“put your feet up”可不是要你把脚放平!理解错就尴尬了
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笔记:unwind /ˌʌnˈwaɪnd/ v. 放松,松弛这里需要注意 wind 读音。When you unwind, you relax after you've done something that makes you tense or tired. 意思就是“放松”。Music helps me unwind after a busy day. 音乐使我在忙碌一天后得以放松。I’m just going to watch some TV and unwind.我准备看个电视,放松一下。获取节目完整音频、笔记和片尾的歌曲名,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“笔记”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!
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笔记:go bananas 疯狂,兴奋, 生气这个表达的来源呢有种说法是说“go bananas”类似于“go ape(大猩猩)”这个表达。  go ape这个表达也有“发疯、发狂”的意思。两者放在一起,容易让人联想到,猴子、猩猩看到香蕉高兴的好像要发狂的样子。Adam's going to go bananas on this one.亚当会被这个气疯的。She'll go bananas if she sees the house in this...
Published 06/15/24
笔记:be blown away 被震惊,被惊艳blow这个单词本意是吹气的意思,blow away表示吹走, be blown away不要理解为了“被吹走”,而是说被惊艳到了,被震惊了。To be thoroughly impressed, overwhelmed, or excited by something.I am blown away by the show of support from everyone.我被每个人所给予的支持所震撼到了。I was blown away by how good that movie...
Published 06/14/24