Catch that subject line? It’s not your relationship. It’s you.  Slightly provocative? Yes. Likely true on the deepest level? Also yes.  Almost everything that I’ve had to apologize for in a relationship––or that I’ve wanted an apology for, had to do with my nervous system being too jacked or too drained.  The current human reality (you, me, the planet…) We’re generally dysregulated, out of balance. We’re fried. Frayed. AND… We are Love. We want to show up as Love. We want to receive...
Published 11/22/23
Let’s talk about stress, baby. Let’s talk about nerves and mind loops and … relaxation. As always when we go into the shadowy stuff, I’ve got some light-backed solutions. In this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE:  9 ways we create unnecessary stress –– the stuff that drains, dysregulates, grinds on our nervous systems. Holistic suggestions for interrupting stress cycles like thought loops, self-shame + blame, criticism, complaining… How to become the parent of your stress and meet it with...
Published 11/15/23
Here’s where I think we’re at:  The past few years on the planet Earth have done a number on our nervous systems. A lot of us are experiencing adrenal fatigue, waves of anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. A general malaise of despair. And it turns out that all of this was a precursor to these last few weeks and months of warful insanity.  And whether YOU’RE conscious of what the stress is doing to you––your NERVOUS SYSTEM is very aware. I think that... If each of us focused on regulating our...
Published 11/08/23
Hello Loves,  Let me dial you back in time a bit… my birthday is May 25. I woke up this year and thought,  “I don’t want to live and work this way anymore.” Who’s got cake?! I’d fallen into a pretty classic trap of working FOR my business instead of the business working for my LIFE. I needed to get out of the tasky tasks (read: draining) and back to my deep creativity. Because If I’m not living from my full, lit up heart center, I’m not serving at full capacity. So. I made a leap....
Published 11/01/23
Hello Loves… I can be having a conversation about a friend’s dating life, or what we’re having for dinner and in the back of my heart-mind, I’m thinking about Israeli and Palestinian families. Guilt can accompany some of my daily happinesses… I’m planning a wedding while there’s a war. I pray more fiercely. I’m more tired than I should be. Whatever “should be” means in dark times like these. I think about FAITH––what do we put Faith in when there’s atrocity? Or when our personal life is so...
Published 10/20/23
My Loves! Welcome to the inaugural podcast edition of SACRED WEEKENDS! I’m sooo excited about this. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for years. Like…reco’s my friends and I text about. Conversations with my Higher Self. Think: chilling with your nervous system, cool music, Netflix that isn’t all about numbing out, and communing with the Infinite.  SACRED WEEKENDS will drop 2 Fridays a month––in BOTH podcast + email-form! Here’s what I’m jamming on in the pod edition of SACRED...
Published 10/13/23
My Loves, I was in NYC last week and the theme was EXPANSION! ANd more EXPANSION. My Mr. proposed! Yes yes yes to life partnership. He is deep and beautiful and wise and I’ve been ALL IN since about month two of being with him. Knew it. We’re not sure if we’re going to get hitched at city hall in our jeans, or throw a festival. But we know it’s all ours to DEFINE. I also joined a new literary agency family of philosophical go-getters (my favorite combination) and we are redefining what it...
Published 10/05/23
We all get out of alignment with our inner truth. It’s the human dance. The thing is: The inconsistency has a ripple effect. When we are in cognitive dissonance– we don’t hear our Higher Self clearly. We’re unable to focus and move forward with glide.  Ideally… What we believe is embodied in our thoughts, speech, action. We’re walking the talk. Here’s Episode #85 WITH LOVE, DANIELLE:  How we get distracted from the ways we really want to live our life.Hint: the heart centered kind of...
Published 09/28/23
The seeds of our desires get watered by… our focus! But manifestation is a balancing act of intense focus and relaxed Faith. We’re going a few layers deep about:  How to increase the INTENSITY of your focus––which directly correlates to your creative power and ability to make things happen.  The best use of free will––we get to choose the thoughts we believe, and the ones we refuse.  When we choose our thoughts more intentionally, we get more of what  things we want. What’s the difference...
Published 09/21/23
We don’t actually need a pep talk about our worthiness. Because…We’re all “worthy.” And the “worthiness” questioning is, actually, absurd. No one needs to quantify, or qualify themselves for Love. Not one Soul, ever. We don’t have to establish if we’re deserving of more ease, happiness, or Loving Kindness.  Here it is: when we spend energy questioning and bidding to see if we’re valued or worthy…it distracts us from healing.  All that asking and validation seeking, actually creates MORE...
Published 09/14/23
Hey hey! I’m back with another juicy episode! Last week, we explored what spiritual season we find ourselves in.  With all the items on your daily spiritual checklist, you might be wondering, how do I know if this is really working?  In fact, it’s been a guiding question of mine: How do you know if all you are doing to be well is helping you be well?  Hint: It’s not about the green juice, or mala beads, or escaping to beautiful Bali (although, those are cool too)...  YOU KNOW YOU'RE...
