Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych discuss how to get out of your head and get into your body when making decisions, whether they are big life decisions or small ones. Heather addresses how meditation can also keep you trapped in your own head and what you can do to reconcile issues between your head and your heart. She identifies the organs in the heart chakra area, and how they each are involved in making sound decisions for your life.  Heather Grzych is the author...
Published 06/09/23
Heather Grzych interviews UC Berkeley psychology researcher Felicia Zerwas about the social dynamics of emotion regulation and emotional suppression. Felicia discusses what happens when emotions are expressed and not expressed, clarifying terms like emotional suppression, reappraisal and acceptance. People with greater social power are less likely to control their emotions, and Felicia discusses the measurements used to gauge emotional experiences and their expression. She also discusses the...
Published 05/28/23
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych discuss why so many people face relationship challenges and why it can be difficult to decide whether you want to have kids with someone. Heather explains why repairing relationship wellness, much like repairing individual wellness, sometimes requires you to look like a crazy person. She addresses the impact of technology, culture changes, work/life balance and trauma on relationships today. Heather Grzych is the author of The...
Published 05/11/23
Heather Grzych interviews podcaster and psychedelic expert Zach Leary about why such a high percentage of people are turning to psychedelics today to improve their wellbeing, and the importance of using these medicines with ritual and sacredness. Zach explains why your life changes after a psychedelic experience, and why integration is so important, whether you’re using LSD, psilocybin from mushrooms, MDMA, ayahuasca or other natural or synthetic medicines in the psychedelic category. They...
Published 04/28/23
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych discuss how a flower knows when it’s the right time to bloom. Heather explains why your blooming matters and what your mind-body-spirit health, daily routines and ability to ask for help have to do with it. She discusses how to avoid comparing yourself to other people and instead focus on reading your own body because your body tells the story that matters.  Heather Grzych is the author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility and the...
Published 04/14/23
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych address the importance of listening to your body in Spring. She addresses the significance of the new moon and Spring equinox, why Spring is a rebirth, and how your body changes seasonally, regardless of what you do anyway. Heather also addresses topics like: fate vs. free will; whether it’s good to have an ego; the material world vs. the spiritual world; the benefit of directing your awareness internally; how the microbiome changes...
Published 03/31/23
Listen to author and US-based Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych address the ten most common questions people ask about Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Medicine, including: 1. What is Ayurveda?  2. How does Ayurveda work?  3. What are the benefits of Ayurveda?   4. Is Ayurveda safe?  5. How do I learn more about Ayurveda?  6. What are the different types of ayurvedic medicine?   7. Are there any ayurvedic treatments for specific diseases?  8. Is there an ayurvedic diet I should follow?   ...
Published 03/17/23
Heather Grzych interviews author Rebecca Wildbear, on her book, Wild Yoga: A Practice of Initiation, Veneration & Advocacy for the Earth. Rebecca was a cancer survivor at a young age, and she explains why listening to the body is very similar to listening to Nature. She discusses why we need to embody the mysteries our dreams invite, and how to let dreams actually guide your life. Many different practices are mentioned, including specific yoga postures, journaling and a solo fast, in...
Published 03/02/23
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych talk about herbs for love, sex and attachment. Heather addresses when herbs can be helpful and how to use them responsibly. She discusses the Ayurvedic rasayana therapy called vajikarana, which is for rejuvenating the male reproductive system, and talks about the importance of love in our lives. Herbs discussed include ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), shilajit (Asphaltum punjabianum), cinnamon...
Published 02/17/23
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych discuss the single most important thing you need to know about giving things up. Heather addresses what happens mentally, physically and spiritually when we give something up. She discusses our fear of the unknown, how to help someone give something up, and how you really get a person to change. Learn why some uncomfortable therapies can be effective for healing, including why spiritual therapies such as sacrifice, asceticism,...
Published 02/03/23
Heather Grzych interviews movement master, recovery advocate and author Steven Washington, on how people know they have an addiction or a negative habit, as well as what drives us to give something up, and then what it takes to make a person change. Heather and Steven discuss how to deal with some of the most common addictions like, drinking, drugs, sex, coffee, food, etc. And address why we get addicted to things in the first place, and the complicated relationship between addiction and...
Published 01/19/23
Get up close and personal with Ayurvedic authors Heather Grzych and Kate O’Donnell, as they discuss how we view and approach aging, and the changes that women in their 40s start experiencing. Heather and Kate discuss how the collective US population is getting older because people are having fewer children and living longer, and what that means for our wellness goals. They discuss exercise habits, sleep challenges, aging parents, elder care, how to find healthy role models in their 70s, and...
