Last week we took a look at home birth together.  Today, we’ll look at hospital birth together.  Not much more to say than that, other than to say if you haven’t listened to episode 95 yet, go do that first, then come back and listen to this episode so you can get the background. As a midwife who has worked in the hospital and out of the hospital to attend births, and earlier as a labor & delivery (L&D) nurse who helped women with birth in the hospital for many years, I've seen both...
Published 06/18/24
Everything that is new to you seems scary.  Familiarity is what makes things comfortable and less scary.  This is true for many things and home birth is no different.  I get messages from listeners saying they would love to have a birth at home but their husband isn’t comfortable or maybe they’re scared to do it.  So I want to talk today about whether home birth is scary or if maybe we’re just scared of what you don’t know and your fear is really based on what you’ve been told which might not...
Published 06/11/24
When you want to have a homebirth but your husband or family isn't on board, it can be a very stressful and frustrating for everybody involved.  They love you dearly and the lies of the world can have them believing that home birth is dangerous and reckless.  Often with the right information, they will change their perspective, so this episode dives into this topic.  It is easier for me to talk to them than for you to since I don't have the emotional ties you do.  Sit down and listen together...
Published 06/04/24
Prenatal nutrition is one of the only things you can truly control during pregnancy.  If you've listened long to my podcast, you know that's something I preach over and over, especially in episodes 23-26 and 88.  In today's episode, I have the pleasure of talking with Lily Nichols, RDN, CDE, author of three books all about this topic.  You can find the links to the books below as well as links to the articles she references during our discussion! Lily's Folic acid vs. folate article Lily's...
Published 05/28/24
It is only natural that many moms are afraid of tearing "down there" during birth.  Perineal tears (aka perineal lacerations) seem pretty scary, but the best way to deal with fear is by getting the information so you can think about it more rationally.  Yes, tears do happen, but they are rare and the risk that you have one can be reduced by doing some things before and during birth, so today that's what we're talking about - how to reduce the risk of tearing during birth. Links mentioned in...
Published 05/21/24
If you are struggling now or have every struggled with infertility, or if you are currently trying to conceive (TTC), you are going to love this episode.  Even if you haven't struggled, you will learn so much about your body and tracking your cycles which will help you know your body even better, so you are going to love this episode too!  Today, I talk to Bekah Yawn, host of "For the Love of Hormones" podcast.  Bekah teaches fertility awareness from a Christian perspective and offers...
Published 05/14/24
SHOW NOTES Kinda like with birth, if you listen to people around you, you probably think that the newborn period is a traumatic time of screaming babies and nobody sleeping much. Babies are either colic or teething or allergic to this or that or won’t sleep at night.  It can sound pretty scary. But what if I told you that all of that is something that is very true to who they are and who they have always been — they are trying to adjust to something so very different than all they’ve ever...
Published 05/07/24
SHOW NOTES: Have you noticed this terminology that pretty much everybody uses about birth?  The doctor said I “had to”.  I asked the nurse if I “could”.  They wouldn’t “let me”.  Do you hear that?  There’s a structure here that puts “THEM” above you…..and yet it’s YOUR birth.  YOU hired THEM to be there.  I wanna talk to you today about how a simple change in your mindset can transform the way your birth goes.  Inside this episode, you’ll learn 3 things that are going to empower you to make...
Published 04/30/24
SHOW NOTES: Today’s episode is all about nutrition because there isn’t much you can control about pregnancy, but what you eat is one of them and we need to be making sure we do our best to give our bodies and our babies the absolute best we can so we can be healthy and strong throughout pregnancy.  This information is also especially useful to moms who are trying to conceive before conception has occurred.  Preconception nutrition is important because most organs are already formed by the...
Published 04/25/24
Information on this family's story on Children's Health Defense website Article on FB This family's VAERs Report My resources to educated and prepare yourself   Helpful Links:   HOW TO WORK WITH LORI:   --> Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course! This is a COMPLETE childbirth education course with a God-led foundation taught by a certified nurse-midwife with over 20 years of experience in all sides of the maternity world Learn more or sign up...
Published 04/23/24
Many of you have struggled since listening to my series on circumcision back in January with knowing how to make sense of the current circumcision situation in our country and how that relates to the Old Testament biblical mandate for circumcision.  I got an email from one of my listeners that shed some new light on the topic that I think will help you, so today I'm sharing with you what she shared with me.  I hope this helps you.  Let me know what you think. Previous episodes on...
Published 04/18/24
In today's episode, I interview Aly McClain from the Peaceful Homebirth podcast.  Aly shares with us her background as a registered nurse, the story of her traumatic c-section birth with her first baby, her road to healing and recovery, and her beautiful, redeeming home birth she went on to have later.  You will learn about how even those of us in the medical field can fall a victim to the lies and the cascade of interventions, but you will also learn how you can rise above it and heal for...
