Rav Asher Weiss points us in the direction of the heroism of Rebbe Akiva, to understand how Yom Kippur is still alive in our lives today.
Published 09/20/23
Published 09/20/23
Based on the Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh, we delved into the essential wonder and beauty of this day, attempting to remove all anxiety and stress-related emotions that this day may bring up. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/18/23
discovering the inner essence of the simcha of Yom Kippur To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/18/23
To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/18/23
based on the teachings of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach ob'm October, 2016, Efrat To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/18/23
based on the teachings of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook ztz'l Class given in Efrat, October, 2016 To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/18/23
To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/18/23