Published 04/20/22
Join us for our final episode of season 5, and listen as Alli and Pam  share about the importance of speaking God's truth into the hearts of your children, because we know that the only way to combat the enemy's lies is with the truth of the gospel.  We encourage you to take advantage of the small moments and the opportunities you have to share just a little bit and often in this area. 
Published 04/20/22
Alli and Pam are joined by Worth the Fight team member Michael Rauls as they discuss the topic of same-sex attraction and share with us how God has grown each of them in their understanding about what His word says about same-sex attraction. They'll also chat about what conversations about this topic can look like with your kids. We pray you'll hear our heart for loving others well as we discuss things that we know can be sources of much pain and shame for many.
Published 04/07/22
If we can tackle the porn conversation with our kids, it will help them overcome so many obstacles they'll face in the realm of relationships. Today, Brandon Phillips joins us as we discuss why  parents just cannot afford to avoid this conversation, and how to have the conversation with kids of every age. Exposure to pornography cannot be avoided, as it is part of every day life. It's coming for your kids, and your awareness is the key to navigating this area well.
Published 03/30/22
Today Alli and Pam are joined by Pastor Michael Rauls as we discuss this important topic of waiting. While waiting goes against the nature of our flesh, as people of God, we are called to do that very thing that we find so challenging. Believing that God is good is necessary to each of us being able to trust him in the difficult times of waiting. This can be hard for all of us, but especially for our kids, which is why we think it's so important to discuss how to teach our kids this concept!
Published 03/23/22
Listen in to hear from Worth the fight teammate, Vicki Boutwell, as she shares how she and her husband have ongoing conversations with their children as they enter into and navigate the dating world. Vicki speaks on how to ground these conversations in Scripture, and points us back to the truth that Christ is our authority in every area of our lives, including dating! 
Published 03/09/22
Betrayal and unforgiveness are some of the biggest things that divide our communities, our relationships, and our world. When your children face being unfriended, left out, and betrayed,  it's so important that you guide them in how to forgive. Teammate Brandon Phillips joins us today to share his personal journey of learning to forgive after betrayal and how he parents his children to pursue forgiveness. 
Published 03/02/22
Teammate Gretchen Hill joins Alli and Pam to share her parenting journey of learning to understand the importance of not focusing on a child's successes or failures but rather on reminding them who they are in Christ. She reminds us that identity is not performance-driven, but is all about our identity in Christ as a new creation, and shares her wisdom of how to parent this way! All show notes can be found at www.youareworththefight.com/pod/37-where-is-your-parenting-focus
Published 02/23/22
As parents, we would love to think we can get through these hard conversations about love, sex, and relationships without dealing with our own past, but healing comes through exposing those pieces of your past that hold us in a place of isolation. Listen to Alli and Pam as they discuss the process that we believe is necessary in order to boldly share your story. They'll leave you equipped to begin sharing your story with your kids in order to help them be equipped as they navigate...
Published 02/16/22
In this final episode of our Rethinking Sexuality Series, we are joined by our friends Pam Cunningham and Brandon Phillips, and we are discussing the paradigm shift "Change begins with you." This entire series has been based on the seven paradigm shifts discussed in the book Rethinking Sexuality by Dr. Juli Slattery. Thank you to each of you who have joined us in the seven-part series, we are so grateful for your support. All show notes, and the link to purchase the book can be found at: ...
Published 10/27/21
In part 6 of this series, we are discussing the paradigm shift that says truth and love must coexist, with Pastor Michael Rauls.  This is the sixth paradigm shift from the book Rethinking Sexuality by Dr. Juli Slattery, which is what this entire series is based on. We dig into what the gospel says about this issue and how we, as Christians, can walk this out daily. We hope this message is so encouraging and helpful to you! Show notes are found at:...
