Thanks to Amy Walker for being our special guest article selector this week. You can find her writing at http://trans--scribe.blogspot.co.uk/. The first article she brings along is intended specifically as an insult to Phil (so kind), but backfires on poor Ruth and Chris. And then, as we've come to expect with guest selections, we aim for the soft target of conspiracy theory crackpots.
Published 07/10/16
In which we attempt to dupe the gold diggers and hamburgers of the internet into a yachting adventure with Paul Hollywood, explain how you can buy a camel and let Chris record the outro. No Jack again this week, so Ruth Bradley's sitting in again, helping us to give the hacking victims of Ashley Madison precisely the level of sympathy that they deserve.
Published 07/05/16
No Jack this week, but don't let that worry you (I know, you weren't), as we've got Ruth Bradley instead. Having Ruth visit at Wikishuffle HQ certainly hasn't made us raise the tone any. In fact, it's just a matter of time before the conversation inevitably descends to looking up pictures of poop on the internet. And our first article is surprisingly handy for helping you survive the neofascist landscape of post-brexit Britain (sorry, European listeners - we still love you, even if our...
Published 06/28/16
Other potential titles for this episode included, but were not limited to: - The Emotionless Tattoo - Swiping Right on a Klansman - LARPing in a Pret - Marvin Lee Aday Keeps the Doctor Away That last one was obviously the best, but it was too long to fit in the show graphic. Them's the breaks. It's another emergency episode this week, but fear not, none of us are dead or trapped in a sink hole, we've just been too busy attending podcast awards and watching the football to record this week....
Published 06/21/16
Sure, you might be semi-interested in some ancient Indian religious relics, or the fact that this is our most Jeff Goldblum-centric episode to date, but what you really want to hear is the announcement of our new spin-off podcast. You, and everyone you know.
Published 06/14/16
Just a few days left to vote for Wikishuffle for the 2016 New Media Europe Best Podcast 2016 award. We'd be proper grateful for your support. Head over to wikishuffle.co.uk to find out how to vote. This week (after Chris finally turns up), we analyse some disco lyrics, mourn the death of some Victorian Miners (with or without a memorial) and find little to no sympathy in our hearts for Johnny Depp. Plus! Hear about how Jack once sexually assaulted a nun. High jinx all round.
Published 06/06/16
Have you ever posed yourself the question "I wonder what fictitious couple Jack would choose for a hypothetical threesome"? Well, ponder no more. Plus, have a listen to our hot take on the backlash for the new Ghostbusters film (spoiler - all men are terrible). As we press the random article button on Wikipedia and do some chat on whatsoever there so ensues. Thanks to everyone who voted for us in the 2016 UK Podcasters awards - we're very pleased to announce that we've made the shortlist...
Published 05/30/16
There's been an emergency! Not quite the Wikishuffle crew-member death that we were preparing for when we recorded this emergency episode back in February, but an emergency nonetheless. They (Northamptonshire County Council) are resurfacing the road outside Wikishuffle HQ, and it turns out that's quite a noisy activity. Too noisy for recording podcasts over, anyway. So we've had to resort to our backup plan and dust off our emergency episode. Which is about exploration and the inevitable...
Published 05/24/16
Stacey from her eponymous pop culture parlour podcast is back for our second special guest episode for May. We've dialled down the smut this time around, and we're talking things nautical and anime. Don't forget that Stacey will be holding her 24-hour podcast marathon later in the summer and you can pledge your support at justgiving.com/spcplive2 in aid of the Alzheimer's Society.
Published 05/22/16
We're not bitter. Honest, we're not. The Guardian explicitly told us they were going to feature Wikishuffle in their podcast feature and they didn't. That's fine. We understand. And we definitely didn't take it personally. In other news, please acknowledge us where the Guardian so ardently refused by voting for Wikishuffle in the New Media Europe podcast awards: https://www.facebook.com/events/438299223042307/permalink/474661112739451/
Published 05/17/16
While we may have used the odd sweary word in the past, this is the first Wikishuffle episode where I feel the need to issue a specific warning for adult content. You see, this is what happens when we allow a West Midlander to breach the sacred divide that is the M6. She brings with her a whole host of smut, that we innocent and virginal East Midlanders are contractually obliged to then talk about. Stacey Taylor (from out of off of Stacey's Pop Culture Parlour podcast) has an endurance...
Published 05/12/16
Leicester City have won the Premier League - hear it here last. Despite Jack's obvious giddiness we try and knuckle down to some Wikishuffling and let the random article button plot our path for us. Sumatra and Texas are this week's destinations. Why not join us?
Published 05/10/16
It's episode 69. Please try not to snigger, that would be infantile. We've accidentally Wikishuffled our way into a racism special, which is nice. Some from the 30's (when nobody knew any better), some from the 21st century (when people definitely should know better - we're looking at you, Urban Outfitters). Stick around til the end of the episode for a little bit of improvised radio theatre. Like what Mike Leigh might make.
