Are you stuck in your own business prison? You claim that working for yourself has given you freedom, but when you look at your day-to-day life, you are at the mercy of your own work. In today's episode, it's time for some tough love as I talk about the realities of freedom in entrepreneurship. If you feel like your business would crash and burn without you present, then you're stuck in a business prison. But good news: It doesn't have to be this way! Now is the time to start constructing...
Published 09/15/21
Take a break - you deserve it! But first, listen to this episode of the Yay for Business podcast because today I had the pleasure of discussing how and when to take time off with our very own Alison Boons. Alison is our operations manager here at Courtney Chaal HQ. Taking a holiday or a necessary leave of absence may seem overwhelming and impossible. If you just started your business, you don't have enough people to keep things running smoothly and you know your clients would freak out if...
Published 09/08/21
Were you the kid that hated going through all the steps in your 4th grade writing class and just wanted to get your words down on paper and turn it in? I have bad news: Those steps are still necessary in your adult-life business. However, I also have some good news: There's a simple process you can follow to get amazing copy written and improve your writing skills!
Published 09/01/21
Today's episode is all about overcoming objections. An objection is a reason someone gives for not enrolling, signing up, or buying your product or service. Objections may seem negative but there are ways we can address them that help us connect better with people and even make sales. In today's episode, I am discussing the psychology behind why people make decisions, giving you my golden rules for approaching sales and sharing real-world examples to help you overcome those "no's." This...
Published 08/25/21
How can you define tangible benefits for your potential clients as a person who does not sell tangible results?  So often, success is measured by client results. This becomes a challenge for those of us who may not provide tangible results to clients, such as coaches. I had the fantastic opportunity to talk about this very problem with an amazing mindset coach and Yay for 100K member, Kayla.  We dive deep into her goals for her clients in order to get clear on her tangible benefits. 
Published 08/18/21
Welcome back to the Yay for Business Podcast! Today we are going back to my roots: Writing great sales pages. Consider this episode your sales page copy 101. This is a skill that every entrepreneur is going to want to keep in their back pocket.
Published 08/11/21
Welcome to a new episode of the Yay for Business Podcast! This month is going to be all about COPYWRITING. We're going to kick it off with my top 5 copywriting tips.
Published 08/04/21
When we think about reading our clients' minds, we want to know what keeps them up at night. What problems do they have? And how can we alleviate that stress? As entrepreneurs and service providers, it is our job to show our clients that we understand what they are going through and want to help them.
Published 07/28/21
Welcome to episode 41 of the Yay for Business Podcast. In today's episode, we're going to talk about building self-trust. Usually, when people think about the word trust, they think about trusting others. Of course, trust is essential for any relationship in our lives, but we also must learn to trust ourselves.
Published 07/21/21
In today's episode, I am sharing a mindset lesson that I teach inside Yay for 100K, the Dunning Kruger Effect. The Dunning Kruger Effect is something you may experience as you up-level your business, so being aware of it means you can work it to your advantage. However, if you are unaware of it, it can be detrimental to your business.
Published 07/14/21
Welcome to episode 39 of the Yay for Business Podcast. Today's episode is all about playing to your strengths and leveraging your weaknesses. One of the toxic aspects of the entrepreneurial space is a constant focus on self-improvement and fixing yourself. But today, I'm changing the conversation.
Published 07/07/21
In today's episode, we are going to be talking about ADHD and pregnancy. I wanted to put these two topics together because there are very few resources out there when you search pregnancy and ADHD. So today, I will share what I'm going through as a business owner and as a pregnant woman with ADHD, and the challenges I'm facing.
Published 06/30/21
One of the most significant realizations that I have made is when we get stressed or feel under pressure, we tend to go into very black and white thinking. Our brains love a binary system. But without nuanced thinking, we start to narrow down our worldview and make extreme decisions. An example of this binary, black and white thinking comes up a lot with dieting. You think that you're either 100% committed to this diet or you're stuffing your face with whatever you want. Or if you mess up...