Published 01/02/23
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych address female fertility vs. male fertility, including all the things that women are doing to improve and preserve fertility. Learn about the challenges of globally shifting male sperm counts, why people are having sex less, and what types of activities preserve healthy fertility. Find out what people can do to have some sort of control beyond freezing their eggs, and getting IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies. Are both...
Published 12/09/22
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych explain how to feel amazing after a cleanse. She explores the way a cleanse helps release toxins held from the past and unblock vital areas by shifting the rasa of the body, clearing the way for a beginner's mind, improving health and immunity, and moving toward new intentions. Learn the importance of cocooning during a cleanse, how our tastes change during and after a cleanse, and how to ensure that problems don’t come back after the...
Published 11/25/22
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych explore the reasons why we don’t tell people what we love, and what might happen if we do. Practice turning a negative into a positive, so that you can create the impact you want to see in the world. Enjoy this Wisdom of the Body Meditation! Heather Grzych is the author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility and the host of the Wisdom of the Body podcast. A board-certified Ayurvedic practitioner, she teaches the Regenerative Fertility...
Published 11/10/22
Listen to Ellen Meredith, renowned energy healer and author of Your Body Will Show You the Way, provide some tools you can use to get to know the language your body speaks, regardless of whether you’re a yogi, athlete, or someone who isn’t as physically oriented. Listen to Heather and Ellen discuss why our culture limits us to the brain, what it’s like to hear voices in your head, and whether raising the vibration is always a good thing. Find out what exactly intuition is, and whether you can...
Published 10/27/22
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych give you the kudos you didn’t know you needed. Making changes in your life and health can be challenging, and can feel like you’re Sisyphus in Greek Mythology, pushing a boulder uphill. Sometimes it can feel like you’re getting nowhere. Sometimes you wonder if it’s worth it. Yes, it’s worth it, and listen to this to hear that you’re doing a great job. Heather Grzych is the author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility and the host of...
Published 10/13/22
Listen to Susan Piver, New York Times bestselling author of nine books and insightful meditation teacher, school Heather on the enneagram from her Buddhist’s perspective, and at the same time, divulging the single most important thing to know in order to have a successful relationship. Discover how tools that help you understand the differences between people actually help you connect better with people. Get real about whether you want others to be what you want them to be, or what they...
Published 10/07/22
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych address how to be present by releasing ourselves from the previous phase, letting go of the past, and accepting both gain and loss. Heather addresses why change is the name of the game, the difference between stress and distress, and why people do seasonal cleanses in Ayurveda. Maybe you’re having a hard time answering when someone asks, “How are you?” You’ll be relieved when you accept that you are not supposed to be the same way all...
Published 09/30/22
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych address whether you can really reprogram yourself through affirmations and conscious activities. Learn what makes something a spell, and how you can make changes that stick. Heather addresses the challenges of using a top-down approach, whereby the conscious mind tries to change the somatic body, and the challenges of transforming through a more somatic, bottom-up approach. If you are feeling frustrated, this will help you understand...
Published 09/22/22
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych address the challenges of being too goal-focused, and when it’s time to take a break, whether it’s from training in the gym or trying to conceive. Heather discusses the idea of fasting from something, not just from food, and addresses some of the pitfalls to avoid. Heather shares why body awareness is so important, the best way to prevent disease, and why it’s dangerous to vilify a food. Heather Grzych is the author of The Ayurvedic...
Published 09/15/22
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych and some of her guests discuss what the wisdom of the body really means. Hear from inspiring guests like transformational teacher Kute Blackson, immunologist Dr. Azza Gadir, fertility specialist Dr. Cindy Duke, physicist Sky Nelson-Issacs, neuroscientist Rowshanak Hashemiyoon, Native American healer Kevin Martin and musician Jack Stafford. Learn how you too are a part of nature, and how to find that perfect balance between fate, free...
Published 09/08/22
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych guide you to feel deeply into the experience of one part of your body using the sense of touch and your interoception. Discover how to stop going an inch deep and a mile wide, and instead develop both internal and external sensory perception. Spend a little time feeling your own body and see how your experience of the world changes! Heather Grzych is the author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility and the host of the Wisdom of the...
Published 08/25/22
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych guide you through a meditation to rebalance your relationship with gravity. Whether it’s depression or feeling ungrounded or spacey, some moods have a directional feel, so we can learn to balance the direction of our energy through will, effort and even the food choices we make, and enjoy the duality of being human. Heather Grzych is the author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility and the host of the Wisdom of the Body podcast. A...
Published 08/19/22
Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych guide you through a meditation to repattern a dysfunctional relationship with a family member. They come in every flavor. You pick the person. Feel free to repeat for each family member. Once you let go of the dysfunctional baggage, you can have a real relationship if you like. Heather Grzych is the author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility and the host of the Wisdom of the Body podcast. A board-certified Ayurvedic practitioner,...
Published 08/05/22