We go over our lists of the best movies of 2016. We also discuss a few duds, misses and plain stupid movies. At the end we talk about a few TV shows that made an impression on us during the year that was. We hope you disagree with us.
Published 01/23/17
Published 01/23/17
We review it, analyze it, talk about it, take it apart and spoil it. You've been warned.
Published 12/21/16
We start by talking about haircuts and move on to talking about the trailers for Logan, Power Rangers, Fantastic Creatures, Rouge One and Wonder Woman. We then go on to discuss Dr. Strange. It's a long one, hope you packed a lunch.
Published 11/16/16
We start by reviewing our Halloweens and go on to realize that either of us really like Blade Runner. Dan hates Western movies and therefore hates Westworld, the movie and the HBO series. He will, however, continue to watch. Claudean thinks she may dress up as Pris Stratton one day.
Published 11/01/16
Horror movie Halloween special. We talk horror with our friend Beth, who has been watching and cataloging horror movies for over a decade. Scary, isn't it?
Published 10/21/16
Bi-weekly podcast discussing everything nerd, geek and pop culture. From movies, TV, comic books, cosplay, and toys. In our first episode we discuss Netfilx's Stranger Things and talk about Amazon's The Tick pilot and Valiant Comics' Faith trade #1.
Published 10/11/16