ENERGIZE YOUR LIFE: Most people hate to exercise. But, if you are among the millions of people who actually dread the very thought of exercising, why do you think you "have to" exercise?  In this episode, I'll give you three reasons why you don't "have to" exercise and what you should be doing with your time instead.  PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AND SHARE THIS PODCAST WITH OTHERS, THANKS.
Published 01/12/17
Published 01/12/17
The way we live and work not only rob us of our health and put a strain on our time and energy resources, it blocks our access to our most essential sources of energy, leaving us feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally drained.  In order to energize our lives and live vibrantly, energetically, and enthusiastically we need to have a big vision for our lives and to live and work in such a way that contributes to our big vision.
Published 05/08/15
The human body is a living, intelligent organism.  And the truth of the matter is that with all the things the body has to do everyday to keep us alive, it's a miracle that more things don't go wrong, especially since most of us take such poor care of ourselves.  However, the body wants to survive and it will do whatever it has to do to survive.  But survival is different from optimum performance.  To get optimum performance we have to first develop "body trust."  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A...
Published 02/12/15
Negative people are filled with dark matter.  Most of them have been living in the abyss of despair for so long, not only have they given up on their dreams, they are also quick to convince you of the futility of yours.  I call these kinds of people “energy suckers” because their negativity slowly sucks the life out of you. So how do you detox yourself of this toxic negative energy and feel alive again?  You have to make the decision that your life is too short and time too valuable to...
Published 01/27/15
A new year brings the promise of new birth or new beginnings.  It’s a chance to start over, a stepping-stone into the realm of new possibilities.  What better time is there to reflect, recommit, and re-engage to your priorities?  But as you reflect on your successes and failures of the past, it is always best to clarify your reasons for wanting to move in a particular direction, before proceeding forward.  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE, REVIEW AND SHARE THIS PODCAST WITH YOUR...
Published 01/15/15
Most of us would love to do, have or be more in our lives but are limited by time constraints.  Is there a way for busy people to make a difference in their lives?  Do one thing each day – no matter how small – that moves you in the direction of your dream.  In this episode, Dr. Del will share a few simple ways of making a difference in your life.  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE, REVIEW AND SHARE THIS PODCAST WITH YOUR FRIENDS!  THANKS!
Published 04/11/14
In these challenging economic times it is not difficult to eat healthy on a small budget.  Of course, if you shop exclusively at stores like Whole Foods, you’ll find that you will be paying premium prices for most things.  Here are a few simple ideas I’ve shared with my clients to help keep their food budgets low when times are tough.  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE, REVIEW AND SHARE THIS PODCAST WITH YOUR FRIENDS!  THANKS!
Published 03/24/14
Do you find yourself constantly on the treadmill of busyness, instead of the path of significance?  Do you spend your days succeeding at things that don’t really matter?  Do you even know what matters most to you?  And how do you make time for what matters most?  Listen up as Dr. Del shares five simple strategies to help you make time for what matters most.  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE, REVIEW AND SHARE THIS PODCAST WITH YOUR FRIENDS!  THANKS!
Published 02/24/14
Most of us are motivated when we start an exercise regime, but how do you stay motivated when you don’t feel like going on?  How do successful people get themselves to do what they need to do whether they feel like it or not?  What is motivation anyway?  Listen up as Dr. Del shares why a fit, healthy body isn’t enough; you’ve got to engage your spirit.  Also, how to get in touch with the source of your motivation.  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE AND REVIEW AND SHARE THIS...
Published 02/11/14
It’s New Year’s Resolutions season and the sad truth is that 25% of people have already given up on their resolutions one week into the New Year.  Would you like to know the secret to making your New Year’s Resolutions work for you?  Listen up and I’ll share my “Top 5 Ways to Make New Years Resolutions Work for You.”  Happy New Year!  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE AND REVIEW AND SHARE THIS PODCAST WITH YOUR FRIENDS!  THANKS!
Published 01/06/14
Are you worried about gaining weight over the holidays?  Let me show you how to create a new mind-set and a few simple strategies to come out on top.  This week I’ll share with you one of my recent radio interviews on my top five tips to not gain weight over the holidays.  Get the FREE e-book here.  Happy Holidays!  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE AND REVIEW AND SHARE THIS PODCAST WITH YOUR FRIENDS!  THANKS!
Published 12/14/13
Most people fail at their attempts to change their bodies and lives because they tend to jump right into the “doing” stage without first ascertaining where they are in the psychological process.  To make your changes stick, you have to go through the five stages of change before you’re really READY to commit yourself wholeheartedly to the results you seek.  So, are you READY?  Take a listen and learn how to get yourself in the right psychological mindset before you begin any new...
Published 12/02/13
New clients often say to me, “I think I gained weight because my metabolism has slowed down.”  To which I would ask, “Is it that your metabolism has slowed down or is it that you’re no longer as diligent with your fitness and nutrition regime as you used to be?”  If you understand what your metabolism is you would readily agree that it is the latter.  So what are the two primary factors that affect your metabolism?  And how can you boost your metabolism, lose weight, transform...
Published 11/08/13
In case you’ve been neglecting your body and are ready to get back on track, you may be asking yourself, “how do I get started again?”  Well, earlier this year this same question was posed to me on a radio interview.  So if you’re trying to get back in shape and get your body back, listen to this week’s episode and I’ll share with you why you need to start with a detox-cleanse program.  I’ll also explain the difference between health, fitness and body transformation and why you...
Published 10/22/13
A recent research study confirmed something that I have been sharing with clients for years.  That is, when you make your own food at home you’re in a better position to take control of what you eat.  The study found that those who cooked regularly, where generally healthier and lived longer than those who cooked infrequently or not at all.  In this episode, I’ll share with you some of my simple tips for making quick healthy meals in ten minutes or less.  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE,...
Published 10/09/13
Today we’re living longer and unfortunately for many, we’re also living with more diseases and poorer health than did past generations.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  There’s an expression that says that your genes is like a gun that is loaded with good health or disease, and your lifestyle is the trigger that expresses one or more of those genes.  The truth is we all have cancer and other disease cells in our bodies, but a healthy lifestyle could help to prevent...
Published 09/30/13
What dreams, ideas, talents or skills do you have buried deep within, untouched and undeveloped, that have never seen the light of day because your life is too busy and over-committed to even entertain the thought of doing something else?  What impact would developing those dreams, ideas, talents or skills have on your happiness or quality of life?  How much potential income have you lost out on because you’re too busy to follow-through?  In this episode, I will share with you...
Published 09/21/13
Have you ever ask yourself, “What is the difference between high performers and everybody else?”  Well, that’s a question that I’ve been asking for years.  Over the years I’ve worked with some of the top performers in their fields.  And I have observed that people at the very top of their fields not only do things differently than most others, but they also think differently too.  In this episode, I will share with you the seven habits of high performers and how you can adapt them...
Published 09/21/13
There is a saying that goes, “attitude is everything.” Over the past twenty years of working with highly successful people, I have found that those with the most influence have been the ones who are most capable of maintaining a positive outlook on their situation, even when they have no reason to be positive.  Find out how you too can tap into your “co-creative energy” and learn to shape the outcome of your circumstances.  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE AND REVIEW AND...
Published 09/21/13
Over the years one of the most important issues I have had to coach people on is how to achieve work-life balance.  Most people struggle with trying to have it all (family, career and time for personal pursuits).  But is it possible to create a balance between all our various commitments and therefore make time for the things that matter most in our lives?  This week I’ll share with you 5 simple ways to achieve balance.  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE AND REVIEW AND SHARE...
Published 09/21/13