Published 05/02/16
Two episodes in two days? It's a Wikishuffle personal best (or worst, depending on your point of view). In this week's episode, we're calling out Scientologists, and are definitely the only media outlet ever to have done so [citation needed]. Other than that, you can hear our take on pooltime fun, and stick around to the end for Chris and Phil's review of Stewart Lee's ATP festival.
Published 04/25/16
Time for the second half of this month's guest episodes, and we're swingin' on the flippity flop with Keith Clark once again. It's quite clear to everyone who his favourite member of the Wikishuffle team is. Chris is lavished with gifts, and his opinions on animals with jobs are given altogether too much of a platform. Clever animals to one side, 90's America provides the inspiration for the other articles Keith has selected. Don't be a lamestain - get yourself bound and hagged ready for...
Published 04/24/16
We side with Bill Gates over Steve Jobs, ponder what the Sweaty Girl Look of the nineteen sixties might have involved and clarify for the record that Jack is NOT the alter-ego of rambunctious superhero Fashion Man. Then we're heading towards international waters, and there's some planning afoot. Well, it's coming from Chris, so I use the word planning in the loosest possible sense.
Published 04/18/16
The first of our April special guest episodes, and joining us at Wikishuffle HQ is Scroobius Pip super-fan, cross stitcher extraordinaire, canaleer and all-round good egg Keith Clark. It takes us a while to get onto any actual Wikipedia articles because Keith is too busy embarrassing Jack and showering Chris with gifts. But we've got a real humdinger for you. Eventually. (Phil has a cold, so apologies for the Lemsip smell and tissues everywhere).
Published 04/14/16
We are one! 12-months of Wikishuffle firmly under our belts, and nobody can take that away from us. And how better to celebrate this momentous occasion than with a sincere apology for a past digression. We're very sorry for lying to you, it was not our intent to deceive. PLUS! Some in-studio ballet. Some boot-scootin' country music and Jack treats us all to another dramatic reading reading. Dig in and knuckle down - it's time for Wikishuffle episode 64.
Published 04/11/16
Lara Croft: She's just a single busty archaeologist living alone in a musty old mansion with only her crusty old butler for company. So why does her walk-in freezer need to be stocked with THAT MUCH MEAT? PLUS! Find out more about your hosts as we discover Jack's thirst for voyeurism and Chris's staunch belief in the sanctity of the three-act structure.
Published 04/04/16
What's the difference between a bison and a buffalo? You can't wash your hands in a buffalo. At least that's the way the joke goes, although I do feel like Leonardo Dicaprio wouldn't mind scooping one out and having a shot. There are lots of buffalo in this week's podcast. Lot and lots. When we're done with them, we offer some advice to teenage boys, in honour of Caitlin Moran. Plus, stick around for the outro and find out why Phil is a never-prospering cheat, and that Chris is in love...
Published 03/28/16
This episode (spoiler alert) has Zayn Malik over it. Jack and Chris's adoration for One Direction appears to know no bounds, whilst Phil is in need of a little education on the subject. That, and any pop culture events that have taken place in the 21st century. But don't worry, he's on much safer ground as the conversation moves on to crisps*. *Crisps, for our American listeners, are potato chips. While chips are french fries. Any other necessary potato-terms will be explained in due course...
Published 03/22/16
Here's our second bonus episode of the month, with Owen Hughes from failedcritics.com returning for some more Wikipedia-based fun. There's a young Jack Nicholson, an old Boris Karloff, some troublesome Georgians and an over-zealous marketing campaign.
Published 03/18/16
One man's banger is another man's not banger. The gang's intellectual expertise is called into question. But don't worry, we more than make up for it with a combination of turtle facts and turtle ungrounded speculation. You can follow our Instagram or Facebook accounts to check up on our daily shuffles, for more of this sort of nonsense.
Published 03/15/16
Friend of the show Owen Hughes from failedcritics.com has brought along some articles for us to take a look at. We perve over Superman actor Christopher Reeves, get sidetracked by crisps, bang on about the Oxford comma "like a bunch of nerds", get a bit Fritzelly and have Chris explain his plans for fattening up Girls Aloud. A day late because of technical issues; there'll be another part to this bonus out next Friday.
Published 03/12/16
Say hello to Chris's legacy - Jo O'Meara the turtle. Marvel at the lack of administrative duties that appear to be undertaken over at General Hospital, and brace yourself for some rather xenophobic views about the citizens of mother Russia. It's only bloody episode 57 of Wikishuffle. And you're going to want a Spotify playlist link, aren't you? Well here, have four. Jack's Tracks: https://open.spotify.com/user/jackstewart/playlist/0xHVCZyZtHCuz6zWEokLGK Chris's...
Published 03/08/16