All great change begins when you’re thinking is challenged – COVID 19 is a great unknown, it’s provided a non-optional pause for great slices of the world and for many of us this space has allowed contemplation – what might change as we move forward again? My own musing was significantly expanded when I was introduced to an essay by Charles Eisenstein, a graduate of Yale University with degrees in economics and philosophy (a most unusual combination, so it’s perhaps not surprising that his...
Published 05/05/20
“You’re an active creator”, Angela Philp tells us. “You can take the circumstances facing you and shape them for yourself”. Self-Leadership is the key – what’s the seemingly impossible you want to make possible? A dynamo of energy, fierce focus and commitment, Angela has found her passion and focus in life – “I believe that women need to make have 50% of the decision making capacity in this world”. To further that vison, Angela supports and challenges high achieving women with similarly big...
Published 04/22/20
How the world can change in a very short period of time! I’ve been absent from the Podcast for the past 3 weeks as I was feeling a little discombobulated. I did not want to “add to the noise” online, I wanted to contribute to the conversation instead. So, I allowed myself for these last 10 days or so, just to feel the feels” before I was ready to share with you again. I’ve now gathered some initial thoughts and would love to share the concepts of conscious choices in times of change with...
Published 04/07/20
In this episode, we explore how you might be self-sabotaging yourself by asking the wrong questions.  Your brain is a meaning-seeking machine and so when you pose questions, it will happily supply answers to you. If the questions you ask create disempowering answers, they become roadblocks that can keep you stuck in discontent and results that are far from delightful! Once you recognise this tendency, you can change it, asking better quality questions that are expansive and supportive and...
Published 03/17/20
Deciding what to charge for your services can sometimes create confusion and tension! In this episode, I walk you through some of the key considerations when setting your prices to make the experience a little easier. Whilst there is no magic formula to reach an answer, as each business is so very personal, there is guidance to help you make a decision and there is always opportunity to change your pricing when you’ve had feedback from your market. Show Notes Pricing decisions should not...
Published 03/10/20
Is the ability to handle change well to grab opportunities when they present themselves to you an inherited personality trait or is it more like a muscle, something that you can build with experience and time? My guest today, Joe Hanlon has her fair share of handling change. She's moved through careers and industries and has now landed in a place that feels really aligned with her sense of purpose in this next chapter of her life.  "Change, cultures and conversations" they've always been a...
Published 03/03/20
Why you need a Fabulous File Understanding and taking control of your internal dialogue is one of the most powerful skills you can develop as a business owner. Your thinking creates your feelings and your feelings create your actions or inactions, which then lead to your results. But sometimes simply grabbing hold of your thoughts is just not enough to turn them around. I believe we often need something more tangible when self-doubt comes to visit. You need a Fabulous File. I believe this...
Published 02/26/20
Late last year, I started feeling a little bit disconnected from my work. I was lacking a deep sense of purpose. I think we can have a love affair with our business. And just like with any relationship, our feelings can fluctuate. Sometimes we can disagree, and not feel quite so close. When I actually paused and had a look at why that was happening, I realised a likely reason was that I hadn’t actually articulated my purpose, my vision, my mission for my business in a really clear and...
Published 02/18/20
We’re in the first months of a whole new decade, not just a new year, and you may have created some big goals that you want to achieve in business and life in this new chapter. When reflecting on where I’m at, I realised that the end of this decade I'll actually be in my 60s, and so I decided that now is the time to become the best version of me. That means in a business sense, I have some very clear plans for how I want to create more impact and be more supportive of my audience and my...
Published 02/11/20
Jodie Preiss is also a woman of resilience, compassion and vision and she has a great, big heart. I say that Next Chapters are often built on skinned knees, and Jodie is a definite example of this truth because those challenges she’s navigated, they’re actually more akin to lacerated knees.
Published 02/03/20
What do you stand for? It’s an important question to ponder. Write your manifesto with an open heart and mind. Be curious. Explore what’s important to you, what you stand for, believe and want for your clients, and for the world. Keep it private to inspire and motivate yourself or share it far and wide to inspire and motivate others, to create connection to begin conversations. I’ve had a manifesto from another website up on my wall for quite some time. It feels rather fabulous to now...
Published 12/17/19
Trained as a classical pianist in Music College in the UK in the 1980’s, Sarah was familiar with the demands of being on stage. Although she did experience performance anxiety, her determination initially allowed her to push through the stress. But the development of a significant skin disorder took the challenge of being seen to a whole new level and Sarah lost her nerve. “Even after treatment had dramatically improved my skin, I still felt the audience was scrutinising me. I instinctively...
