快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 If I’m cool with it, it’s on them if they feel awkward / cringe. → 表達自信,不在意別人看法。 (you don’t need to worry how other ppl think) If…是假設句be cool with sth=to be happy to accept a situation or suggestion 樂於接受現在的狀態 / 建議New Jeans “cool with you” 意思就是『 和你在一起很開心 』awkward (adj.) 尷尬的it’s on sb 某人有責任(對某件事)/ not my concern / not my business-negative, directly deny sth 補充學習 cringe (口語)尷尬 / 原本是動詞(v) Taylor Swift “Learn to live alongside cringe. Cringe is unavoidable over a...
Published 04/30/24
Published 04/30/24
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 That will cause an occupational injury. *職業傷害 occupational injury/ hazard workplace injury 補充學習 滑鼠手/ 腕隧道症候群 carpal tunnel syndrome 變胖了 got fat because of sitting in the office for long time近視加深 eyesight was damaged -Staring at the computer screen for a long time damaged my eyesight. 長時間盯著電腦螢幕,導致近視加深。 眼睛痠 sore eyes 下背痠痛 lower back pain 五十肩 frozen shoulder *關節發炎之後沾黏,關節活動變小,肩膀就像被冷凍一樣 (Eleanor 分享) 扭傷 strain 瘀青 bruises 失眠 insomnia(result from jet lag) ...
Published 04/24/24
天氣越來越熱了,手搖店的生意越來越好啦~ 辦公室有天使同事常常會找大家一起訂購飲料 快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡I'm in.我加入/我可以。/ I'm down. Count me in.算我一份。 (I also want to V) I want in on (that).Can I get in on that? 補充學習 seize the day文字訊息中如果要2個-Put me(us) down for #. put someone down 是指把人家的名字寫下來,幫人家登記的意思,團購常用! 我們在第12集有跟大家分享過手搖飲如果要半糖少冰怎麼說,想了解可以回去聽第12集喔~ "Get a drink from a drink stand/tea shop."我要買手搖杯 情境對話 Duncan: It's so hot today. I feel like getting a drink from a tea shop. Anyone interested? 天氣好熱,我想買手搖飲,有人想一起嗎?...
Published 04/17/24
If there’s no Internet, then it’s doomsday. 沒有網路,世界末日。 快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 網路連不上/ 斷線 I can’t connect to the Internet. The internet went out./ The internet's down. There’s no Internet. The connection cut out.(斷線) 補充學習 網路不穩 the connection/ signal is unstable. 網路漫遊 roaming online/offline wifi/ data plan -Beware of extra roaming charges when you use it. 使用網路漫遊要小心額外收費。 網卡 SIM/ eSIM(虛擬網卡) -eSIM is easier to set up because there’s no physical card to insert. eSIM ...
Published 04/10/24
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡及時行樂、享受當下 "Live a little" 的意思是「活得更自由、更放鬆、更享受當下」 -Life is short, enjoy yourself -YOLO 是"you only live once"的簡稱 補充學習 - seize the day (拉丁文 carpe diem)把握當下 - live in / for the moment/ today 例句:Sometimes you have to let go and live in the moment. 有時候你得放下過去、活在當下。 相反的 - Play it safe:「採取保守的做法」、「行事謹慎」 - think twice 再多思考一下 - have second thoughts 心裡已經有想法,但再想一下 / 商業上會是一個委婉的拒絕 情境對話 Duncan: Hey, it's Friday night! Let's go out and have some fun. 嘿,今晚是星期五!我們出去玩一下吧!...
Published 04/02/24
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 我沒什麼耐心 I’m impatient.(通常在描述自己個性時)I have no patience (with/for sth).-I have no patience with religious people. → "I don’t like religious people” because they might have argued over some religious issues or disagree with the religion. *atheist 無神論者 I’m losing patience (with sb).----------------------------------- You are impatient. You are being impatient. *單純用形容詞是說明一個人的特質;如果是用 be-V + being + 形容詞的結構,代表一個人的舉止或行為跟平常不太一樣,特指對方正處於某個狀態。 eg. He is being rude. 他現在的行為很失禮。...
