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Why do people decide to take a bold action or to do nothing? This smart, spirited and fun show takes you on an inspiring tour through the life-defining experiences of remarkable people who, with grace, selfless purpose, vision and drive, have saved lives, infused hope and provided critical help to others. These true stories delve into the thoughts, perspectives and emotions of guest speakers as they juggled decisions that ultimately altered lives of others for better. Provocative and yet sincere questions will reveal motivating touchstones for you as you apply what you hear to your own...
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Recent Episodes
Walter Larkins internalized the importance of respect, integrity, discipline, responsibility, and consequence at an early age. He also learned to be adaptable, tolerant and compassionate.
Published 03/11/16
Walter Larkins internalized the importance of respect, integrity, discipline, responsibility, and consequence at an early age. He also learned to be adaptable, tolerant and compassionate. Walter’s parents are of different ethnicities and became man and wife during a time when their union was...
Published 03/11/16
Building programs that have lasting benefits are the result of people working together toward a common goal. From inception to execution and follow-on, the process is fundamentally the same.
Published 03/04/16
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