Catch-up with Giddi Oteo, a former full-time road traveler turned incredible businesswoman. Giddi was last on the podcast in its previous format just as the world shut down. Giddi and Anaïs catch up on what it's been like as a restaurant owner during the pandemic, how she made money on the road, and how our BIPOC communities can support each other in the face of hate.
Published 05/03/21
Published 05/03/21
Catch-up with Maggie Lam. It’s been a little over one year since Maggie was on this show in its previous format. A lot has changed since then, navigating two pandemics, a rise in racial violence against AAPI, and major changes in the road travel landscape. Maggie & Noami chat about where she is now and what she’s been up to since we last heard from her on this feed.
Published 03/29/21
Raena Rice is a U.S. based flight attendant and the creator of stationary brand IAL365. Her high vibrational rituals and intentions are fused in with her creative work as well as cabin crew work. Raena and Anaïs discuss the trials of attending the airways, protecting safe & inclusive spaces, and finding a homelife balance within a nomadic profession. Noami leads us into the episode with some important notes on getting back on the road during a pandemic and our shared responsibilities as...
Published 03/19/21
Catch-up with Brittany Newson. It’s been over a year since Brittany was last on the show in its previous format, and while a lot has changed, it didn’t slow her down. Co-host Anaïs chatted with Brittany on Instagram Live about how, even through loss and challenges, Brittany has covered thousands of miles in her 4-window bus, Domino, in the pursuit of joy and finding herself again after the military.
Published 03/02/21
What was it like to travel in an era where there were little “Black Wall Streets'' all over the U.S. in the midst of dangerous Jim Crow laws? Alvin Hall, award-winning television and radio broadcaster, best-selling author, and renowned financial educator, transports us into that historic realm. His podcast, Driving the Green Book, guides listeners along his road trip with Janee Wood Weber to the historically Black towns and destinations featured in the Negro Motorist’s Green Book, published...
Published 02/19/21
Catch-up with Denise Meeker of Wayfare to Wellness. It’s been a year since Denise was on the pod, and a lot has changed since then! Noami chatted with Denise on Instagram Live about what life’s brought her since the last time, how she’s coped through 2020 as a Black woman and vanlifer, and more. They also journal around this prompt: What does acknowledging the Indigenous people of this land look for you going forward on your travels?
Published 02/01/21
Leah Thomas is an intersectional environmental activist on a mission to dismantle systems of oppression in the environmental movement. Her quest for self-authenticity, environmental justice and sustainability created the momentum for her educational page, @intersectionalenvironmentalist, to go viral. In this episode, Leah drops gem after gem to help us understand how inclusive and intersectional environmentalism benefits everyone and what it looks like to take part in it.
Published 01/22/21
Bree (they/them) is a 20-something year old Black Queer non-binary nomad. In 2020, they cut their corporate strings to begin a life centered on having full autonomy of their time and purpose. Hottie, their renovated vintage RV, is now home to Bree and their two giant dogs. Aside from imagining a world without white supremacy, they fill their time with hiking, photography, writing and documenting their journey on the road. In this epsiode, Bree challenges cis-normative views of identity, the...
Published 12/18/20
Our first guest on Nomads at the Intersections podcast is Wynne Weddell, Native American of the Yankton Sioux Tribe. A hiker, nomad, and full-time beadwork artist - Wynne joins our host, Noami, for this in-person interview on the traditional lands of the Pascua Yaqui and Tohono O’odham in the Southwest. Listen as she shares her story of leaving her homeland to follow her nomadic passions in the forests of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Wynne also recounts her experience at the Dakota...
Published 11/20/20
Nomads at the Intersections podcast has arrived! On the Pilot episode of NATI, we get to know our hosts, Noami and Anaïs, as they discuss their respective introductions into the nomadic life, how finding community on the road fulfilled a vital need while unearthing some familiar anxieties, and introduce the concept of intentional inclusivity - and why it needs to be top of mind for everyone looking to build and maintain sustainable, diverse and equitable communities. Find the full interactive...
Published 10/23/20
Join us for Nomads at the Intersections podcast. Our hope is that this podcast will inspire us to shift our perspective on what road travel looks like, by exploring the stories and experiences of people from different walks of life. The first episode drops Friday, October 23rd!
Published 10/02/20
Do you want to diversify your perspective on road travel? Host Noami Grevemberg and co-host Anaïs Monique dive deep into the stories and weave through the challenges, journeys and inspirations of the diverse voices who, often unheard, make the nomadic community great. Noami is a Black woman and a nomad who has been living in her campervan since 2016. She started Diversify Vanlife in 2019 in response to the lack of representation of BIPOC in the road travel community. In this show, you’ll...
