7 Ways Your Podcast Creates New Prospects & New Sales for Your Coaching Business
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1. Your Podcast drives home your CandC Idea Your Clear and Compelling Idea is the living, beating heart of your business. It’s the idea that creates demand for your coaching by communicating your value and who benefits the most from that value. Take BMW for example. Their Clear and Compelling Idea is the Ultimate Driving Machine. That Idea sets that brand apart AND speaks deeply to car buyers who care about the driving experience. That Idea also repels those who care more about other things, like Tesla drivers for example. Your Clear and Compelling Idea sets your coaching apart from other coaches and attracts the right people while repelling everyone else. In a perfect world, even the title and tagline of your podcast communicates your Clear and Compelling Idea, so people are exposed to that idea just by coming across your podcast. Beyond that, you can use the guests you feature, the solo episodes you record and the success stories you share, all together in a strategic push to communicate your Clear and Compelling Idea. All the content revolves around that one idea and drives it home from a thousand different angles. It’s the way you look at the world, and no form of marketing allows people to spend as much time with you as podcasting, so it’s a perfect place to communicate more information and drive home one idea from a variety of different angles. 2. Podcasting gives you complete control of your message Unlike being a guest, or doing speaking engagements or other forms of marketing, you are in complete control of every element of your podcast. There’s no one standing between you and your audience. Want to deliver some hard truths or unpopular opinions? Your podcast is the perfect place, because you can share your reasoning behind it and not get muzzled or shouted down by people who disagree. Want to build credibility and authority? Bring on influential experts in your space and focus on topics that reinforce your message. Dana Malstaff’s Boss Mom podcast is a great example, where she brings on people like Amy Porterfield to share how Amy’s program fits into the Boss Mom approach. Want to build anticipation for the book you’re launching? Record solo episodes where you read excerpts or entire chapters, like Mark Divine is doing on the Unbeatable Mind podcast. Whatever message you want to deliver to your audience at any given time, your podcast gives you complete control to put a message in front of your audience based on the needs of your business at the time. 3. Podcasting is Scalable (Unlike Your Sales Skills) Relying on your sales skills to grow your coaching business keeps you trapped trading time for dollars. You can only talk to so many people one-on-one. Could you close more sales if you get more people on the phone? Of course. But how many sales calls do you want to do? Can you double that number and still take all the calls yourself? As any of my clients can tell you, sales calls are great in the first couple of years, and once you’ve done enough, they all start to blend together and you get tired of them. Same thing applies to speaking gigs. Could you get more clients by doing more speaking gigs? Of course. But can you double the number of speaking gigs you do in a year? Most of my clients can’t. Certainly not without putting their family life at major risk. Yet your podcast can double in listeners, and double again, and again, without zero additional time from you. So of course, leverage your skills. But why not put more time into your podcast where you can double your audience without taking up any more of your time? 4. Podcasting creates converts When the right people hear a Clear and Compelling Idea, leading to a unique Point of View, delivered on a regular basis, from different angles and topics, a certain percentage of them come to see the world in a completely different way. They literally become converts. They are converted to your Point of View, your...
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