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(學校大門外) 學生: Miss Lam, 求求你手下留情, 今日真係好塞車…真架, 你再mark 我遲到, 就要記缺點架喇... Miss Lam: 唔mark你都得, 罰你作番段文解釋你今朝早點解遲到啦! (課室內) Miss Lam: This morning I was late. Because there was a traffic jam. 學生: 錯?好, 再寫! Miss Lam: This morning I was late because of the
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Teaching points: Speaking strategy / fluency Common misuse of ‘actually’, ‘and then’ and ‘it seems’ to create ‘cohesion’, probably due to Cantonese inference.
Published 06/27/09
Teaching points: Speaking strategy / fluency Common misuse of ‘actually’, ‘and then’ and ‘it seems’ to create ‘cohesion’, probably due to Cantonese inference.
Published 06/27/09
(光碟店內) 遊客: Wow, you have stocked so many DVDs. Could you please show me which one is good? 店員: No pobem (problem)! Some of them cost only chenty (twenty) dollars each. 店員: … This one … Ocean’s Chelve (twelve)… should be good. 遊客: Ocean’s Ch
Published 06/20/09