Published 03/27/24
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡沒力氣了 -Don't have any energy. -to feel drained. -My (legs)_ feel weak. 補充學習 發燒 I am running a fever. I have got a fever / temperature. I have a fever. 頭重重/頭暈 I feel dizzy. My head is spinning. 想吐 I’m going to throw up. feel nauseous(感到噁心的、想嘔吐的) I feel nauseous and cold.(我覺得想吐,身體感覺很冷。) 拉肚子 diarrhea have the runs、get the runs,就是俗稱的「拉肚子」 *如果要說「某東西讓某人拉肚子」,英文就可以用:something give(s) someone the runs 情境對話 Duncan: Are you okay? You look really pale!...
Published 03/19/24
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 請不要造謠 Don't spread rumors. *造謠 spread rumors/ start rumors 不要亂講 - stop talking nonsense -think before you speak. 補充學習 闢謠/ 澄清謠言 address/ clarify/ refute rumors 造謠的人/ 長舌婦/ 愛八卦的人 a gossip 情境對話 Erskine:I heard you were spreading rumors behind my back. What's going on? 我聽說你在我背後造謠。是怎麼回事? Duncan:No, I wasn't. I just said that recently it seems like you're in love. 我沒有啊!我只是說你最近好像在談戀愛。 Erskine:Please, don't start rumors. I was at the park having a picnic with my...
Published 03/13/24
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡我在趕時間~ I'm in a hurry! I'm in a rush! 'I'm in a hurry' 是你會經常聽到的一句話。它用於表達你正在趕時間,或者你沒有多餘的時間。這是一種直接但又禮貌的方式,告訴其他人你需要更快的進行步伐,或者不能參與長時間的活動或對話。 讓我們看看幾種可以使用這句話的情況。例如,如果你在咖啡店,而咖啡師嘗試與你閒聊,但你正趕著上班,你可以說,「抱歉,我正在趕時間,能把我的咖啡做成外帶嗎?」'Sorry, I'm in a hurry, could I please get my coffee to go? 或者,你正在商店裡瀏覽,而店員在包裝你的購物時卻慢吞吞的,你可以說,「我正在趕時間。你能加快速度嗎?」I'm in a hurry. Could you please speed it up a little? 補充學習 「我很急」其他的說法:It is very urgent. / Running out of time./ on a tight schedule....
Published 03/06/24
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:  💡 你只想到你自己 You only think about/of yourself. You only care about yourself. You are always/just out for yourself. *out for oneself 做事只顧自己,太自私 **look out for number one 為自己著想 補充學習  自私的 selfish 自我中心的 self-centered(more rational) to be “full of oneself” 無私的 selfless 大方的 generous/ giving 為別人著想的 considerate 情境對話  Erskine:我幫你準備了好吃的咖哩飯! Hey, I made some delicious curry rice for you. Duncan:哇看起來好好吃!等等,醬跟白飯怎麼可以拌在一起? Oh, wow. That looks delicious....
Published 02/28/24
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 I can't take it anymore. /I've had enough./ I'm fed up. 補充學習 I've had it up to here (with….).(要爆炸的時候會帶手勢表達憤怒說的) 我受夠了don't lose one’s cool/ keep your cool 別失控Lose one’s cool 某人失控、爆衝那當我們跟對方說 Don't lose your cool. 意思就是叫他不要失控,冷靜的意思: 例句:Ray’s always like that. Don’t lose your cool because of his words. (Ray 總是那樣。不要因為他說的話失控。) calm down / chill out 冷靜一下 情境對話 Connie: Hey~You seem troubled. What's up? 你看起來很煩惱。怎麼了啊? Duncan: I've had enough of the constant changes in...
Published 02/21/24
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡好懷念啊 How nostalgic! *feeling happy and also slightly sad when you think about things that happened in the past make me feel nostalgicThis/ It takes me back. This XXX takes me back to… I really miss the…() Those were the days… 補充學習 回憶 memories 紀念品(通常不太昂貴) keepsake -sentimental value 情感上的價值 看在我們的交情上/ 舊日情份上 “for old time's sake” 懷舊,念舊 nostalgia (n.) -Some people feel nostalgia for their schooldays. 追憶,回憶 reminisce 情境對話 Erskine:好久沒來這裡了。好懷念啊! It's been so...
Published 02/14/24
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡What? James got dumped ? 補充學習 分手:break up 例句:Was it a bad break up ?背著某人偷吃、給某人戴綠帽 cheat on sb(v.) I was dumped by Amanda. I shouldn’t have cheated on her. 我被 Amanda 甩了,我不應該背著她偷吃的。蠢蛋、爛人:jerk (n.) James is such a jerk. No wonder he gets dumped all the time. James 是一個爛人,難怪他老是被甩。to get over N 情境對話 Connie: What? James got dumped? 什麼?James被甩了? Duncan: Yeah, it happened just yesterday, completely unexpected. 對啊,昨天才發生的,完全是出乎意料的。 Connie: Oh no, that's tough. How's he...
