Published 10/13/22
In this weeks episode, Lianne talks all about the importance of play and how beneficial it really is. Often when we think of letting our children just play, we may think of it as  unimportant, or something to just pass the time. However, that is not the case. There are numerous benefits, and Lianne discusses some key characteristics to meaningful play. 
Published 10/13/22
In today's episode, Lianne discusses a very important topic: sensory play and sensory-based learning. She discusses what these are, and the many benefits that come with them, ranging from development of motor skills to the development of nerve connections in the brain. 
Published 09/05/22
In this episode, Lianne talks all about Practical Life in Montessori.  She discusses how you at home can incorporate these different activities, that will help your child become independent little beings.
Published 08/24/22
In this episode, Lianne from Wonderful Montessori discusses grace and courtesy, and the importance of teaching good manners to children. You can learn more about grace and courtesy in Montessori at Lianne's website here.
Published 08/20/22
In this episode, Lianne Wesselo discusses the importance of baby and toddler hand-development. Children use their hands for literally everything when it comes to exploring their world, especially tiny babies and toddlers. They discover that they have these amazing  little things called hands, that are their instruments to exploring their environment.  I also talk about the importance of offering purposeful opportunities to help develop and refine children's pincer grip. 
Published 02/09/22
One of the key factors in Montessori is observation. Montessori directresses go through rigorous observation training, so that we know what to look out for. By observing the child in the Montesorri class, it gives us the opportunity to truly 'follow the child'. Lianne Wesselo from the Wonderful World of Montessori talks about observation in Montessori.
Published 10/31/21
In today's episode we discuss the first of four planes of development: from birth to six years old. The first plane of development sees the most change of all the four planes, physically, cognitively and emotionally. We also see huge changes in language ability from just hearing sounds, to sorting language, up to being proficient native language users. We talk about how the first 6 - 8 weeks of life is called the symbiotic period, where both the parents and the newborn learn about each...
Published 09/10/21
Many people think that babies can't really concentrate. Although concentration levels are far lower, babies have the ability to concentration and focus on materials around them. In today's episode of the Wonderful Montessori podcast, Lianne Wesselo talks about concentration in babies, and tips on how to stimulate sensory play.
Published 07/31/21
Studies have shown that babies actually start learning language while still in the womb. In one study, babies were played the audio of a few different languages, but showed heightened brain activity when they heard their mother's language. This showed that early language is actually learned before birth, through listening to the outside world and their mother talking (the ears are already well developed in late pregnancy.) Lianne Wesselo from Wonderful Montessori discusses the amazing...
Published 06/15/21
Lianne Wesselo from the Wonderful World of Montessori talks about how practical life activities in Montessori encourages children to become more independent, patient, and sustain a high level of concentration. These fantastic activities not only help children take responsibility, but also helps develop fine motor skills, crossing the mid-line, and coordination.
Published 06/06/21
In Montessori, children learn through their senses. As Maria Montessori said, "children are sensorial explorers and children learn from birth." Lianne Wesselo talks about sensorial materials in Montessori and how they help to develop the child. She also discusses control of error in Montessori sensorial. The Wonderful Montessori podcast is for all parents and Montessori teachers.
Published 05/12/21
Teaching maths to children is essential. Traditional education teaches maths to children with pen and paper, however maths in a Montessori classroom is taught differently. Montessori maths using special materials that children can see and hold to teach...
Published 04/21/21
Wonderful Montessori discusses Montessori philosophy.
Published 03/26/21
Maria Montessori changed the face of education in the young child with ground-breaking pedagogies and approaches in the early 20th century.
Published 03/14/21
The very first episode here of the new podcast from The Wonderful World of Montessori!Lianne Wesselo introduces the new podcast and shares her excitement about starting a new podcasting adventure. Wonderful Montessori will help teachers and parents to...
Published 03/07/21