In today's conclusion of my interview with Dr. Stuart Fischbein (from the Birthing Instincts podcast with Blyss Young), we talk about the intricacies of God's design, the new postpartum depression pill, "jabs", exposure to heavy metals, and Dr. Stu's recommendations for how to have the best chance to have a natural birth.     Helpful Links:   2 WAYS TO WORK WITH LORI:   --> Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course! This is a COMPLETE childbirth...
Published 02/01/24
Today, in the second part of my interview with Dr. Stuart Fischbein, we talk about SO MUCH including the following topics: maternal intuition in pregnancy, epidurals, Michel Odent's theory of the potential impact on baby girls of pre-labor c-sections, the role of maternal oxytocin, the symphony of hormones present in pregnancy & labor, the new postpartum depression pill, what a study of colds reveals about society's attitudes toward medical care and MORE!     Helpful Links:   2 WAYS TO...
Published 01/31/24
This episode is the first part of an interview with Dr. Stu Fischbein of Birthing Instincts.  In this episode we cover unnecessary cesareans, birth in nature, diabetes, and how Dr. Stu got from where he started to where he is today.  Be sure to set a reminder to come back for part 2 tomorrow.   Helpful Links:   2 WAYS TO WORK WITH LORI:   --> Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course! This is a COMPLETE childbirth education course with a God-led...
Published 01/30/24
SHOW NOTES Today's episode is part one of a two-part interview with Anna Espinoza.  Anna recently gave birth vaginally to twins at term in an out-of-hospital setting after being advised to have a c-section at 32 weeks.  This interview tells the story of her pregnancy and birth.  It is an empowering story of what can happen when you do your own research and make your own empowered decisions instead of falling into the trap of the medicalized maternity system.  Not all advice is bad, but a lot...
Published 01/24/24
SHOW NOTES Today's episode is part one of a two-part interview with Anna Espinoza.  Anna recently gave birth vaginally to twins at term in an out-of-hospital setting after being advised to have a c-section at 32 weeks.  This interview tells the story of her pregnancy and birth.  It is an empowering story of what can happen when you do your own research and make your own empowered decisions instead of falling into the trap of the medicalized maternity system.  Not all advice is bad, but a lot...
Published 01/23/24
SHOW NOTES This episode concludes the series on circumcision. We're talking about how to care for intact babies and circumcised babies as well.  We also talk about how to educate your baby's doctor about how to care for intact babies.     Helpful Links:   2 WAYS TO WORK WITH LORI:   --> Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course! This is a COMPLETE childbirth education course with a God-led foundation taught by a certified nurse-midwife with over 20 years...
Published 01/19/24
SHOW NOTES Today's episode dives into the ethical considerations around infant circumcision.  We look at issues like supposed health benefits, sexual impact, informed consent, psychological impact, and so much more.  This is the third episode in a series on circumcision.  It's not fun, but it's essential and I hope you are blessed by this content.     Helpful Links:   2 WAYS TO WORK WITH LORI:   --> Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course! This is a...
Published 01/18/24
SHOW NOTES  Today's episode goes into what a circumcision is and how it is done. This is part 2 of a series on circumcision.   Must watch video (entire video is worth your time, but essential part starts at 10:30)      Helpful Links:   2 WAYS TO WORK WITH LORI:   --> Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course! This is a COMPLETE childbirth education course with a God-led foundation taught by a certified nurse-midwife with over 20 years of experience in...
Published 01/17/24
SHOW NOTES It's frustrating to feel social pressure to do something that just doesn't make any sense.  You know something has no logic, but "everybody's doing it" and so you have to justify doing what is normal and what makes sense.  Normally our conversations are around pregnancy and birth and how what the world does just doesn't make much sense, but today we're going into the newborn phase to talk about one of the most controversial topics there is….circumcision.  Today's episode is going...
Published 01/16/24
SHOW NOTES Today's episode is part Bible study, part birth lesson.  There are a lot of parallels to be found in the story of the lukewarm church in Revelation with the mindset necessary to succeed in having a natural birth in this medicalized world.  This episode will challenge you to commit and not be lukewarm in your outlook about birth so that you can truly succeed and rise above the odds stacked against you in the medical model of maternity care.     Helpful Links:   2 WAYS TO WORK WITH...
Published 01/09/24
SHOW NOTES Today's show is a recap of all the wonderful things that happened in 2023 and a preview into our journey in 2024.      Helpful Links:   2 WAYS TO WORK WITH LORI:   --> Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course! This is a COMPLETE childbirth education course with a God-led foundation taught by a certified nurse-midwife with over 20 years of experience in all sides of the maternity world conducted LIVE this summer.  Learn more or sign up...
Published 01/02/24
SHOW NOTES Are you a hearer of this podcast or are you a doer?  If you want to have different results with your pregnancy than the norm, it's time to commit to making some real change in the new year.     Helpful Links: Now YOU can have access to the entire Christian childbirth course conducted LIVE this summer!  Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course - Replay Edition!  This is a COMPLETE childbirth education course with a God-led foundation taught by a...
Published 12/26/23
SHOW NOTES A majority of OBs and medwives across the country will be loading up labor & delivery units this week with inductions to try to get their patients delivered before Christmas.  But is this truly an indication for induction? Today's episode is all about this topic.      Helpful Links: Now YOU can have access to the entire Christian childbirth course conducted LIVE this summer!  Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course - Replay Edition!  This...