Published 02/07/24
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 我的生活一成不變 My life is in a rut./ stuck in a rut. I feel stuck in a rut/slump. *rut-a narrow, deep mark made by a wheel 車子在軟土上留下的凹痕 -slump 補充學習 有動力/ 沒動力 motivated/ unmotivated - I feel motivated/ unmotivated. -motivation -going through the motions (ep. No. 162) -routine 惡性循環 negative cycle - break the negative cycle 情境對話 Erskine:我覺得我的生活一成不變。沒有動力前進。 I feel my life is stuck in a rut. And I got no motivation to move forward. Duncan:那就要想辦法改變啊! Then...
Published 01/29/24
🔥2024新年俗爆優惠活動🔥 不管是熱賣的賴世雄文法課,進化英文腦的口說課,KK音標發音課,甚至是賽季正熱的籃球英文,帶你環遊世界的床邊英文故事,精選課程最低只要七折,結帳輸入折扣碼 【hpnw200】可以再折兩百塊。 https://ivybar.com.tw/course 快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: literal Enlgish = braindead, which means “stupid” 💡 inflexible 不靈活的、死腦筋 -有些人比較死腦筋,無法接受不同的觀點,這時候就可以用 inflexible「不知變通的」來形容 補充學習 strict 嚴格stubborn 固執的-”break the rules” 打破規則 -“bend the rules” 通融一下 -”make an exception” 破例一次 情境對話 Connie: Hello, I would like to buy this green water bottle. 你好,我想要這個綠色的水瓶。 Duncan:Sure, but...
Published 01/24/24
🔥2024新年俗爆優惠活動🔥 不管是熱賣的賴世雄文法課,進化英文腦的口說課,KK音標發音課,甚至是賽季正熱的籃球英文,帶你環遊世界的床邊英文故事,精選課程最低只要七折,結帳輸入折扣碼 【hpnw200】可以再折兩百塊。 https://ivybar.com.tw/course 快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 你好挑食 You are a picky eater. *挑惕 picky fussy(會搭配抱怨) -"Why am I still single?" "You're too fussy/ picky. particular about (what I eat, what I wear, who I date…) 我不挑 I’m not picky. 我對…不講究 I’m not particular about… 補充學習 均衡飲食 balanced diet 營養不良 malnutrition 暴飲暴食 binge eating 約會標準 dating standards 情境對話...
Published 01/17/24
🔥2024新年俗爆優惠活動🔥 不管是熱賣的賴世雄文法課,進化英文腦的口說課,KK音標發音課,甚至是賽季正熱的籃球英文,帶你環遊世界的床邊英文故事,精選課程最低只要七折,結帳輸入折扣碼 【hpnw200】可以再折兩百塊。 https://ivybar.com.tw/course 快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: acrophobia 懼高症 (學術上的用法) fear of heights (日常口語用法) -在美國人的日常口語中,他們可能更常用「fear of heights」(害怕高處)來描述懼高症,而「acrophobia」通常被用在醫學或心理學領域,較少在日常對話中使用。 補充學習 發抖 trembling/ shaking腳軟 weak in the knees眩暈 vertigo頭暈 to feel dizzy 情境對話 Connie:Wow, this mountain looks so high! I'm really afraid to climb up. 哇,這座山看起來好高啊!我真的不敢往上走。...
Published 01/10/24
🔥最新線上課程🔥 「最後一次學KK音標-賴世雄用6小時讓你英文發音更精準」 https://lihi2.com/FZ9IP 快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 我完全插不了嘴 I couldn’t get a word in. *插話、插嘴 get a word in (通常反駁意見時)jump in/ cut in (通常表贊同)chime in/ chip in 補充學習 欸我插個嘴 Let me jump in here. Let me stop you right there. I'm going to stop you right there. Could I jump in here? Do you mind if I jump in?(從頭到尾沒說話,但想插話時) (比較有禮貌)抱歉打斷/打擾你,但… I’m sorry to interrupt you, but… If you don't mind, may I say a word here? Excuse me, may I cut in... ...