Published 08/31/23
My People!  It’s been a long season since I got you some fresh audio love. I’ve completely renovated my career-business-life in the last 3 months. New ways of working and creating, supported by a new team, new technology. I have a lot to share with you about the experience and expansion. Insight! Relief! Let’s ease back in. This is a mini episode (about 10 mins) with a big question: What spiritual season are you in?  Your “spiritual season” isn’t age dependent. It’s not about how long...
Published 08/24/23
What is your definition of availability?  How do you manifest and desire from a place of goodwill?   How do you navigate energetic boundaries to allow space for other people's feelings? Today I’m bringing you one of the most dynamic high-energy conversations I've ever had in an interview. Craig Siegel is a sweetheart, a Jersey boy, a former Wall Street guy who found his heart. And we had a really beautiful connection.  Tune in for a breakdown on… How to show up in healthy Masculine and...
Published 05/22/23
Zach Berman + Dean Morris, aka The Juice Truck Guys are a great duo—a wellness entrepreneur + a part time pastor. The three of us Canadians start off with the universal principle that everything is energy, then we get into the dynamics of church and conformity (and healing from that), and this all ends with me crying. Just the way I like it. Give the gift of a little more Love… How To Be Loving is available now.
Published 05/15/23
I love a good Buddhist + business mash up. This is it. Tricia Brouk is behind the mic on The Big Talk podcast. We get into: What happens when greed leads in business? How to choose higher quality thoughts and shift your creativity. How self compassion helps us become greater leaders. Want real-time guidance from Danielle + Team D on running a vision-driven business? Join the current counsel for creating business stability and get monthly Business Circles for FREE inside our Heart...
Published 05/08/23
Mark is one of my favourite humans and this is one of the most open and thoughtful public conversations I’ve ever had. What’s virtue signaling got to do with our evolution? How to have actual REVERENCE for the parts of ourselves we try to push away. The heart breaking absurdity of cancel culture. My meta-theory on tyranny. Mark and I get into it all… Come mine the thought-diamonds with us. This is With Love, Danielle + Friends. . . . . . Every emotion is carrying a message and I’ve got...
Published 05/01/23
Mel Wells has been described as “giving a voice to the silent struggle millions of women know so well”. She’s trained in holistic sex, love and relationships, eating psychology, and holistic health. Mel is a beauty in every way. Tune into this rich conversation from Mel’s podcast Love, Sex, + Magic, we’re giving pointers to navigate awakening: Spiritual bypassing, what it means and how to know if we’re doing it.  Unpacking the ego (and how the hardest experiences I've been through reminded...
Published 04/24/23
It's not *how* we seek spiritual growth, it's *why* we seek it. We need to examine what we believe, why we believe it, where it came from, and figure out what we’re going to burn down, renovate, and give our deepest devotion to. If the whole point of our devotion is liberation, then here's the question: Do your beliefs liberate you? You can turn this into a journaling exercise. Or walk through this with me on this classic episode of With Love, Danielle. This episode has some biggie...
Published 02/20/23
Sincerity is a form of power. And it builds precious, precious TRUST. In this episode, I’m walking you through 7 tips that can foster a business of understanding, deeper bonds, and solutions you couldn’t see when you were hiding out. Sincerity trumps a coverup any day.  Want real-time guidance from Danielle + Team D on running a vision-driven business? Join the current counsel for creating business stability. Save your seat to our Live Marketing Masterclass here. Or get monthly Business...
Published 02/13/23
We have to choose our words with care—as if each phrase was a seed for a reality… because it is. Words incant, invoke, destroy, and create. When we speak with high intention, we live in Higher Love. I have an experiment for you that might prove it. For when it’s hard to get going, and even harder to stop… press play on Sacred Word Sets. One track to lift you up (radiance without overreaching). One track for chilling out (deep healing, deep rest). Download the sonic love:...
Published 02/06/23
How do we DISSOLVE FEAR? Seeing beauty dissolves fear. I’m going to break it down for you in this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE. Because what we focus on grows. Press play for a re-focus that will ease some pain and confusion about these wild times.
Published 01/23/23
Radiance isn’t about “a happy glow” when we walk into a room. We become truly radiant when our ego masks get toasted. I lay out the 2 steps for alchemizing pain in this week’s episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE. VERY encouraging and DOABLE. Come on over to catch some light.
Published 01/16/23
When we stay attached to our experiences we can create suffering. So, are you willing to give over one painful experience—and the suffering that came with it—to your heart for healing? I’m offering some oversimplified instructions on how to let go of the past in this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE.
Published 01/09/23
When you’re clear on what activates your joy, time management becomes a means to self-expression, not self-policing. In this episode, I’m sharing how we can kick our time diets, and keep our time management systems from bossing us around. You're the boss. Make time for what nourishes you.
Published 12/26/22
When you’re in a painful spot, are you seeing yourself as the wound or the healer? In this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE, we’re unpacking how we each limit, expand, and identify ourselves + the events of our lives. This one is for the Healers (which is everyone).
Published 12/12/22