Published 12/19/23
SHOW NOTES Shoving a stack of papers in your face and asking you to sign on the dotted line is NOT informed consent, but that is what takes place on nearly every labor and delivery floor in every hospital in America.  Informed consent is about so much more than just signing a form.  This episode digs into what informed consent is and how to get it when it's not being offered to you up front.     Helpful Links: Now YOU can have access to the entire Christian childbirth course conducted LIVE...
Published 12/12/23
SHOW NOTES   If your birth attendant wants to do what's called an "artificial rupture of membranes" also called "AROM" or they may just say they want to break your water...should you let them? Today's episode is going to help you understand what it means and whether you should consent to it.     Helpful Links: ** USE COUPON CODE "BDAY" AT CHECKOUT NOW THROUGH NEXT WEDNESDAY 12/12/23 TO GET 10% OFF THE COURSE OR A MIDWIFE AND ME POWER HOUR AT THE LINKS BELOW!!! **   Now YOU can have access to...
Published 12/05/23
It's Christmas time (again?!?!) and with that comes time around family and people you might not normally see.  Something about you being pregnant means people love to tell you all about their horror stories from their pregnancies.  They'll tell you they didn't dilate or that they tried to give birth naturally but couldn't or how they would've died if they weren't at the hospital or how they wanted to breastfeed but didn't make enough milk.  So so so many things and so so so many negative...
Published 11/28/23
The holidays are a time to come together and reconnect with family.  It's time to slow down and enjoy your blessings.  It's sadly also a time for a lot of stress for families, especially new moms.  Today I'm going to give you some tips on how to navigate this time with your head held high.   Helpful Links: Now YOU can have access to the entire Christian childbirth course conducted LIVE this summer!  Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course - Replay...
Published 11/21/23
So many of you have worked so hard to prepare for the labor and birth you want to have so you can work with God's design to do things the right way.  You have your beautiful birth....but then you have a new baby in your arms and the doctor says something isn't quite as it should be with your baby.....NOW WHAT?  Is it really wrong?  Do you need to do something?  If you do, are you setting yourself up for a long cascade of testing and interventions?  If you don't are you endangering your baby? ...
Published 11/14/23
SHOW NOTES: Today we're going to talk about some things you need to think about and know to stay healthy during flu and cold season.   Helpful Links: Now YOU can have access to the entire Christian childbirth course conducted LIVE this summer!  Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course - Replay Edition!  This is a COMPLETE childbirth education course with a God-led foundation taught by a certified nurse-midwife with over 20 years of experience in all sides...
Published 11/07/23
SHOW NOTES   So you tell your doctor that you want to decline something they routinely recommend and they ask you for a study to back up why you're making that choice.  Here's my question -- since when do we need a study to back up sticking with what's normal??  God made women to give birth uninterrupted and without intervention.  That is the way it has been since the beginning of time.  Rather than require us to present some study to support our decision to do the way things have been done...
Published 10/31/23
SHOW NOTES The placenta is an amazing organ that God creates in us at the beginning of a new pregnancy and gets rid of immediately after the baby is born. It is the lifeline for the baby and performs a plethora of functions to support the baby's life while in utero. Today we're going to talk about how the placenta forms, what the placenta does, and how to best manage the delivery of the placenta after birth. The medical model thinks that everything about birth needs to be managed because they...
Published 10/24/23
The world says bottle feeding formula to your baby is easier than breastfeeding.  But this is just one more lie the world tells us to take us away from our God-given purpose and design as His daughters nourishing the next generation to optimum health and strength!  STOP believing the lies!  Breastfeeding when properly supported is easy and LESS time-consuming than bottle feeding. In this brief bonus episode, I debunk this lie and help you to see why nursing your baby is so very DOABLE and in...
Published 10/20/23
Did you know you CAN nurse two babies at once?  It's hard to find good information out there on tandem nursing because so few people do it, but many women face the decision!  If you're wanting another baby and you're still nursing one or if you are already pregnant and you've got one still breastfeeding, this episode is going to encourage and help you very much!       Sign up HERE for Feeding Your Baby God's Way, a LIVE Breastfeeding Intensive Workshop being held online on October 24, 2023 at...
Published 10/17/23
SHOW NOTES  Life can be so distracting. The devil doesn't need to make us believe in some other god or even worship him to get us off track in our walk with God. All he has to do is distract us with whatever works just enough for us to take our eyes off of the one TRUE God. We are so vulnerable to suggestion during pregnancy due to fear of the unknown that Satan often lures us into being distracted by the fear of the medical side of maternity care inflicts on us. Before we know it, we've been...
Published 10/10/23
SHOW NOTES In this mini-episode, I share my thoughts on breastfeeding and nursing our babies, the way God designed us perfectly to do.        Helpful Links:   Sign up HERE for Feeding Your Baby God's Way, a LIVE Breastfeeding Intensive Workshop being held online on October 24, 2023 at 6:30pm!!   Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course - Replay Edition!  This is a COMPLETE childbirth education course with a God-led foundation taught by a certified...
Published 10/06/23