Published 06/23/21
In today's episode, I'm talking with Denise Duffield Thomas, a successful entrepreneur and the creator of Money Bootcamp, about her journey with ADHD. As a child, no one ever suspected Denise had ADHD because she always had her nose in a book, performed excellently in school, and behaved well. But looking back, there were definitely signs. Since Denise has been diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, she has developed practices that help her stay organized, focus on her strengths, and not get bored....
Published 06/16/21
Episode 35 is a quick one! In this episode, we're diving into the big debate: Services vs. courses. I don't see anyone in the online business world talking about this in the way that I do. Usually, business coaches prefer one or the other, or they're trying to promote one or the other. But why not do both?!
Published 06/09/21
Welcome to episode 34 of the Yay for Business Podcast all about how to take two weeks off from your business this summer. I'm so excited to chat about this today because I will be shutting down my business for two weeks in July. I feel like this is essential to mention in this episode because not only do I want to model this behavior for our Yay for 100K clients, but I also want to show other entrepreneurs that it's healthy to step away from your business. In today's episode, I am going to...
Published 06/02/21
Welcome to episode 33 of the Yay for Business Podcast! Today's episode is short because I'm talking to the service providers who are too busy with client work and never have the time to work on their business. We see this happen a lot with our Yay for 100K  clients, and our job as coaches is to help them figure out how to prioritize client work while still dedicating time to their business. As business owners, there's this misconception that the only way to be successful in your business is...
Published 05/26/21
In this week's episode, I am sharing the 5 most common coaching topics that come up from clients in our high-touch coaching group, Yay for 100K. I'm excited to be showing you a little bit of our process behind the curtain. I will be using real examples that the coaches and I have seen inside the program, and I will share with you how we address them so you can apply our coaching to your own business! Many of the questions that come up for our Yay for 100K clients are around specific issues...
Published 05/19/21
Welcome back to the Yay for Business Podcast! In today's episode, I'm sharing 10 great ways to grow your email list. I get asked about this a lot, and I have A LOT of thoughts about email list growth. There are so many strategies out there. People are creating content, but their list isn't growing. It all can be a lot to figure out. So my team and I want to keep things as simple and easy as possible. We want you to get results and we want to enjoy the process. Your email list probably...
Published 05/12/21
Today's episode is all about defining your ideal lifestyle. Now I know this may seem a little off-topic for a business podcast, but I promise, it's not. We are going to dive deep into your core motivators and how they play an essential role in the entrepreneur lifestyle you want to live. What motivates people to do what they do? So many people can't answer that question. Or they allow other people in their lives or social media influencers to determine their motivation. That's why today,...
Published 05/05/21
Today we are diving into a subject that I have wanted to talk about for a while: Offering premium services and charging premium prices. We'll discuss the 10 service upgrades you want to be making to your packages to justify those premium prices. As entrepreneurs, it's only natural that we will want to charge more for our services as time goes on and as we become more skilled. However, when the thought of raising our prices comes up, we get so nervous! We start to think: "What if my...
Published 04/28/21
Let's talk about the myth of the solopreneur. Too many people try to work alone in their businesses for too long. I get it! This is something every business owner goes through. But in today's episode of the Yay for Business Podcast, I want to present you with an alternative approach that will make you even more productive. Step 1: I want you to stop identifying as a solopreneur. I know this can be hard. The word "solopreneur" is empowering and so many business owners feel pride in being a...
Published 04/21/21
In today's episode of the Yay for Business Podcast, I will be talking about money mindset. Money mindset is one of my favorite topics; it's something that I love researching and talking about. But I'm not an expert. I'm a student, just like you. Today I'm going to be talking about a few of the main principles and pillars that are important in the concept of money mindset. I will also share some examples of how my money story plays out for me that might help you to see how your money mindset...
Published 04/07/21
What happens after you launch your program? On today's episode of the Yay for Business Podcast we're going to talk about how to analyze your launch data and document what changes you want to make for your next launch. Does the idea of researching and looking at KPIs make you feel uncomfortable? Does data bore you? Do numbers confuse you? Trust me, I get it! But the data will give you the action steps you need and will take the stress of launching off your shoulders.
Published 03/31/21