Imagine a life lived guided by spirit resulting in deep trust in yourself and the process. Emily Tam, the Aussie Mystic joins Nikki to discuss her journey from law school in her early 20s where she noticed the whisperings of her soul, to now, where her spirit is unmistakably fierce in guiding her through each day - allowing her goddess nature to radiate. Em is a 1/3 sacral Manifesting Generator in Human Désign and as you’ll see from this episode, she’s gathered endless experiences that have...
Published 07/31/20
Gilbert Simpson met Human Design a little over a year ago via a mystical experience that involved a dreaming of the bodygraph before he knew what it was. Naturally inquisitive, he followed his intuitive guidance which led him to meeting Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design via Youtube. Discovering his design offered Gil affirmation about his very nature and enhanced his ongoing journey toward self empowerment, mastery and creation. This 5/1 emotional Manifestor from Costa Rica is a...
Published 06/25/20
Caitlin Smith has known about Human Design for a little while now, but discovered a deep resonance with it relatively recently. This emotional 3/5 Generator has weathered vastness in her life experience, coloured by emotional depth and a strong relationship to her intuitive responses. Her experimental journey has led her to living her dharma as a solopreneur providing personalized, guided meditations to her community. Inspired by the wonder of her natural surroundings in North-east Oregon,...
Published 05/22/20
In this episode, Nikki explains the basics of Human Design, the energy types and how you can relate to them in order to best support your experience of life. This is the first of a two-part episode where Nikki and Caitlin of Caitlin Curiosity share in conversation exchanging their stories and experiences living their own Human Design experiment and how it has helped them make radical strides to step into their power and expand their awareness of how they are uniquely designed to dance with...
Published 05/06/20
As we experience a global slow-down, there's no better time to envision how we can impact the evolution of humanity in this next chapter. We know that if if great change is to be made in our lives, we have to start with ourselves first. Mike Campbell, Australian-based mens coach is passionate about challenging the narrative around "masculinity" and what it means to exist as a man in integrity in our world today. From sharing his own experiences that led him into deep self enquiry and...
Published 04/02/20
Published 04/02/20
Bram Levinson is a yoga and meditation teacher, acclaimed author of two books, coach & mentor and the host of The Examined Life podcast. Bram's introspective nature and irreverent perspective toward human constructs and systems is humorous as hell and grounded in yogic philosophy. In today's episode, Bram and Nikki discuss fear and how it manifests individually and collectively, particularly at the moment with the spotlight on Coronavirus, which has been deemed a global pandemic by the...
Published 03/13/20
It’s so fun to talk about topics society has deemed taboo. Jay Win was born in Burma and always resented the patriarchy there. She speaks openly about her experience with gender fluidity and sexuality and the awkward dinner conversation that was had when she came out to her parents. Jay is light, reverent, funny, honest and together with Nikki Jae, they dive into curly topics ranging from moving countries, the healing benefits of regular meditation, mental illness, plant medicine and...
Published 02/27/20
It's easy to think, "that happened so long ago, it can't possibly be impacting me now!" Whether it's a small childhood trauma, big adolescent wound or you never quite healed from your first boyfriend or girlfriend cheating on you - past, un-processed hardships are stored in the body and can cause us to respond in some potentially unhelpful ways in the present. Ashley Berry is a healer from Ojai California and her work involves the use of a variety of modalities to support her own healing and...
Published 02/21/20
In this personally revealing episode, Nikki shares some of her experiences being the only child of a malignant narcissist - her father. Carving out her own path in life has gone hand in hand with healing from the emotional and psychological trauma caused by her relationship to him. The aftermath of her traumas has involved, at different times, dealing with Complex-PTSD, depression, anxiety, hypervigilance, a pervasive sense of toxic shame, emotional flashbacks and often a feeling of going...
