Taryn Siddiq joins me to talk about her work as a Clinical Social Worker and the need she has helped fulfill for Muslim women to have a safe space to talk about issues that affect their wholistic wellbeing with an emphasis on their emotional and psychological health.   Taryn recently retired from an illustrious career as a passionate Social Worker. She is the Founder of The Muslimah Connection a Nonprofit organization established 22 years ago to facilitate its main program The Muslimah...
Published 01/20/22
Hajja Ayisha Jeffries Cisse is a dynamic leader, global servant, and beautiful woman. She is a scholar, humanitarian philanthropist, social entrepreneur, activist, and holistic lover of God and life.  She has worked as the Vice President of Global Affairs and Senior Policy Advisor on Gender Equity to the President of the African American Islamic Institute (AAII), a non-governmental international organization based in Senegal, West Africa. Their mission was to lead sustainable development to...
Published 12/30/21
Sade Tuckett is a US Diplomat serving as a Foreign Service Officer (currently in Mexico).  She joins me to talk about growing up in a very loving family and how it nurtured her confidence, creativity, compassion, and spirituality, how she fought the fight of her life to claim her authentic place in higher education and diplomacy, and how lucid visions and serendipitous events led to her spiritual path.   Here is a link to the speech Sade gave at American University, which is featured in the...
Published 10/25/21
Maghboeba is an immigrant from Capetown, South Africa who learned the value of service as a young girl in the harsh and oppressive apartheid system. Her personal sojourn has meant achieving success beyond the limitations of her upbringing and cultivating a deep desire to serve the disadvantaged and underserved influenced by the work she saw her parents do as a child to help others.  
Published 09/13/21
In this episode, I talk with Habiba Ebrahim & Sadia Majola Rantseli, South African Women who are transformational coaches and have experienced the challenges and triumphs of working in male-dominated work environments.  Collectively, they have experienced great success as well as stress and burnout related to the imbalances and challenges of having to prove their worth in these often hostile and uncompromising environments.   They've taken their experiences and their commitment to being...
Published 08/19/21
On this episode, I talk with the wonderful and dynamic Angelica Lindsey-Ali—lovingly known as The Village Auntie™.  She joined me to talk about the spirituality and sacredness of SEX. We talked about body positivity issues that women and surprisingly for men have when it comes to sex and intimacy and about how life is a dance with love...one in which most folks are offbeat, out-of-step, and basically dysfunctional when it comes to understanding True Love and looking for love in all the wrong...
Published 07/31/21
Chantal Blake is a Womb Wellness Educator who is passionate about helping women deepen their knowledge and implement wholistic practices to cultivate greater self-love and self-care as it relates to taking care of their feminine nature and their womb.  I met her when I participated in one of her online courses called Deeper Femininity.  Having no biological children of my own, talking about motherhood and childbirth with her intrigued me and filled my heart and soul with warmth and...
Published 07/21/21
Dr. Davia Shepherd is a real-life superwoman.   Not only is she a best-selling author,  the CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) of a dynamic women's networking organization, a fellow transformational retreat leader, and "The Queen of Collaboration", she is also a wife, mother, and a successful Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine in private practice in a small town in Connecticut. On this episode, we talk about her new book, Grow Smarter, which promotes working smarter not harder through collaborative...
Published 07/12/21
In this powerful conversation, I speak with the dynamic soul, Aishah Tatum, a holistic life and leadership coach.  Aishah earned a degree in Psychology, and MBA and is pursuing her PhD in Interpersonal Psychology.  She holds nothing back in telling us the spiritual truth about why we should  act, eat, speak, and live like we love ourselves. Can you guess the powerful reason she says we should do these things?  Listen to hear her speak the spot-on truth! 
Published 07/07/21
On this episode we talk about listening to inner guidance, understanding intuition, and making decisions that are in alignment with our truth.
Published 06/29/21
In this episode we talk about the remembrance of God, our covenant with God, how our hearts beat to the name of God, the embodiment of God’s attributes, the unity of God, unified love, and ways to increase our remembrance of God.  Good stuff!  
Published 06/21/21
In this episode, we talk about boundaries—what they are, why we must establish them, and what happens to our spiritual and emotional wellbeing when we don't establish healthy boundaries.  Dr. Nicole is a licensed psychotherapist and has worked internationally in several countries with different populations to help them recover from trauma.  She is also a transformational life coach who has a boot camp related specifically to helping women understand boundaries and how to establish healthy...
Published 06/14/21
In this episode, I talk with the delightful soul Tash Mitch about being identified at a young age as an Indigo child.  She was holistically nurtured by her grandmother to have spiritual awareness which cultivated self-awareness early in life. We also talk about intuition and managing difficult situations by owning our truth without bypassing uncomfortable feelings. 
Published 06/08/21