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一、口语提升秘笈   本期秘笈教给大家几个跟吃有关的地道说法,可以迅速提升您的口语表达哦! 1、  Foodie 吃货 2、  gourmet 美食家 a gourmet is someone who knows a lot about food and cooking and enjoys eating high-quality food. 2、中国美食讲究色香味俱全,如果有一种美食香喷喷的,这个香喷喷我们可以说smell good 另外一种更加地道的说法是aromatic,记住咯!   二、旅游好句百宝箱   1、The ginger and lemongrass gives the soup a nice taste!  生姜和柠檬草让汤很鲜美的。 2、Papaya salad is made from a mix of fresh vegetables including papaya and tomato. 木瓜沙拉是由木瓜和土豆等新鲜蔬菜混合制作而成。 3、I’d like to eat at street food stalls rather than fancy restaurant. 和高级餐厅相比我更愿意去路边摊吃。 4、I love authentic Thai food. 我喜欢地道的泰国菜。 5、I couldn’t stop raving about it after my first bite. 吃完第一口,我就对他赞不绝口。     三、延展词汇   1、  Staple 主食 例句:Our staple is rice.  (主要成分 主食) 2、  Hearty 丰盛的 例句:We had a hearty meal in Patara. 我们在泰廷餐厅吃了顿丰盛的午餐。 3、 Get groceries 买菜
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一、口语提升秘笈 Here's the thing:问题是 例句:Here's the thing, we don't have that much money for the trip. 问题是,我们没有那么多钱去旅行。   二、旅游好句百宝箱   1、I think it'd be a great idea if we could go out this weekend to the countryside. 我认为这周末去郊外走走真是个好主意。 2、It's lovely when the cherry blossom blooms in the spring...
Published 03/09/17
一、口语提升秘笈 Here's the thing:问题是 例句:Here's the thing, we don't have that much money for the trip. 问题是,我们没有那么多钱去旅行。   二、旅游好句百宝箱   1、I think it'd be a great idea if we could go out this weekend to the countryside. 我认为这周末去郊外走走真是个好主意。 2、It's lovely when the cherry blossom blooms in the spring...
Published 03/09/17