It's been a while as the boys have been doing some summer traveling, and, as tends to happen, that spawned an idea for an episode. You've got a long flight ahead of you, the plane's wifi is garbage so no work to be done, but you've got your trusty iPad and the in-flight entertainment; what's your go to movie? This week, Gen-X Jer and Millenial JT go deep into what it takes to be a good plane movie. Rules are broken, discussions had, lists made, but most importantly the boys of summer are BACK!
Published 08/13/22
Published 08/13/22
This week the boys are hopping through time to pull out the best of the best in time travel films. Whether looking back to the future, or thinking about days of future past, this week is filled with wormholes and timelines and phonebooths? Some rules of time travel may be broken, and rules about the podcast most certainly will be, so join Gen-X Jer and Millenial JT in this timeline or another for another riveting LoFi Top 5!
Published 07/16/22
Whether it's Pops, Padre, Daddio or Dad (but not Father, ammirite!) last weekend was the time to celebrate all things Dad. So much so that the LoFi boys were out in the world being celebrated. But worry not, while gone they were thinking of all the Cinema-Dads out there and trying to comb through which would be the best. From ballroom dancing to deep-sea swimming, all these movie Dads have a particular set of skills that are sure to leave you feeling the love. So throw on your cargo shorts,...
Published 06/25/22
This week the boys are celebrating Pride Month! The impact the LGBTQ+ community has had on the arts is nothing short of astounding, so the LoFi guys are talking about the Top 5 movies that highlight members of or concepts from that community on this week's episode. From Happy to Heartbreaking, Jeremy and JT discuss the learnings and lessons taken from these films and just how important representation truly is. Happy Pride everyone!
Published 06/11/22
This week the spinning wheel of evil is back as the boys had to pivot from their original idea. And what does the wheel bring? Chaos for the JT the millenial, less so for the Gen-Xer Jeremy. But even with the 1980s being squarely in Jeremy's wheelhouse, the amount of RomCom's to choose from might surprise you. So whether you're sitting down with your Breakfast Club (is it a RomCom??) or grabbing some Mystic Pizza, let's see if the boys Say Anything that makes a Splash.
Published 06/04/22
It's that time of year folks. Graduation. Summer birthdays. Memorial Day. It's PARTY TIME! So this week the LoFi boys are tackling the best parties ever thrown in cinema. Togas, Glow sticks, Fish tanks, Lasagna - what doesn't this episode have! So honey put on that party dress and mambo your way into another installment of the LoFi Top 5.
Published 05/21/22
In this universe or any other, there was just no way that the boys couldn't do an episode on Dr. Strange - The Multiverse of Madness. Not being one for reviews, the LoFi guys instead created 5 favorite and least favorite moments from the newest film in Phase 4 from Marvel. Needless to say, this episode contains spoilers from the very beginning, so go see the movie before listening folks! Is it a great entry, just a decent one, or was it a miss entirely. See witch camp Jeremy and JT fall into...
Published 05/14/22
Mum. Mummy. Mama. Madre. Mother....well, maybe not Mother, but whatever your preferred name is, nothing says "love" like a great Mom. This week, the boys are rifling through their movie Rolodex to find the shining examples of motherhood in film. Some might be incredible, some are quiet, some are simple, and some are downright super heroes. But whoever they are, this week the LoFi Top 5 honors the title that is "Mom" in the best way they know how - a list of movies. Happy Mother's Day all!
Published 05/07/22
Camaros, Corollas, and Countaches, oh my! This week the LoFi guys are talking cars. But, as per usual, not how you might think. This episode isn't about car chases or car races. This is all about how the car was used in a movie. From a rusty ol' Gran Torino to a 1960s bus to some true classics, a lot of ground (get it) is covered this week. And one of the boys gets to really nerd out on auto's...but which one? You'll have to buckle up and tune in to find out!
Published 04/23/22
SURPRISE EPISODE! This week, after a series of events, the boys had to do something different. Something quickly. Something surprising. So Jeremy went onto the interwebs, found himself a spinny wheel, loaded some genres, loaded some timeframes, and the LoFi Top 5's very first 10 mInute Top 5 was done. 1990's Action Adventure lists in 10 mins folks. A Mission Impossible...maybe? But these musketeers are prepared to hunt for the best dang Top 5 they can. So listen in this week to see just how...
Published 04/16/22
With the Oscars in our rearview mirror, this week the boys wanted to do a little retrospective on The Best Picture category. As it turns out, there are a LOT of winners that both Gen-X Jeremy and Millenial JT took issue with, and it starts all the way back in the 1920s. Jeremy does his 5 words on the fly, JT's list is in complete disarray, it's the sweatiest podcast to date, and all that happens in the first 10 mins. So whether you are On the Waterfront, Up in the Air, In Chicago, or even off...
