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一、口语提升秘笈   Eye-opening 大开眼界 当你想要描述某件事情让你瞠目吃惊,大开眼界。你的第一反应是不是surprise,这一点都没有surprise me。我来告诉你一个也很地道的英文eye-opening,有没有很直观好记。 This year has been a very eye - opening and educational year for me.  对我来说,今年是令我 眼界 大开与受益匪浅的一年. It was eye - opening for me.  这种交流开阔了我的 眼界. 你看, 它的用法也很简单,但是说出来就是感觉不一样呢。 它的名词表达形式是eye-opener 使人惊奇的事物,打开眼界的事物; Travelling around India was a real eye-opener for me. 怎么样,快用起来吧。     二、旅游好句百宝箱   1、  Can I please order?我可以点餐吗? 2、  I'd like to have... 我想点… 3、What is the specialty of the house? 有什么特色菜? 4、I’d like to have some real Korean food. 我想吃点地道的韩国菜。 5、Can I have the same dish as that? 我可以点与那份相同的餐吗?    Can I have that same dish? 6、Do you have vegetarian dishes? 餐厅是否有供应素食餐?   三、延展词汇   Cafeteria 区别是什么 buffet 自助餐厅
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一、口语提升秘笈 Here's the thing:问题是 例句:Here's the thing, we don't have that much money for the trip. 问题是,我们没有那么多钱去旅行。   二、旅游好句百宝箱   1、I think it'd be a great idea if we could go out this weekend to the countryside. 我认为这周末去郊外走走真是个好主意。 2、It's lovely when the cherry blossom blooms in the spring...
Published 03/09/17
一、口语提升秘笈 Here's the thing:问题是 例句:Here's the thing, we don't have that much money for the trip. 问题是,我们没有那么多钱去旅行。   二、旅游好句百宝箱   1、I think it'd be a great idea if we could go out this weekend to the countryside. 我认为这周末去郊外走走真是个好主意。 2、It's lovely when the cherry blossom blooms in the spring...
Published 03/09/17