Published 01/03/24
🔥最新線上課程🔥 「最後一次學KK音標-賴世雄用6小時讓你英文發音更精準」 https://lihi2.com/FZ9IP 快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 我訂不到餐廳啦~ I can’t/couldn’t get a table/reservation. 💡  fully booked 客滿 例句: Every restaurant I want to go to is fully booked. 我想去的每間餐廳都客滿!! 補充學習 Can we have a table by the window, please? 請問可以給我們靠窗的座位嗎?I'd like to make a reservation, please. 我想要預約(房間或餐位等等),麻煩了make a reservation (for sth) 預定(房間或餐位等)Please come on time. We can only hold the reservation for 10 minutes. 麻煩準時到哦。座位只會保留 10 分鐘。 情境對話...
Published 12/27/23
🔥最新線上課程🔥 「最後一次學KK音標-賴世雄用6小時讓你英文發音更精準」 https://lihi2.com/FZ9IP Basic Challenge rizz(charisma) 魅力-rizz 是從 charisma 來的,很特別的是它擷取了中間的發音 ris 變成了 rizz,指的就是一個人的魅力,prompt 指令-我們熟悉這個字的意思多為提醒,提詞,但隨著 ChatGPT 的興起,它成了「指令」的意思,也就是我們輸入想要AI幫忙做的事。situationship 偽感情(situation+relationship)-A situationship is a romantic or sexual relationship that is undefined and noncommittal. People in a situationship are more than friends but less than committed romantic...
Published 12/20/23
🔥最新線上課程🔥 「最後一次學KK音標-賴世雄用6小時讓你英文發音更精準」 https://lihi2.com/FZ9IP 快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: reach the summit 攻頂 -We made it (to the top)! 補充學習 你要跟我一起去爬山嗎?Do you want to go hiking with me tomorrow? 我們快到了嗎?Are we close yet? 下山 head back down 登山步道 hiking trail 加快腳步 keep up the pace 情境對話 Duncan:Wow, we finally made it to the top! The view is so beautiful! 哇,我們終於到山頂了!景色真美啊! Connie:Yeah, climbing was hard, but seeing this view makes it worth it. 是啊,一路攀登很辛苦,但看到這景色真的很值得。 Duncan:It's...
Published 12/13/23
🔥最新線上課程🔥 「最後一次學KK音標-賴世雄用6小時讓你英文發音更精準」 https://lihi2.com/FZ9IP 快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 調整一下心態 adjust/ change the mindset/ attitude 補充學習 釋放壓力 release stress 注意一下態度 watch your attitude 保持開放的態度 keep an open mind *open-minded (a.) 態度決定高度 Your attitude determines your altitude. 情境對話 Erskine:最近工作好忙…壓力真的好大! I am so busy with work recently. I'm really under a lot of pressure. Duncan:還好嗎?你可能需要調整一下心態。 Are you doing ok? Maybe you just need to to adjust your mindset....
Published 12/06/23
🔥最新線上課程🔥 「最後一次學KK音標-賴世雄用6小時讓你英文發音更精準」 https://lihi2.com/FZ9IP 快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 喔,沒事了 ~  It's nothing/ It's all right / it's okay  補充學習 想要請別人幫忙的時候,除了說help me之外,還可以怎麼說呢? Can you lend me a hand? 你可以幫我個忙嗎?Would you do me a favor, please? 可以請你幫我一個忙嗎? 如果你可以幫忙但需要等一下,可以怎麼說呢? Wait a moment, let me finish the task at hand first. 等我一下,我先完成手上的工作。 如果手邊很忙要婉拒別人,可以怎麼說呢? I’m sorry I’m not able to help you out this time. I have an emergency to attend to. Let me recommend someone who may...
Published 11/29/23
🔥最新線上課程🔥 「最後一次學KK音標-賴世雄用6小時讓你英文發音更精準」 https://lihi2.com/FZ9IP 快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 每次都幫你擦屁股 I’m always picking up the slack.(要做的事更多,因為別人沒做完) I'm always cleaning up your mess.(after sb did sth bad, especially for children, or friends.) *擦屁股-收拾善後 *slack 鬆弛、不緊的地方 too much slack= is not tight tight vs loose, taut vs slack *slacker 偷懶的人 *to slack off→ sb should do sth but they didn’t. 補充學習 加班 to work overtime, put in(自己想做) extra hours 加班費 overtime pay 負責任 take (the)...
Published 11/22/23