Published 11/27/19
Each year I host “Review and Renew”, an online event all about looking back at the year that was, evaluating your tangible and emotional achievements and then getting clear and planning for the year. It’s a fabulous experience that provides you with confidence and clarity no matter what stage of business you are at.  It’s coming up again next week and I’d want to make sure you have your invitation to join us! You can register at http://bit.ly/Review2019Plan2020 to join me for the live...
Published 11/11/19
Post-Traumatic Stress is unfortunately, a term that many of us have heard about, but have you heard of it’s cousin, Post Traumatic Growth?  In this episode, Diane Lang observes how most of us have a story that has led us to the field of helping, just as I believe that next Chapters are often built on skinned knees. Diane has first-hand experience of overcoming emotionally challenging circumstances and thriving as a result and bringing her lessons into her work in the field of positive...
Published 10/29/19
We live and work in such a hyper-visible and connected online world today. The windows and front door to our competitor’s businesses are wide open to us through their websites and social media platforms. And so we can find ourselves visiting all too often, obsessing over what services and programs they’re offering, how many comments they’re getting on their blogs and FB Lives, how many people are in their groups, what marketing activities they’re implementing and so on and so on… ...
Published 10/15/19
Sometimes it doesn’t seem like we are choosing our Next Chapter. Rather, circumstances can thrust it upon you and we all can do is respond. And often, with the benefit of kindsight, we are able to see this was the best possible thing to happen for, rather then too, us!  That was Tracey’s experience when a company restructure changed the direction of her successful corporate career. She made good use of the outplacement services that were offered to her and recognised that there was a demand...
Published 10/01/19
This week’s episode was inspired by a conversation I had where a client and I discovered the impact of what I call the Chameleon Effect. This is a phenomena that occurs when, for a variety of reasons, we have lost our own value anchors and find ourselves twisting and turning ourselves into a shape that reflects what we think the audience wants of us, whether that be in a job interview or a conversation with a potential new client.  It’s what happens when we fall into wanting to be seen and...
Published 09/17/19
This week we’ve reached a milestone on the Your Next Chapter – the 100th episode! It’s been an absolute delight to share the stories of so many wholehearted women from around the globe who have stepped into their own next chapters in business and life, to hear of their challenges and triumphs, fears and celebrations, lessons and insights. To celebrate the achievement that 100 episodes represent, I stepped to the other side of the microphone to be interviewed by one of my lovely listeners –...
Published 09/03/19
It’s a not unfamiliar feeling, to know you’re ready for change, but not to be sure exactly what that change might be…  And it’s what Bev Ryan felt when she hit her mid-forties and found herself yearning for a new direction. The opportunity to “do her own thing” was beckoning. With a successful career as a High School Teacher in her toolkit, Bev started to explore her Next Chapter, inspired by the Barbara Sher book “I could do anything if I only knew what it was”. She dug down into her...
Published 08/20/19
Your Next Chapter Podcast is brought to you by www.angelaraspass.com Like many of us, Carolyn admits to accidentally falling into her original career, rather than following a burning ambition. For over 30 years she thrived in the world of advertising agencies and even had her own successful agency in Sydney, her new home after London. Even though Carolyn grew up with a strong social conscience, courtesy of her Mum, she felt that the commercial world of advertising and marketing and her own...
Published 08/06/19
Nancy Collamer doesn’t believe in reinvention and thinks a focus on passions rather the purpose is more likely to provide the path to meaningful and fulfilling work.
Published 06/10/19
Anita took a deep breath as we hit record on this episode saying, “All hail the truth!”. And hail that truth she did, sharing expansively about her career chapters from Radiographer to Project Manager to Co-owner to Sole Proprietor of an online Resort wear business to launching a Body Confidence Movement, whilst raising kids and moving 13 time as a Military Wife. “We have to define success to us because our circumstances are unique to us. My business is deliberately small – if I’d tried to...
Published 05/30/19
Rachel has a passion, an absolute commitment to seeing women rise, to be seen, heard and valued. Her chapters of moving from Journalist to Mother to Business Owner have not been without challenges to her own confidence and visibility as she navigated the uncharted territory of role and identity transitions.
Published 05/15/19
At a time when being idle is viewed negatively, and we are accustomed to filling every waking moment with activity Susan and her co-author explores why switching off, or at the very least, slowing down, is vital, if we are to live a life of fulfillment, which is what I believe we all want and deserve in our Next Chapter! Your greatest potential is unleashed when you slow down. Do Less Be More reveals the science that explains why doing less is a bonafide strategy for achieving what you...
Published 04/30/19
Donna Brown has always been deeply committed to helping people be the best they can be in her 30+ years of work in design, media and business. By digging below the surface, she has helped individuals and business leaders lean into purpose by honouring their interests, talents and natures and having them consciously decide “what do I want my life to look like”. An upcoming milestone birthday and the contemplation that often brings, combined with a desire to integrate her spirittal practices...
Published 04/15/19