LAUNCHES ON BLACK FRIDAY! Get Zodiac Candles and Cosmic Body Oils as gifts for yourself, your loved ones, and...
Published 11/19/23
Work with the magic of the Scorpio New Moon! Get a reading for your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign + learn what possibilities and opportunities are available to you for the next two weeks and six months. JOIN THE DAILY DOSE COMMUNITY How'd you like working with the magic of the moon? In A Daily Dose of Stars, you'll join a community of likeminded mystics on a mission and begin each day working with the cycles of the Moon. Get the details and listen to free episodes here! Support the showSHOP...
Published 11/13/23
Sound the alarm--eclipse season is over as of Monday's Scorpio New Moon! You can breathe a sigh of relief, reflect on all that's changed and all that you've learned over the past two months (and two years), and prepare to really dive into the "newness" that's available to you now. WEB STORE GOES LIVE THIS WEEK! Newsletter subscribers keep your eyes on your inbox! The Drunk Astrology web store goes live this week and the first thing available is my Cosmic Body Oils! All twelve zodiac signs...
Published 11/12/23
The energy around and within you FINALLY changes this week! We are still in the eclipse corridor, the time when anything goes (and probably will), but when personal planets like Mercury and Venus change signs we definitely feel it. Since Venus is moving into Libra, one of her favorite signs, and Mercury is getting out of the Scorpio swamp, this is going to be a welcomed change. Have a great week! COSMIC BOOK CLUB Interested in a self-improvement/spiritual book club led by yours truly via...
Published 11/06/23
The eclipse energy showed up big time last week! We'll talk about it and see how it might have shown up for you. As the Taurus Full Moon energy wanes down over the next two weeks, this week can feel like a slow burn thanks to "Astro Dad," Saturn, stationing direct on Saturday. Stay till the end of the episode for the first round of "Astro Q&A!" I received some great questions that you've likely also had about Astrology, the Moon, and the Zodiac Houses. Do you have a question you want to...
Published 10/29/23