IE Business School / IE University
Professors of IE Business School discuss key management current affairs relating to their areas of expertise.
This area instills students with a fundamental entrepreneurial culture in order to better understand the environment and leverage opportunities that arise in such a way that business initiatives achieve the right bottom line results.
Con objeto de formar a los directivos presentes y futuros en el análisis de la información que se deriva de la contabilidad de la empresa, se desarrollan estudios teóricos y prácticos que les capacitan para la toma de decisiones, tanto de carácter estratégico como operativo. La base docente de...
Fully aware that people constitute the decisive factor when it comes to reaching objectives in any organisation, this academic area is dedicated to the study of human behaviour in organisations, along with the policies and systems of human resource management. The courses given by the team of...
The overriding objective of this area is to equip current and future directors with a capacity to analyse accounting information. This is achieved through both theoretical and practical studies designed to enhance strategic and operative decisionmaking processes. Hence teaching in this area is...
The main aim of this area is to familiarise students with all the processes employed by firms to commercialise their products or services in the most efficient manner possible. It introduces students to the latest management tools, providing a global and strategic vision of a business...
Entendiendo siempre el Marketing como la mejor forma de satisfacer los deseos y necesidades de los consumidores, el área está enfocada a que, a través de los distintos cursos, el alumno adquiera los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos necesarios para dominar las diferentes parcelas del marketing...
If marketing is viewed as the best way to satisfy the desires and needs of consumers, this area is focused on providing students, through different courses, with the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to master the different aspects of marketing in different environments and sectors. In...
Participants learn here about the key factors that impact the evolution of the company. Participants use analytical tools and develop a capacity to design organisational structures – management systems, organisation charts, departmental responsibilities – thanks to which specific problems can be...
This is a particularly dynamic area, the result of the state of constant evolution of technology and its key role in the survival of traditional firms and innovation in the way they do business. This obliges professors to subject their theoretical teaching to constant revision, and to maintain...
The IE School of Architecture trains architects who go on to become global leaders of excellence in design, innovation and management. It is a diverse, international institution that has a blend of cultures where the prestige of Spanish culture as the backdrop is examined with perspective.
Pioneering, approachable, adaptable, flexible, human-imperfect, independent, global, technological, demanding and ahead of its time. It ventures on an in-depth and genuine academic concept for communicators, both theoretical and practical. It shines with a unique and balanced academic staff of...
Conscientes de que las personas constituyen el factor decisivo para la consecución de los objetivos de cualquier organización, esta área académica está dedicada al estudio del comportamiento humano en las organizaciones así como las políticas y sistemas de gestión de los recursos humanos. En los...
Esta área inculca en los alumnos una cultura emprendedora que es fundamental para comprender el entorno y aprovechar las oportunidades que éste brinda. La idea es que las iniciativas empresariales se realicen alcanzando una rentabilidad adecuada.
Con el objetivo de maximizar el valor de la empresa, en esta área el alumno aprende a analizar en términos cualitativos y cuantitativos aspectos fundamentales como la inversión, financiación, retribución y riesgos. Esto se logra a través de un temario teórico y práctico constantemente actualizado...
El objetivo de esta área es conocer todos los procesos que debe emplear una empresa para comercializar sus productos o servicios de la forma más rentable. Así, poniendo a disposición del alumno las herramientas adecuadas, se logra que adquiera una visión global y estratégica de la empresa, al...
This area comprises applied economics and a more practical part where students analyse all aspects of economic environment. The main objectives are to provide participants with a better understanding of the economy from a corporate point of view, and prepare them to forecast events in order to...
Se trata de un área especialmente dinámica, consecuencia por un lado de la constante evolución en la que se encuentra la Tecnología y por otro de la importancia que ha adquirido en la supervivencia de la empresa tradicional y el nacimiento de nuevas formas de hacer negocios. Ello obliga a su...
By focusing on the behavior of individuals and how they react to the complex world around us, IE University School of Psychology equips students with a critical mindset and deep knowledge of the psychological and social processes underlying the human condition.
The School of Arts and Humanities is at the very heart of IE's mission, as the arts and humanities courses it offers form part of all the undergraduate and postgraduate programs at the University. Thus, all our students, regardless of their chosen field of study, get the opportunity of acquiring...
Professors of IE Business School discuss key management issues and current affairs relating to their areas of expertise. The podcasts are grouped according to management areas and include podcasts in both English and Spanish.
Although academic study and achievement are part of IE´s fundamental values, the true IE experience offers so much more. Students are encouraged to get involved with one of the many clubs and societies that are organized in collaboration with the Student Office, and with everything from Marketing...
El Claustro de IE constituye nuestro activo más importante, la base de la calidad de nuestros diferentes programas y de las actividades formativas. El Claustro está formado por individuos excepcionales, con perfiles personales y profesionales muy diversos, que saben cómo ayudar a nuestros alumnos...
El Departamento de Carreras Profesionales colabora con el alumno en la planificación de su trayectoria profesional, proporcionándole las aptitudes necesarias para que pueda enfrentar con éxito los retos del mercado y esté bien posicionado para conseguir las aspiraciones que le han traído a IE....
We know that getting accepted to any top business school is a great achievement and by no means an easy feat. However, acceptance is just the first, albeit major, piece in the puzzle to actually studying at IE. There are a host of other issues to be dealt with: immigration, housing, Spanish...
Conseguir la admisión en una escuela de dirección de alto nivel es en sí mismo un logro de gran mérito. Sin embargo, la admisión es sólo el primer (gran) paso de tu trayectoria en IE. En el camino surgirán multitud de asuntos que requerirán tu atención: trámites de residencia, vivienda,...
The IE Alumni Association currently comprises over 37,000 alumni that hold management positions in 100 countries, and serves as a platform for networking, training, information and professional services. More than 80 alumni representatives and over 50 clubs around the globe will help you...
La Asociación de Antiguos Alumnos está constituida por unos 37.000 antiguos alumnos que hoy ocupan puesto de responsabilidad en 85 países y que sirven de plataforma para el networking, la formación, la información y los servicios profesionales. Más de 80 representantes de antiguos alumnos y más...
IE University biologists receive a focused and differential education to prepare them to effectively manage, design, and control the procedures for industrial transformation. This practical vision is designed to provide solutions to the most pressing problems facing today´s society. This vision...
Edutainment is a monthly podcast based at IE University. Through various videos including documentaries, interviews and discussions, Edutainment explores many topics and debates them with professors, students and special guests.