Under Mao Zedong - Zan Qilali (Stood up)........Under Deng Xiaoping - Fu Qilali (Became Rich)........Under Xi Jinping Qiang Qilali (Becoming Powerful).
Published 07/01/21
Published 07/01/21
We need to improve, digitise and integrate our SHCs PHCs (29,300 more needed) and CHCs (1,700 more needed) for smooth functioning of Health Care System.
Published 06/29/21
It violets - Article 19(1)(a) "FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION" and Article 19(2) "REASONS RESTRICTIONS". || Law was enacted in 1870 for suppressing voices of Indians.
Published 06/29/21
Pillar Two Proposal - OECDs Plan to plug (BEPS).
Published 06/29/21
Recently Privatisation.
Published 06/29/21
How both countries should move forward.
Published 06/25/21
G-7 (June 2021)
Published 06/13/21
Published 06/12/21
Judiciary Editorials
Published 06/12/21
C.A - Lakshadweep.
Published 06/12/21
Facts to remember.
Published 06/12/21
Political science
Published 06/07/21