Published 09/25/20
This is the last episode of Women on the Road, but by no means the end of our community. In fact, we are incredibly excited and honored that Noami Grevemberg and her team at Diversify Vanlife will be helping to evolve the podcast you hear on this channel moving forward, with a total reboot taking place in October under a new name, Nomads at the Intersections. In this finale episode, Noami and Laura talk about what this transition means to them, as well as how we hope to see you take part in...
Published 09/18/20
For some of us, what got us in the car in the first place are the things we’re running from-- but no matter how many miles we drive, those things end up in the passenger seat, along for the ride with us. Kathy Karlo, a climber, writer, Director of No Man’s Land Film Festival, and host and creator of the For the Love of Climbing podcast, is someone who knows the contents of her passenger seat well-- both literally and figuratively. And she uses the weight of what she carries to build something...
Published 09/11/20
This platform as you know it started several years ago in response to the lack of representation of female road travelers in the media we consume. And we feel, more strongly than ever, that in the spirit of what WOTR has aimed to do-- broaden our perception of who is on the road, and elevate those voices and stories-- that our current team at Ravel Media are not the ones who need to be hosting these conversations moving forward. That’s why we’re making some big changes.
Published 09/04/20
Whether on or off the road, it can be easy to tell yourself you can’t do new things. That you’re too inexperienced. That you don’t have the skills. That you’re not qualified. If that’s been you, then this episode is just what you need to hear. Because Laura Edmondson-- a road traveler, digital creator, educator, podcast host, athlete, and DEI and Sustainability consultant-- has got a lot to say about moving forward in the face of feeling unqualified and showing yourself that it’s possible.
Published 08/28/20
Nobody ever said living on the road was easy, but it definitely teaches us life lessons. In this episode, van dweller Anna Tedesco shares what she's learned from over two years of solo road travel, how it's helped her navigate the mental and emotional challenges a pandemic can bring about, and the important role cooking good food plays in all of it.
Published 08/14/20
For many reasons, many of us have been traveling less and reading more right now, which is why hearing from mother, outdoor adventurer, Licensed Nursing Assistant, and book reviewer Alessandra Hurt is especially important right now. Because what we can learn from stillness, BIPOC authors, accessible travel, and Alessandra’s insights on motherhood are all lessons we can use to make our world a better place.
Published 07/31/20
Grizel is a Latinx mental health therapist, former van dweller, writer, thru hiker, photographer, and host of our team’s latest show, Underneath It All-- a series where the outdoors and mental health intersect. More than ever, managing mental health is front and center, which is why we mashed up Grizel’s recent interview from the spring with Episode 1 of Underneath It All so you can learn a bit about her-- both as someone who loves the outdoors and travel-- and also as a podcast host...
Published 07/24/20
It feels more important than ever to re-think our role models. And adventure travel journalist, pilot, and deep water diver Kellee Edwards is someone who’s been paving a path on the road, in the air, and around the globe for years. It’s not just her passion to take herself to new heights that we’re inspired by though-- it’s the way she wants to bring everyone else with her.
Published 07/17/20
As a queer couple, Natasha Seitz and Beth Luby challenge the notion we hear often online from white, straight couples: that the road always feels safe and strangers always seem welcoming. Because the reality is that safety also equates to privilege, and it shows up in the ways you camp, where you travel to, and what you do when you get there.
Published 07/10/20
We didn't ask, but we bet if we had, traveler Denise Meeker would say that coming home to yourself isn't a one-time act. It's personal, on-going, and sometimes shows up in ways you don't expect. It also can include hard, internal work. But we're really thankful to get to hear her story of coming home through spending time on the road and in the outdoors to underline the importance of you telling yours.
Published 07/03/20
Chef Manouschka Guerrier is known for a lot of things-- like dancing, acting, and her culinary skills on the reality TV show Private Chefs of Beverly Hills-- but being on the road is her newest adventure. From solo travel to RV fires and more, Manouschka learned a lot about herself through hitting the road in search of the kind of relationships you can build when you’re face to face.
Published 06/26/20
As we all know, a lot can change in a couple of years: especially when you’re a mom, and especially when you live on the road. So we were so excited to bring Bionca Smith-- a full-time traveler, professional speaker and author, and mother to her 11-year-old son Carter-- back onto the show after two years to see how things have changed with the road as their home.
Published 06/19/20