Today Lachie and I discuss his habits and their importance.
Published 10/05/20
Felipe tells his story of listening to his friends advice of following his dreams, what motivates him and the turning point in his journey. Such an amazing man, friend and individual
Published 10/03/20
Adrian is an ultra marathon runner, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner and all out legend. Here he tells me an incredible story about his experience with limiting beliefs and the importance of having the right people surround you.
Published 09/26/20
Me singing “Far longer than forever” from “The Swan Princess” in the backseat of my Mazda. My brother sent me a photo of him and his kids watching this together and I broke down. Im ok but there are a few tears because I miss my family. COVID is hard. Not seeing the people you love can be hard xxx
Published 09/25/20
Emma and I discuss the passing of her father, mental illness and living in Wonthaggi. 
Published 09/16/20
My girl Mallory & I get real about goals, reading, lockdown and smiling. If you're looking for an amazing health and mindset coach, look no further. Check her out on insta @malloryjadetaylor.
Published 09/16/20
CJ and I discuss his martial arts, photography and travel experience. This is his story.
Published 05/06/20
A rare in depth conversation with my mother.
Published 04/23/20
Published 04/23/20
Tonight’s episode we discuss raising the vibration of the world, drug addiction, social distancing and how we can choose to grow. Ursula is an energy healer. You can find her business page on Instagram @om.oracle ❤️
Published 03/25/20
Todays guest is an authenticity and mindset coach We first met through a mutual friend, at the time she was a dancer. Very active on social media, writing very insightful, honest and raw stories to go along with potentially controversial photos of herself. Her honesty and transparency through her life process is touching and moving. If her character and strength to say things which make other people uncomfortable wasn’t enough, she is also an actress and model. It is an absolute pleasure...
Published 03/20/20
Published 03/20/20