Published 10/20/21
The paradigm shift we are focusing on today with guest, Gretchen Hill, is that God invites us to pursue sexual wholeness! In this episode, we bring the hope that though we are all sexually broken, there is hope that we can all pursue sexual wholeness! This idea of paradigm shifts in the area of sexuality is directly from Dr. Juli Slattery's book, Rethinking Sexuality. Show notes are found at: youareworththefight.com/pod/rethinking-sexuality-series-part-5
Published 10/13/21
The paradigm shift we are focusing on today with guest, Heather Bruce, is that we are ALL sexually broken! While our sexual brokenness may look different, we are all broken in this area, and need to turn to Jesus to find wholeness. We also dig into our perception of purity, and discuss what purity actually is and is not - and the truth about purity just might surprise you. These paradigm shifts we are tackling in this series are all from Dr. Juli Slattery's book, Rethinking Sexuality.  Show...
Published 10/06/21
Do you believe the gospel is written within our sexuality? Alli and Pam are joined by Pastor Michael Rauls as they discuss that statement, which may sound a little wild the first time you hear it, but is absolutely true! This is the third paradigm shift from the book Rethinking Sexuality by Dr. Juli Slattery, which is what this entire series is based on. There are seven paradigm shifts that are vital to "rethinking our sexuality" in order to understand God's design for sex and then teach that...
Published 09/22/21
Part 2 of this series is all about Chapter 3 in the book Rethinking Sexuality, which focuses on the truth that every sexual issue is a spiritual issue.  In this episode, Alli and Pam are joined by Worth the Fight team member, Vicki Boutwell. They dig into this topic discussing where we get our truth from and what we truly believe about sex - do we believe what culture says about sex or what God says about sex? Listen in now!
Published 09/15/21
This series is focused on the book Rethinking Sexuality by Dr. Juli Slattery, so this season will be a little different than previous ones! We'll have 7 parts to this series, each tackling a paradigm shift that must take place in order to truly rethink sexuality. Part 1 of this series is about sexual discipleship. Never heard of it or want to learn more? This one's for you, because this is a term that we, as Christians, should all be aware of in our relationships! Join Alli as she discusses...
Published 09/08/21
Join Alli and our friend, Blaze, as they chat about Blaze's story of true life transformation. After walking through two abortions and placing her child for adoption, Blaze found Jesus in a beautiful way and we know you will be truly moved by her story. She shares how God turned her shame into glory and how it has completely changed her life. For all show notes, visit our website www.youareworththefight.com/podcast
Published 04/21/21
Dr. Ashlee Seek and Jamie Schofield, co-founders and leaders of Faithfully Guided Health Center in Ocala, Florida, are our amazing guests on today's podcast episode! They have so much wisdom on this topic of anxiety and they share how it affects so many...
Published 04/07/21
Dr. Curt Thompson, author of the Soul of Shame, joins Alli for this conversation about shame and the way we can ALL be affected by shame, even if we aren't aware. Shame seeks to destroy our identity in Christ, replacing it with a damaged version of...
Published 03/31/21
Alli and Pam chat with pastoral counselor, Dave Scott, on the topic of marriage! They discuss huge questions of "Why marriage?" and "Is it worth the hard work that is involved in building a healthy marriage?" They also discuss tools and real examples of...
Published 03/24/21
In this episode, Alli and Pam discuss what to do when it all gets real! Whether your child just started dating or has been dating for a while, you've got to keep fighting for them and keep having these ongoing conversations! They discuss some tips and...
Published 03/17/21
Alli is joined by Worth the Fight team member Brandon Phillips and Pastor Michael Rauls of Good Shepherd Church as they discuss the father's role in these important, ongoing conversations about love, sex, and relationships. Michael and Brandon share so...
Published 03/10/21
On this episode, Alli is joined by Worth the Fight Director, Pam Cunningham, as well as our guest, Dr. Barbara Wilson. Dr. Barbara Wilson is a licensed clinical psychologist, an author, speaker and the founder of Freedom Bound Communications, an...
Published 03/03/21
Join Alli as she interviews our friend, Joy Zedler, founder and executive director of the Pearl Project, on the science behind parenting! Joy is an expert in this field and talks to us about how the way you were parented affects your behavior and...
Published 02/24/21
We're kicking off season 3 of Worth the Fight! Listen as our host, Alli Phillips, discusses creating a healthy sexual culture in your own home with Pam Cunningham and Brandon Phillips. They chat about what that means, what it doesn't mean, and how to...
Published 02/17/21