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Why cultures change - video
Archaeology and History are among many academic fields dedicated to the scrutiny, description and characterization of how cultures change; typically, practitioners show a lot of interest in why particular changes happen, but the problem of why they happen at all is rarely addressed except in the context of debate over whether the laws of evolution, or some similar laws, govern culture. The lecturer raids not just history and archaeology but a wide array of relevant disciplines, including ethology, primatology, biology and cognitive science, in an attempt to open previously unexplored and...
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Recent Episodes
Marking Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January, this lecture will focus on the status of genocide denial, working through a number of 20th and 21st century genocides. Industries of denial spring up to counter the claims of victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide. The deniers or revisionists...
Published 02/12/10
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