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一、口语提升秘笈   1、Make sense 合理 有理,言之有理。 比起生硬的说一句I understand you. 不如告诉对方 it make sense to me. It doesn't make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 这些便宜的大衣也很好, 何必非买那件贵的不可 最常用的说法莫过于 It make sense.  It doesn’t’ make sense (to me) 所以,它到底靠谱不靠谱呢?说起来相当的地道   2、stuff: (好用的)东西  有没有一想起物品就说things。有没有厌倦了用这个词,你可以用stuff替换呀 a.       Why do they want all of this stuff?   为什么他们想要以上这些东西? b.  I like my stuff.   我喜欢我的东西。 c、I love stuff like that.   我喜欢这样的东西。   怎么样,是不是感觉地道了很多。不过stuff永远不能加复数哦。   二、旅游好句百宝箱   1.         What are your opening hours? 你们的开放时间是什么时候? 2.         How long does the tour take? 这趟旅游要花多长时间? 3.         From where does the bus leave? 车从哪儿出发呢? 4.         How long do we stop here? 我们在这儿停多长时间? 5.         What time should we be back to the bus? 我们要什么时间回到车上来?   三、延展词汇   1、timetable 时刻表 2、go with the flow 顺其自然
More Episodes
一、口语提升秘笈 Here's the thing:问题是 例句:Here's the thing, we don't have that much money for the trip. 问题是,我们没有那么多钱去旅行。   二、旅游好句百宝箱   1、I think it'd be a great idea if we could go out this weekend to the countryside. 我认为这周末去郊外走走真是个好主意。 2、It's lovely when the cherry blossom blooms in the spring...
Published 03/09/17
一、口语提升秘笈 Here's the thing:问题是 例句:Here's the thing, we don't have that much money for the trip. 问题是,我们没有那么多钱去旅行。   二、旅游好句百宝箱   1、I think it'd be a great idea if we could go out this weekend to the countryside. 我认为这周末去郊外走走真是个好主意。 2、It's lovely when the cherry blossom blooms in the spring...
Published 03/09/17