Published 04/16/24
SHOW NOTES: Are routine prenatal tests a good idea or are they simply another tool of our medicalized maternity system used to derail our birth plans and get us back in line with the standardized care they prefer?  This episode will look at things like routine STD testing (specifically syphilis testing which is called RPR and TPPA), routine gestational diabetes testing, routine ultrasounds, and routine urinalysis tests which can find GBS and cause you to be called GBS positive long before...
Published 04/09/24
SHOW NOTES: Pregnant women are not sick.  Pregnant women are NORMAL and they should be treated that way.  But 90% of women choose to see obstetricians for their pregnancies.  Obstetricians are trained surgeons. We can't be surprised when surgeons act like surgeons.  This episode dives into the risks women take when they decide to see an OBGYN for their normal pregnancy.   Helpful Links:   HOW TO WORK WITH LORI:   --> Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth...
Published 04/02/24
If you are getting your prenatal care from a traditional practice, it is almost a guarantee that you will be offered an induction, or worse, scared into thinking you need an induction when it's not really true.  This episode will look at 3 of the most common "reasons" (read: lies) that obstetricians or medwives use to scare you into thinking you need an induction so that you can be prepared to stand up for yourself and your birth plan instead of giving in to letting them control the timing of...
Published 03/26/24
SHOW NOTES: Today's BONUS EPISODE is an article from Children's Health Defense looking at the evidence behind the RSV shot and whether it is safe and effective for pregnant mothers and babies.   Helpful Links:   HOW TO WORK WITH LORI:   --> Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course! This is a COMPLETE childbirth education course with a God-led foundation taught by a certified nurse-midwife with over 20 years of experience in all sides of the maternity...
Published 03/21/24
SHOW NOTES: There are a lot of lessons we can learn from scripture that are seemingly not about birth, and yet the lessons learned can be applied.  In our evening worship this past Sunday, we talked about something that is not new here.  I’ve told you and warned you before, but I want to show it to you from a different angle so maybe you’ll realize how real it is.   Helpful Links:   HOW TO WORK WITH LORI:   --> Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course!...
Published 03/19/24
Limiting beliefs about birth can completely change your ability to have a successful natural birth God's way, so in this episode we dig into a couple examples of limiting beliefs.  We look at God's perfect design and then we look at how we can undermine that design with our choices when we choose not to work with and support God's way.   Episode 43 & Episode 44  - Interview with Rachel Clark, CPM (Links for Podbean.  If using another app, just scroll back to Episodes 43 &...
Published 03/12/24
Our culture, aided by Satan, has done a great job of robbing moms of the joy of the early days of motherhood.  It's now an expectation that it will be a chaotic unhappy time but this is NOT right and it is NOT of God.  Today's episode looks at some practical ways and some real-life choices you can make that will reduce the likelihood that you will struggle with postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety.  There is no guarantee because we live in a fallen world and we often have to overcome a...
Published 03/05/24
SHOW NOTES It is so easy to become frozen in the paralysis of analysis of all the birth choices in our medicalized maternity system.  But staying stuck isn't an option.  We've got to get moving so in today's episode I give you 3 tips to help get yourself moving and to keep moving as you make your way through pregnancy and birth.  I also share some tools available to you to make sure you are fully informed and knowledgable about your birth choices.     Helpful Links: 2 WAYS TO WORK WITH...
Published 02/27/24
SHOW NOTES  Home birth is safe for most moms, no matter what the naysayers try to scare you into believing.  However, for a small percentage of women, the hospital may be a safer environment because of the type of care they need or their baby needs.  This episode looks at conditions that may indicate it is safer for mom to give birth at the hospital.  Of course, as with all situations, this is simply one opinion and you should always consult with your own birth attendant.         Helpful...
Published 02/20/24
SHOW NOTES Everything has a cost…even if it's sold to you as being free….somebody is paying.  It's not always a financial cost though.  Sometimes it's things that are much more impactful than finances.  After a few weeks looking at insurance from different angles and thinking about what it means to have our care dictated by these corporations, we need to now pivot and think about the actual cost to you no matter which way you choose.  We're gonna dive into that today!     Helpful Links: 2...
Published 02/13/24
SHOW NOTES   Last week, Dr. Stu mentioned a need to pull away from choosing your doctor for your pregnancy care based on who your insurance will cover.  A reel of him talking about this stirred up a lot of comments, so to follow up, today we're going to talk about how to pay for the care you deserve.   Samaritan Ministries -- samaritanministries.org - please mention my name and my husband's name if you decide to sign up (Andrew & Lori Morris)   Helpful Links:   2 WAYS TO WORK WITH...
Published 02/06/24
In today's conclusion of my interview with Dr. Stuart Fischbein (from the Birthing Instincts podcast with Blyss Young), we talk about the intricacies of God's design, the new postpartum depression pill, "jabs", exposure to heavy metals, and Dr. Stu's recommendations for how to have the best chance to have a natural birth.     Helpful Links:   2 WAYS TO WORK WITH LORI:   --> Sign up HERE for the Your Birth, God's Way Online Christian Childbirth Course! This is a COMPLETE childbirth...
Published 02/01/24