2023年5-8月雅思口语Part1考题示范及讲解 What makes a good foreign language teacher? 一名优秀的外语教师该具备哪些品质? 中文思路  一个好的外语教师应该具备两个素质。一个是会鼓励人。学习一门新语言。。。 英文回答  A good foreignlanguage teacher should have two qualities. One is being encouraging. Learninga new language...
Published 05/28/23
2023年5-8月雅思口语考题示范及讲解 What makes a good foreign language teacher? 一名优秀的外语教师该具备哪些品质? 中文思路  一个好的外语教师应该具备两个素质。一个是会鼓励人。学习一门新语言是。。。 英文回答  A good foreignlanguage teacher should have two qualities. One is being encouraging. Learninga new language is... 提示: 这个回答是Part3的长度 对于P1 只用选一半的回答就够了
Published 05/27/23
Published 05/22/23
2023年5-8月雅思口语Part3考题示范及讲解 What kinds of jobs require high concentration at work? 什么样的工作需要高度集中精力? 中文思路 有意思的问题。医生在给病人做内科和外科手术时,需要高度集中精力,因为他们的工作。。。 英文回答  Interesting question. Hmm.Doctors need to be highly concentrated when they are performing operations and surgeries on patients, because their work ... 
Published 05/20/23
2023年5-8月雅思口语Part3考题示范及讲解 What kinds of jobs require high concentration at work? 什么样的工作需要高度集中精力? 中文思路 有意思的问题。医生在给病人做内科和外科手术时,需要高度集中精力,因为他们的工作。。。 英文回答  Interesting question. Hmm.Doctors need to behighly concentrated when they are performing operations and surgeries on patients,because their work ... 
Published 05/19/23
2023年5-8月雅思口语Part3考题示范及讲解 户外活动Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recentlyAre those people who like dangerous activities more likely to be successful? 喜欢危险活动的人更容易成功吗? 中文思路  如果你指的是职业上的成功,我不这么认为。我看不出喜欢危险活动和成功之间有什么联系。哦,等一下。也许有相关性,因为。。。  英文回答 If you mean professional success, I don’t think so. I don’t see any connection between the passion for dangerous activities and success. Oh, wait. Maybe there is a...
Published 05/13/23
2023年5-8月雅思口语Part3考题示范及讲解 户外活动Describe an outdoor activity you didin a new place recentlyAre those people who likedangerous activities more likely to be successful? 喜欢危险活动的人更容易成功吗? 中文思路  如果你指的是职业上的成功,我不这么认为。我看不出喜欢危险活动和成功之间有什么联系。哦,等一下。也许有相关性,因为。。。  英文回答 If you meanprofessional success, I don’t think so. I don’t see any connection between thepassion for dangerous activities and success. Oh, wait. Maybe there is a...
Published 05/12/23
2023年5-8月雅思口语Part1考题示范及讲解 Would you visit a country because of its geographical location? 你会因为一个国家的地理位置而去那里旅游吗? 中文思路  我想会的。例如,我想去南非,因为它位于非洲大陆的最。。。 英文回答  I think so. For example, I would like to visit South Africa because it is located at the 
Published 05/07/23
2023年5-8月雅思口语Part1考题示范及讲解 Would you visit a country because of its geographical location? 你会因为一个国家的地理位置而去那里旅游吗? 中文思路  我想会的。例如,我想去南非,因为它位于非洲大陆的最。。。 英文回答  I think so. Forexample, I would like to visit South Africa because it is located at the 
Published 05/06/23
2023年5-8月雅思口语Part3考题示范及讲解 常去的熟人之家Describe the home of someone you know well and that you often visit What safety risks are there in residential buildings in cities? 城市住宅建筑存在哪些安全隐患? 中文思路  说实话,我觉得我住的地方很安全,多亏了门口的警卫和密集的监控摄像头。我能想到的唯一安全隐患就是。。。 英文回答  Honestly, I feel very safe at where I live, thanks to the guards at the gate and the dense security cameras. The only safety risk I can think of is...
Published 05/01/23
2023年5-8月雅思口语Part3考题素材及讲解 常去的熟人之家Describethe home of someone you know well and that you often visit What safety risks are there in residential buildings incities? 城市住宅建筑存在哪些安全隐患? 中文思路  说实话,我觉得我住的地方很安全,多亏了门口的警卫和密集的监控摄像头。我能想到的唯一安全隐患就是。。。 英文回答  Honestly, I feelvery safe at where I live, thanks to the guards at the gate and the densesecurity cameras. The only safety risk I can think of is...
Published 04/30/23
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Published 01/08/23
2023年1-4月雅思口语答案讲解 户外活动Describe an outdoor activity you didin a new place recentlyAre those people who likedangerous activities more likely to be successful? 喜欢危险活动的人更容易成功吗? 如果你指的是职业上的成功,我不这么认为。我看不出喜欢危险活动和成功之间有什么联系。哦,等一下。。 。 If you meanprofessional success, I don’t think so. I don’t see any connection between thepassion for dangerous activities and success. Oh, wait...
