What to do when your vegan child is diagnosed with low iron?
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If your doctor has told you that your vegan child has low iron, you might be feeling worried and unsure about what to do next. In this week's episode, I take you through the complexities of low iron levels in vegan children, debunking common myths and offering practical solutions. I dive into the crucial discussion on low iron—why it's a concern, the common yet misguided advice given, and the real issues at play. You’ll gain knowledge on how to accurately diagnose low iron, distinguishing between dietary gaps and absorption issues, and the importance of working with healthcare professionals. Plus, I'll guide you on how to ensure your child's vegan diet is rich in iron, all without relying on supplements or compromising your values. Tune in and gain confidence to navigate your child's nutrition with ease, ensuring they grow up healthy, happy, and energized, without compromising on your ethical eating principles. WithExtraVeg, Gen Let’s keep the conversation going! Find me at: Website: withextraveg.net IG: @withextraveg Need more Vegan Lunchbox recipes? Grab my free Nut Free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes here. Want even easier Vegan Lunch Boxes? Let me do all the hard work for you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault which gives you weekly Lunchbox Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Nutrition Breakdowns, and more! Check it out here. And if you're just after super healthy vegan recipes for you and your family, check out my Vegan Recipe Revolution here. Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families here Super Boosted Vegan Snacks Recipe Book Waitlist: https://withextraveg.net/snacks-recipe-book-waitlist/ Support the Show.
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