WoW Killer is ending. Join Garrett and Taliesin to find out why.
Published 05/13/21
Chains of Domination! Yes, the 9.1 patch has hit the PTR! Taliesin is playing it a Garrett is drooling over datamined goodies. Hear all about where the story is going, Covenant legendaries, Korthia, and why Arthas HAS to be a big ole 9.1 secret!
Published 04/15/21
Much teased but never recorded until now… Garrett and Taliesin have finally sat down for a big meaty discussion about Sylvanas. From her life as a Farstrider to the right hand of the Jailer (and everything in between) this WoW Killer podcast uncovers Sylvanas’s long journey and where Banshee Queen is heading in Shadowlands. Also, this episode is sponsored by ExpressVPN! That’s right! Our first sponsor! If you visit our special link right now expressvpn.com/wowkiller, you can get an...
Published 04/08/21
The 9.1 PTR is just around the corner so of course Taliesin and Garrett are going to talk about just how long the PTR testing will last. On this episode the WoW duo also take emails covering where Tyrande, Sylvanas, and the Windrunner sisters will end up, Classic finds transferring to Retail WoW, and just where in the world (of Warcraft) Khadgar is.
Published 04/01/21
9.0.5 is here and Garrett and Taliesin are back to all of the changes coming to Burning Crusade Classic as well as their experience with the beta going live this week.
Published 03/25/21
9.0.5 is here and Garrett and Taliesin are back to talk Valor, ancients, and just how long the wait for 9.1 may be.
Published 03/11/21
9.1 patches are so many patches and Garrett and Taliesin are back to dissect WoW’s upcoming new patch as well as Burning Crusade Classic!
Published 02/26/21
It’s the night before BlizzcOnline so Garrett and Taliesin break down the latest BlizzCon rumors and leaks, reminisce on their favorite memories from past events, lament their transmog challenges, and much more!
Published 02/18/21
Leaving guilds and causing drama on this week’s WoW Killer! With Preach’s recent guild disbandment Tali is feeling wistful of that time he accidentally incited a guild coup. Continuing with the theme many WoW Killer community members share insanely dramatic tales of guilds gone wrong.
Published 02/05/21
With BlizzConline just around the corner Taliesin and Garrett ask the important questions. Like will anyone at Blizzard try a little to have decent lighting for their webcam setup? But also, will anything beyond 9.1 be detailed? Will there be an Arthas mic drop moment? Where are our Old Solder"-style cinematics? And how much Renown will we need to fly?
Published 01/28/21
Champions of Azeroth can finally take the fight into the Twisting Corridors of Torghast. But do we want to? Garrett and Taliesin unpack the pain points players are powering past in the latest addition to the Tower of the Damned. They also take a look at the history of long grinds in World of Warcraft’s history.
Published 01/14/21
Did you forget that the Nathanos we all recognize isn’t the real Nathanos? Garrett and Taliesin spend the latest WoW Killer theorizing on how Nathanos’s real body may come into play in Shadowlands as well as a multitude of other deep cuts on this month’s multi-topic episode.
Published 01/07/21
Since we all had a close call with the Jailer in Torghast this week Garrett and Taliesin dive into where they see Shadowlands’ story going over the coming patches and raids. To hear about Thrall’s jailbreak, Sylvanas’s motivations, and how Anduin may be turned subscribe for the latest episode of WoW Killer.
Published 12/30/20
With Shadowlands exiting the honeymoon phase Taliesin and Garrett talk about how the tower can evolve over time.
Published 12/16/20
What is the difference between playing World of Warcraft to excel at solo content versus playing to raid? Join Taliesin and Garrett as they talk through their two different approaches to gearing in Shadowlands. Do either of them possess the patience to wait to craft Legendaries only available from Castle Nathria? Does skipping Mythic these first three weeks really put you that far behind? Subscribe to the WoW Killer podcast to hear the answers to these questions and more!
Published 12/10/20
Shadowlands has been released and Garrett and Taliesin are already feeling like they’re missing out with so many different corners of the death realms to explore. The two talk through the first week of WoW’s latest expansion and the many story threads left dangling after hitting the level 60 cap. What happened with Uther? Is the connection between the Runecarver and Maldraxxus as clear as it appears? What does the Jailer actually want? Subscribe for this new episode of WoW Killer as...
Published 12/02/20
With less than a week before Shadowlands’ release Garrett and Taliesin are here to bumper cars from topic to topic! The WoW Killing duo talk roleplaying backstories, Allied Races in Shadowlands, WoW’s weirder storylines, what role dreadlords have to play in Shadowlands, and just what the relationship between the Jailer and the Lich King is.
Published 11/18/20
With a surprise character death hitting World of Warcraft this week Taliesin and Garrett take a look at all of the major deaths across WoW’s history. Capping off a long talk about how main characters dying have impacted Warcraft’s lore, the two take their best guesses at who won’t make it out of Shadowlands.
Published 11/11/20
WoW Killer returns in the middle of Shadowlands’ Prepratch to make all of World of Warcraft’s Prepatches fight each other. Garrett and Taliesin open talking about their experience so far in Shadowlands’ Prepatch and then seed an actual bracket and make all eight Prepatches in WoW’s history face off until the two hosts can agree on WoW’s best Prepatch!
Published 10/20/20
WoW Killer is back and taking your questions via the podcast’s mailbag! Garrett and Taliesin talk about Arthas’s soul, demons dying in the Twisting Nether, a Sylvanas Afterlives, removing Pathfinder, Caverns of Time, and Torghast’s rogue-like features.
Published 10/07/20
Are we heading towards a Garrosh redemption? Afterlives: Revendreth wraps up the four part arc leading into World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Garrett and Taliesin try and figure out why there is economic disparity in the afterlife and why it’s probably unwise to be chucking anima batteries straight into the Maw.
Published 09/23/20
Is the Winter Queen evil? No, but she kind of seemed like it. For a moment at least. Taliesin and Garrett enter Ara'lon’s grove for this week’s break down of Afterlives: Ardenweald. Get ready for some feels, but also some confused hosts.
Published 09/16/20
Souls can leave the Shadowlands! What does this mean?! The road to Shadowlands continues with World of Warcraft’s latest short: Afterlives: Maldraxxus. Uther and Arthas’s fates were always going to be a tough act to follow. But Taliesin and Garrett think that Draka’s adventures in Maldraxxus tease a conflict much larger than what we see in the Shadowlands.
Published 09/08/20