"I started to experience what I call inner happiness. I've learned that the majority of people that seek happiness, don't even know what happiness is." Today we have Rodrigo sharing his story about finding inner happiness that exists for no reason except that he is alive and living his life. It's a supremely inspiring story about how gratitude can change one's life. And, if you're someone who enjoys reading as they listen, here is the blog post.
Published 02/02/22
Today I bring to you a beautiful poem about overcoming fears and pain of the past to live the life we have now. I am so happy to speak these magically crafted words for you that weave the tales of wisdom. I hope you like it!
Published 02/01/22
On this Mindful Monday, let's practice affirmations for self-belief. These affirmations are part of my 21 Day Self Love Course (tap here) and are helpful in making us believe in our capability to do what we dream of. Hope they help you. Have a great time!
Published 01/30/22
"One thing is, everyone has the same problem. Everyone is fearful of something regarding their past or present." Today we have Tejas sharing his story about seeing the meaning in life and getting a new perspective about problems as he started to practice gratitude. And, if you're someone who enjoys reading as they listen, here is the blog post.
Published 01/26/22
Self-awareness is a skill, a powerful one, and it’s helpful in steering us towards making the choices that will work for our well-being. So, let’s get into what it is, why it’s important, and how to increase it. As mentioned in the episode, here are the links to helpful resources: 1. Journal Prompts List 2. 5 Guided Meditations
Published 01/25/22
On this Mindful Monday, let's practice affirmations to help lift your spirits. These affirmations are great to start your day with or whenever you want to boost your mood. Hope they help you. Have a great time!
Published 01/23/22
"I had worked a very fun, but high-stress job as an editor of a major newspaper. And for many years, and I was very successful at it, but working at those kinds of jobs, with that many people on stressful deadlines can start to really wear away at you, spiritually and physically." Today we have Kirby sharing sharing her story about finding true joy and freedom in her life as she moved away from a super competitive space to a much slower and simpler lifestyle. And, if you're someone who enjoys...
Published 01/19/22
Today I bring to you something new. 'If' by Rudyard Kipling has been an unforgettable and profound poem for me since I was much younger. The father's words to his son about how he should be if he can be gave me immense inspiration. I hope you enjoy listening to it. I would love to know what you think about having poems on Wise Wednesday too. Do send an email to me at [email protected]. Have a great day!
Published 01/18/22
On this Mindful Monday, let's practice cleansing affirmations. These affirmations are about releasing negative energy and thoughts to effectively cleanse our mind. Have a great time!
Published 01/16/22
"I think you always have to hit rock bottom for you to really want to change anything. I hit that rock bottom. Our family business wasn't doing well, I was in the middle of a breakup." This Thurday, we have Stephanie sharing the story of overcoming her controlling nature to help find space and relaxation with the support of her family and the practice of gratitude. You can also read our conversation here.
Published 01/12/22
“Don't get too deep, it leads to overthinking, and overthinking leads to problems that don’t even exist in the first place.”– Jayson Engay. Let’s learn how to stop overthinking and make the experience of living much more delightful. Here are 7 easy and doable steps to help you. Also, as mentioned, tap here to go to the Gratitude app. And, if you're someone who enjoys reading as they listen, here is the blog post.
Published 01/11/22
Today's session is about empowering affirmations. Sometimes we need reminders to help us gain strength and move forward, may these affirmations empower you to live your days like you want to.
Published 01/09/22
"When I was one year old, my father passed. He was accidentally shot, and I know it sounds crazy, but it was by my mother." This Thurday, we have Ke'Arra's inspirational story about overcoming her anger and hurt from the past using the lens of gratitude. You can also read our conversation here.
Published 01/05/22
Changing the world might not be as hard as it seems. What we need is for everyone to do these 3 things. Also, if you like to read along as you listen, here's this topics's blog post.
Published 01/04/22
Happy new year, grateful people! On this Mindful Monday, let's practice affirmations by the great Louisa Hay. She's known as the queen of affirmations and it's time that we enrich our minds with her words.
Published 01/02/22
"I can say without a doubt that my life has forever changed not only for the better for myself, but for others. I am always inspired every day by things small and large that bring me happiness and gratitude." This Thursday, we have Mega sharing her gratitude story of intelligently and diligently practicing gratefulness to essentially change her life. You can also read the transcript here.
Published 12/29/21
Self-doubt can turn so consuming that everything looks blurry. Let’s figure out how to tackle it, use it for our benefit, and eventually let it go. If you like to read a you listen, here is the blog post on this topic.
Published 12/28/21
On this Mindful Monday, let's practice motivational affirmations to remind you of your strength and for the pick-me-up when you think you're not enough.
Published 12/26/21
We all know that gratitude is helpful and is a major cause of happiness. But, it's even more than that. Find out here why we need gratitude in our lives. You can also read the blog post here.
Published 12/21/21
On this Mindful Monday, let's practice abundance affirmations. These affirmations will help you attract fullness and limitless abundance into your life. Also, as mentioned, here is the link to enroll in our How to Create Vision Board course: https://courses.gratefulness.me/p/how-to-create-vision-board
Published 12/19/21
Today we’ll analyze a variety of thoughts that come to our minds in reaction to a  problem or situation and carve good questions to tackle them. You can also read the blog post here.
Published 12/14/21
Today I bring to you positive mindset affirmations. We all know that a positive mindset is important to have but to consistently keep it, we need to reinforce it regularly.
Published 12/12/21
"Sadness was coming in waves to me and I realized that it's not about my best friend, my father, or anybody, it was about me." This Thursday, we have Sara with her gratitude journey. It's a story of improving your self-relationship and taking control of your happiness to leave the heaviness behind. Here's the transcript of her story: https://bit.ly/3Epwmvw
Published 12/08/21
What can we do to love and enjoy the life that we're living just as it is? Here are my 6 ideas. You can also read the blog post here.
Published 12/07/21
Today I bring to you affirmations for wealth. Money plays a big role in our independence, and therefore is desirable to have in plenty. It gives us the power to make a positive change in the world. And, here are affirmations to help you attract more of it into your life.
Published 12/05/21