Published 04/09/22
This week the boys are going back in time, to the week of March 11th, for the release of Ryan Reynolds's new Netflix release "The Adam Project". Of course, the LoFi Top 5 is not a review show. Instead, Jeremy and JT have prepared some games, put together some questions, and come up with all kinds of opinions about the film. Expects lists, expect time travel talk, and expect the perfect amount of Billy Zane talk.
Published 03/26/22
If you’ve ever been a kid, you’ve seen his movies. If you’re a grownup, you’ve seen his movies. If you even movie, at all, you’ve seen. his. movies! Folks get ready for your hosts to put aside their Millenial and GenX perspectives and dive deep into the career of the one and only Steven Spielberg. Today’s episode has JT and Jeremy each pick their Top 5 “essential” Spielberg productions - the ones we think nobody else could’ve handled as well as he did. And we’ll also suggest 5 also great...
Published 03/19/22
In honor of dear ol' St. Patrick, a Welshman though he be, the lads have a craic this week at the Top 5 Irish movies of all time. It's not all Leprechauns and Pots O' Gold in this episode, oh no. While JT took to the more classic pictures, Jeremy was more of a chancer this week. Did the boys make of a bag of the episode, walking away scarlet-like, or did the fellas turn in a fierce performance...you be the judge? So grab a pint of the black stuff, bunk off, and tune in to this week's LoFi Top...
Published 03/12/22
This week the boys are back after Jeremy's vacation, so what better time to tackle the best vacations in movies than now! From the hills of Beverly to desserts of the Southwestern US to Europe to Hawaii, all manners of vacations are covered in this episode. You could take a plane, a train, or an automobile, as long as you're not home it counts. So strap in for a relaxing ride on this Holiday Road with your favorite LoFi guys.
Published 03/05/22
Have you ever been scrolling through your favorite streaming service, seen a favorite actor or three, and thought "Oh man, this is gotta be good with this cast" just to be horribly let down? Well, the boys certainly have, and they've got a fair amount to say about it. So come Bond with the LoFi Top 5 guys as a Valentine's Day hangover, this episode is Full Throttle...
Published 02/19/22
It was the best of dates, it was the worst of dates. Today’s episode hits all ends of the romance spectrum but is focused on themes of some kind of courtship in movies. So whether it's ball pits in IKEA or colonics in 1990’s Los Angeles, we hit some of the best (and not-so-best) date nights in movies. Also, we announce some pretty big news about the LoFiTop5 in this episode, give a listen!
Published 02/12/22
While your hosts knew that in the week leading up to the Super Bowl we’d be doing a football episode, we definitely called an audible once we discovered… there are not actually that many football movies!? Worse yet, some of our favorites (well, one in particular) are really more of a perseverance coming-of-age story, so we had to take a knee on that one. So let’s call this one a bit of a wildcard, and hopefully, we can all agree it’s a slam dunk of a home run-hitting episode.
Published 02/05/22
While there are no bleeps or blorps in this episode, we are in fact talking about robots. But not just robots, we mean the cool robots. The ones who smoke cigarettes in the high school boys' bathroom and wear leather jackets. OK, maybe not THAT cool, but it is what we’d refer to as… liquid cool.
Published 01/29/22
The 1990s introduced us to many legendary characters, from the kid who fights off the home invasion all the way to the kid who sees dead people. But which of those characters really had a cultural impact, and to whom? This week JT and Jeremy dive into the characters from the 90s who had the longest cultural impact on Millennials and GenX’ers.
Published 01/22/22
As much as most of us want to put 2021 as quickly into the rear view mirror as we can, JT and Jeremy still had a little unfinished business for the year. In a follow-up to last week’s self-referential which picks did we like the most, this time we’re addressing which movies we liked the most. If we do our math right, between us both we saw almost 100 new movies last year. In this episode we whittle it down to the top 5 movies that were new to us - so it’s not just “best movies of 2021” - if...
Published 01/15/22
This is the second of our “meta” episodes in which we each pick our top 5 picks of other episodes. It’s a fun way for JT and Jeremy to look back on their work in 2021. Which is about the only thing about 2021 most of us really want to reflect on anyway. But back to the movies everyone, and listen to us talking about us talking to each other…?
Published 01/08/22
It's that most wonderful time of the year when the boys welcome listeners on the podcast to point out where they might have made some missteps in 2021. They get their annual dose of Mama Toeman who uses the platform to confess her love for an actor. Ryan drives through with some thoughts on the food episode. Both Beau and Jeff invite them to ponder the error of their ways from the High School episode. And Kayla makes her first appearance to labor over a 2021 film the boys missed. It's an...
Published 12/18/21
This week your hosts take on a very special type of “in memorandum” episode, where we pick the best final performances. Which, if anything, painted a pretty clear picture: most famous actors/actresses do *not* go out on top. Jimmy Stewart? “Old Man” in 1980’s “A Tale of Africa”. Katherine Hepburn? Small part in 1994’s meh remake of “Love Affair”. But don’t fret, dear listener, as JT and Jeremy dove into their couch cushions for a little spare change and scrounged up some very excellent...
Published 12/11/21