Published 02/07/20
Canadian artist Libby Oliver is fascinated with objects as a form of communication. Her photography begs the question: What do our things reveal about our humanity? Libby's latest series called Soft Shells was exhibited at Musée de la civilisation in Quebec, Canada last summer and garnered media attention from The Guardian, CBC and many other outlets. Libby sat down with Nikki Jae at a busy, Brixton cafe at the end of last August to ponder questions about identity, how "things" communicate to...
Published 01/24/20
There are a plethora of high performance coaches, motivators and gurus banging on about how necessary it is to get specific about your goals and dreams so you can deconstruct them into actionable steps. Here's the thing, for some people, that's super effective, but guess what, not all of us are designed to operate this way. According to Human Design, some of us are created with a non-specific way of manifesting our dreams and desires. I am one of these people. I may have clarity around what I...
Published 01/10/20
Nathan Shultz is the founder of Elevate where he offers purpose-driven executive coaching and is also living his best life. He's met His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, continues to traverse the globe following the guidance of his heart, is a certified yoga instructor, facilitates men's groups with Evryman and engages in ecstatic dance. But it wasn't always this way, Nathan spent most of his adult life following the "shoulds" of society until it all came crashing down with an unexpected divorce,...
Published 12/11/19
Teri-Ann Carty was 37 when she awoke from an alcohol-fuelled haze, and now, at almost 45, she admits she feels younger and more vibrant than ever. Teri shares her colourful journey moving from a small Ontario town to Toronto to pursue a career as an actress before a dalliance with the rave scene led her to greater heights where the beats of house and techno still echo in her bones. She tells tales of paying off student loans with drug money and the crippling grip alcohol had over her life for...
Published 12/04/19
For many, the journey of parenthood is spellbinding, particularly when their bundle of joy arrives, but less talked about and equally as common is the onset of grief, shame and depression. The reality of life postpartum requires greater airtime, so women and their families don't feel isolated when the inevitable array of polarizing feelings bubble up. Karina Antonopoulos is a life coach, founder of Synchronize Within and a new mum. Recently, Nikki Jae travelled to New Paltz in New York state...
Published 11/27/19
Good things come to those who risk. Holistic advocate and personal trainer Caitlin Smith admits she never quite felt like she fit within the framework of the familial and societal matrix she was born into. After experiencing a number of life hurdles including a sexual trauma, body image issues and a financial failure, this sensitive soul honoured a call from nature and tossed all judgements aside to move from her hometown in Arizona to a cabin in the woods in Oregon with her two dogs. This...
Published 11/20/19
After enduring a painful breakup and coming undone, Chris Delos Reyes, founder at The Holistic Connection knew he had to heal in order to reconnect with his authentic self. As a remedial massage therapist, Chris knows all too well that the mind and body are connected and that both must be healthy in order to live life fully.  Chris tells Nikki Jae, how earlier this year he traded in a chance to offer massage treatments at TmrwTday culture fest in Jamaica to instead attend and receive a...
Published 11/13/19
Change is both an inside job and it takes time. Swiss-based Youtuber and video creator Chloe Kian shares stories with Nikki Jae about how she began advocating for sustainability through veganism and ethical fashion. Her journey to this point wasn't always smooth and involved bouts of anxiety, depression and disordered eating. Chloe reveals the turning point that woke her up to the realization she had to make changes in her own life if she was to live a healthy and happy experience and even...
Published 11/06/19
Period talk can be a bloody mess (pun intended). While we are making steps toward healthy conversation around menstruation in the current discourse, many women still struggle with this topic; it's been considered taboo for far too long. Communication artist and adviser Nikki Jae gets real with Cheri Johnson, a holistic nutritionist, yoga teacher and doula about the messy reality of the female experience including PCOS and the magic of synching our cycle with the moon. 
Published 10/30/19
Hey guys, Nikki Jae, here. So, I made a thing! Well, a podcast to be precise. After spending the better part of a decade working as a news journalist, then deviating into the land of self employment as a content producer and consultant, it feels good to get back to my questioning roots. Wild Hearts Club is a passion project where I interview people from all walks of life about their path to wholeness by taking aligned action. So often these journeys are messy, they contain opposing...
Published 10/23/19