Published 12/23/22
2023年1-4月雅思口语答案素材Part1示范讲解 Snacks Do you think it is healthy for you to eat snacks? 你认为吃零食对你健康吗? 受父母的影响,我对零食并无好感,因为大部分零食都含有过多的。。。 Influenced by my parents, I don’t have a high opinion of snacks because most snacks contain too much...
Published 12/14/22
2023年1-4月雅思口语答案素材Part1示范讲解 Snacks Do you think it is healthy for you to eat snacks? 你认为吃零食对你健康吗? 受父母的影响,我对零食并无好感,因为大部分零食都含有过多的。。。 Influenced by myparents, I don’t have a high opinion of snacks because most snacks contain toomuch...
Published 12/13/22
2022年9-12月雅思口语题库答案示范 常去的熟人之家Describe the home of someone you know well and that you often visit What safety risks are there in residential buildings in cities? 城市住宅建筑存在哪些安全隐患? 说实话,我觉得我住的地方很安全,多亏了门口的警卫和密集的监控摄像头。我能想到的唯一安全隐患就是。。。 Honestly, I feel very safe at where I live, thanks to the guards at the gate and the dense security cameras. The only safety risk I can think of is...
Published 12/08/22
2022年9-12月雅思口语答案素材讲解 户外活动Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recentlyAre those people who like dangerous activities more likely to be successful? 喜欢危险活动的人更容易成功吗? 如果你指的是职业上的成功,我不这么认为。我看不出喜欢危险活动和成功之间有什么联系。哦,等一下。。。  If you mean professional success, I don’t think so. I don’t see any connection between the passion for dangerous activities and success. Oh, wait... 
Published 12/03/22
2022年9-12月雅思口语答案素材讲解 户外活动Describe an outdoor activity you didin a new place recentlyAre those people who likedangerous activities more likely to be successful? 喜欢危险活动的人更容易成功吗? 如果你指的是职业上的成功,我不这么认为。我看不出喜欢危险活动和成功之间有什么联系。哦,等一下。。。  If you meanprofessional success, I don’t think so. I don’t see any connection between thepassion for dangerous activities and success. Oh, wait... 
Published 12/02/22
2022年9-12月雅思口语答案讲解 推荐旅游的一个地方Describea place in your country that you'd like to recommend to visitors Will you go to a foreign country to travel because of itsdistinct landscape? 你会因为外国独特的风景而去旅游吗? 绝对的。原因是我总是被独特的风景所吸引。例如,我看到过。。。 Absolutely. Thereason is that I’m always fascinated by unique landscape. For example, I haveseen pictures of snow-capped mountains
Published 11/27/22
2022年9-12月雅思口语8分答案示范 推荐旅游的一个地方Describea place in your country that you'd like to recommend to visitors Will you go to a foreign country to travel because of itsdistinct landscape? 你会因为外国独特的风景而去旅游吗? 中文思路:  绝对的。原因是我总是被独特的风景所吸引。例如,我看到过。。。 英文答案:  Absolutely. Thereason is that I’m always fascinated by unique landscape. For example, I haveseen pictures of snow-capped mountains...
Published 11/26/22
2022年9-12月雅思口语题库答案示范 常去的熟人之家Describe the home of someone you know well and that you often visit What safety risks are there in residential buildings in cities? 城市住宅建筑存在哪些安全隐患? 说实话,我觉得我住的地方很安全,多亏了门口的警卫和密集的监控摄像头。我能想到的唯一安全隐患就是。。。 Honestly, I feel very safe at where I live, thanks to the guards at the gate and the dense security cameras. The only safety risk I can think of is...
Published 11/21/22
2022年9-12月雅思口语题库答案示范 常去的熟人之家Describethe home of someone you know well and that you often visit What safety risks are there in residential buildings incities? 城市住宅建筑存在哪些安全隐患? 说实话,我觉得我住的地方很安全,多亏了门口的警卫和密集的监控摄像头。我能想到的唯一安全隐患就是。。。  Honestly, I feelvery safe at where I live, thanks to the guards at the gate and the densesecurity cameras. The only safety risk I can think of is...
Published 11/20/22
2022年9-12月雅思口语全套答案 Part1 GeographyWould you visit a country because of its geographical location? 你会因为一个国家的地理位置而去那里旅游吗?
Published 11/15/22
2022年9-12月雅思口语Part1新题素材及讲解 NamesAre there any differences between how the Chinese name their children now and in the past? 现在的中国人给孩子起名和过去有什么不同吗? 中文思路  我想有的。在过去,许多父母给孩子取花的名字。例如,我的姑婆们叫牡丹、莲花和菊花。。。 英文答案 I think so. In the past, many parents named their children after flowers. For example, my great aunts are peony...
Published 11/10/22