Does life these days seem to be a never-ending list of bills to pay? With our stress levels rising more and more, it's time to look at the REAL reasons we do what we do...   Budgets don't work... but I'll give you a strategy for what does.  
Published 08/30/23
Published 08/30/23
Is your income irregular? With some months where you earn BIG, and some months where you earn nothing?  When one of the biggest causes of financial stress is having an inconsistent income (and not being able to plan your work and personal expenses), you won't regret taking the steps outlined in today's episode. These five steps will help you smooth your personal income, even if your work income is all over the place!
Published 08/02/23
Do you have complicated emotions (including guilt) around the subject of giving money to beggars? Living in a country with an official unemployment rate of 33%, where the majority of the population live below the breadline, it’s hard not to. Who do you give to? When do you give? What do you give? In today’s episode we touch lightly on how to help those around us.
Published 07/19/23
Have you ever looked at your life and wondered how on earth God is going to tie all of your chaos together to make a story that works? Some days it can feel hard to believe that God is somehow able to juggle the enormous complexity of billions of lives, and in this week’s episode we delve into Luke 2, where we see how God brings together the bigger picture, and I teach you a tool that you can use to help you have faith when you can’t see how everything could possibly work out in the end.
Published 06/28/23
Have you ever read some of the promises in the Bible and thought, 'God must have promised this for other people, because it's sure not meant for me,' because the facts of your situation look nothing like the peace, joy, love and prosperity that the Bible often talk about... Today we're going to take a deeper look at the back-to-back in Luke 1, of Zechariah and Mary, and take courage that God is a God of promises.
Published 06/14/23
Despite consistent, sincere and devout prayer, do you sometimes feel like God isn't listening? And when it feels like he isn't answering your prayers, do you ask yourself why?   With a modern-day parable, I'd like to share a profound discovery I made this weekend. Perhaps you can relate it to your own life and ultimately learn how to move past your comfort zone in order to do God's work.
Published 05/24/23
Have you ever wondered how you can experience spending freedom today whilst ALSO saving for tomorrow? And why you still battle to achieve financial security and enjoy wealth (despite all the information available on the subject)? Today’s guest may have some of the answers for you. CFP, wealth advisor, and author of the book ‘Live WELLthy’, Dawn Dahlby is on a mission to teach you how to OWN your worth and GROW your wealth.
Published 05/05/23
Despite your best attempts to get financially free, is your money STILL out of your control? Then it may be time to dig a little deeper… After speaking to a number of clients this week (of many different circumstances and walks of life), I’ve come to believe that if you can take these four steps to change your money, you will RADICALLY change your life. Not complicated (nor very technical), they’re difficult only because they go to the CORE of who you are and what you believe, and therefore...
Published 03/22/23
Do you find that with the passing of time, you've become happier in your skin? Less concerned about what others think of you? It's one of the joys of growing up. Yet despite that marvel of aging, there is still a courage that is required when making decisions for your life (and your work) that are MORE in alignment, and closer to your own truth. Today I'm starting a new shedding, knowing that the life I want is on the other side of these fears that are keeping me stuck... The time to be...
Published 03/08/23
How much of your money is tied up in the home you live in? And, do you think of it as an investment or as an expense? In this episode, I'm going to tell you the three things I need you to know about the home you live in, and why it is in fact NOT an investment. It's important to understand how your home features in your financial life, so that you can make the best and most informed decisions for your future.
Published 02/15/23
Do you LOVE working from home, but now your boss wants you back in the office? Or are you on the other end of the spectrum, leading a team of people who don’t want to go back to the way it used to be? Is tech enabled hybrid working here to stay? The pandemic resulted in a massive acceleration of digital transformation that radically changed the way we work. Businesses and leaders are now trying to work out where they want this work model to settle. In this week’s episode one of the top 10...
Published 02/01/23
Have you staggered out of the holiday season in more debt than you’d care to mention? A silent killer of mental health, debt can feel shameful and insurmountable, but using the six steps in this episode, you CAN get out of debt and be debt free forever! The question is, how badly do you really want it?
Published 01/11/23
Are unexpected expenses derailing you, making you struggle to stick to your own budget? Let me reassure you that you’re not alone! We all want our expenses to fit within the money we earn, and it can be both a frustrating, and a seemingly impossible cycle to end. In this episode I’m going to tell you how to break this cycle in the year ahead, and give you the key tool I use for myself, and my family, and the one I teach all of my clients.
Published 12/14/22
Have you recently lost a loved one, or been called to help out? Loss of a loved one is one of the hardest things that anyone could ever go through but it is made worse because of the admin, and financial impact of frozen bank accounts and loss of income. In today’s episode I’m going to take you through the whole process – what happens when someone passes away, and the immediate priorities that need to get done as soon as is possible. If you (or a friend) are in need of this information, I’m...
Published 12/07/22
Do you want to know how you can have what you want? You just need to learn to use my tool 'Worth It', because it IS possible. You CAN have anything you want! Anything. But not everything... Listen to this week's episode for the 'how'.  
Published 12/01/22
Have you ever wondered if there are things that you can do that won’t cost a cent but may greatly change your life? Recent research suggests that there IS something that you can do that could dramatically change the path of your wealth creation. The global investment, information and asset management firm, Morningstar, calls it the ‘Mental Time Horizon’.
Published 11/23/22
What if success is not random? What if there is a science behind HOW to achieve it? According to research, that’s exactly the case. It IS possible for people like you and me to reach great heights! Today I’m going to do the work for you, and summarise the findings of researchers to create a checklist that will help you achieve your WILDEST dreams.
Published 11/16/22
Have you ever wondered if there are a set of rules in the workplace that govern why some get advanced through their careers and others don’t? And in particular, why there are so few women holding the highest jobs despite so many entering the workforce? And why men get paid 17% more than women? Patricia Kennedy researched this and just wrote a book about it! In today’s episode, I chat with her about a woman’s game plan for success...
Published 11/09/22
Do you have a little cash to invest, but find that overwhelming financial jargon stops you from investing? Do you REALLY understand the difference between retirement funds, tax free investments and unit trusts, and why you should invest in one and not the other? In today’s episode, I demystify all of it!
Published 11/02/22
Are you an entrepreneur who feels that the pandemic knocked you a little off course? Today’s guest is an entrepreneur who says that your purpose isn’t about WHAT you are doing, but about your reasons for doing it. Today I’m chatting to Nwabisa Mayema from The Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship about the impact of COVID on entrepreneurship, and the innovative solutions they’re looking into.
Published 10/26/22
Did your parents ever tell you that money doesn’t grow on trees? What if I told you that they were wrong? Money DOES grow on trees, and I’m living proof. In this week’s episode I give you the three steps that I used to become financially free, so that you too can start to grow your money tree.
Published 10/19/22
Are you charging less than you're worth? Or are you struggling to ask for a raise? Whilst there ARE long-term consequences to undercharging, your value is less determined by a number and rather by a combination of three beliefs. Andrea Liebross is a business and life coach who helps women discover the possibilities of their best life. In today’s episode she explains how to know your worth.
Published 10/12/22
Have you ever wondered how you could build a business from nothing to one million dollars in 10 months? Kirsty Verity did exactly that! Whilst based in Bali and Australia, this British dynamite leveraged the huge selling power of Amazon to sell just three fitness products, justifying the brave decision she made to leave her executive 9-5 job in pursuit of the freedom to live life on her terms. In this episode, she takes us step-by-step through the process of how YOU can do the same.
Published 09/28/22