In this episode, Gerritt interviews Nick Long. Gerritt and Nick discuss the "virus of the mind", the importance of framing, and the process of letting go. Nick opens up about how the world broke him down and how he was able to get back on his own two feet.
Published 08/11/20
Published 08/11/20
In this episode, Gerritt discusses the classic need versus want dichotomy. As human beings, we have a tendency to focus on what we want while conveniently ignoring what we need to do to get to where we're trying to go. I've said it before and I'll say it again: wanting something doesn't make it happen, only action can do that.
Published 08/04/20
Gerritt discusses being permission-based. When we're young, we're expected to ask permission before we do certain things, depending on how old we are. This is usually done to keep us safe. While the habit of asking for permission is usually to keep us safe when we're young, it can have the opposite effect when we're adults.
Published 07/30/20
Gerritt discusses the story of the 300 Spartans and the importance of taking responsibility. In life, we need to show up each day and be someone who takes responsibility for our actions but what does taking responsibility for our life even look like? In short, taking responsibility means doing the work necessary to accomplish our goals, whatever they may be.
Published 07/28/20
Gerritt discusses Margaret Thatcher, the former prime minister of the United Kingdon, and the importance of choosing sides. When we choose a side in life, we create a public symbol that shows others where we stand. This is important because publicly choosing a side has a tendency to naturally reveal those who stand with us and those who stand against us which is valuable information in its own right.
Published 07/24/20
Gerritt discusses his recent trip to Mexico with his wife and the three lessons he learned while on a snuba diving expedition. First, we control our environment; second, don't move too fast; and third, point of view is important. With the global health pandemic still going on, it can be easy to feel like we don't control our environment, we keep having to make changes to our business model just to stay relevant, and the sky is falling. Spoiler alert: it's not.
Published 07/21/20
In this episode, Gerritt discusses the pitfalls of self-fulfilling prophecies. In life, sometimes we're subject to a jarring experience which alters our worldview, for better or worse. In the worse case, it's not uncommon for the experience to consume us such that we build walls up around ourselves and what we believe we're able to accomplish. Are you ready to break down those walls and get after it?
Published 07/14/20
Gerritt interviews Brad Gibb, co-founder of Tactical Cash Flow. Tactical Cash Flow "empower[s] those seeking a life of financial independence with the tools and strategies necessary to grow wealth, build cash flow, and create financial freedom... True freedom allows you to spend time with the people you want, where you want, and when you want because your income isn’t limited to your time."
Published 07/09/20
In this episode, Gerritt discusses the pitfall of hesitation. While it's important to take some time preparing to make a decision, it's also important to pull the trigger and do something. If we spend too much of our time planning, we risk overanalyzing a decision to the point where we don't do anything at all (which a decision in and of itself).
Published 07/07/20
In this episode, Gerritt discusses the importance of knowing your audience. If you've ever run advertisements and haven't had success, it's possible because it wasn't speaking to the right audience. Modern technology allows for a variety of unique insights in to the people who consume our content and if you're not taking advantage of it, you're falling behind.
Published 07/02/20
Gerritt discusses leadership delegation and growing pains. Leadership delegation is about empowering the people underneath you on the corporate organizational structure to make their own decisions and effectively employing it can be the difference between success or failure. When a company experiences rapid growth, the ceo can't be the only person responsible for making decisions anymore otherwise nothing will ever get done. Or at least not as quickly as it could.
Published 06/30/20
Gerritt interview Chris Lee, an entrepreneur from Washington. Chris is no stranger to hard work and began his career at 12 years old, delivering papers to the town of 2,400 that he grew up in. Like many entrepreneurs, Chris stumbled at first but today he runs a successful solar installation business. Gerrit and Chris discuss growing up in small-town America, working smart, and taking action.
Published 06/26/20
In this episode, Gerritt discusses his frustrations associated with the coronavirus. Since a global health pandemic was declared in March, governments around the world have shut down large swaths of their respective national economy. This sudden change has come with seemingly contradictory information from the same government which is responsible for shutting everything down. This leads Gerritt to question the validity of the heightened sense of importance with which the coronavirus is being...
Published 06/24/20
Gerritt interviews Joel Anderson, a former police colleague who currently operates a gym in Arizona. Joel has competed in the United States Police & Fire Championship, an Olympic style event for cops and firefighters, and won his division four years in a row. Gerritt and Joel discuss the importance of balance across all areas of life and dangers associated with becoming hyperfocused on any one thing.
Published 06/18/20
Gerritt discusses the intersection of racism, policing, and how it relates to your life. Most cops and most protestors are decent people simply trying to live their lives but when we get caught up focusing on the bad apples in the bunch, we drift away from focusing on the solutions necessary to deal with the root of the problem. This applies to business, marriage, and a family too.   Do you struggle to find the time to invest in yourself, family, AND your business? It doesn't have to be...
Published 06/16/20
The Tactical Businessman Podcast crosses 100,000 downloads and Gerritt thanks his audience for their growing support. Gerritt discusses managing work-life balance and the impact it has on our dreams. Spending your mental energy trying to solve all your problems all the time leads to decision fatigue and we become stuck. How to we get out of this rut? Find out on episode 183 of the Tactical Businessman Podcast.   Do you struggle to find the time to invest in yourself, family, AND your...
Published 06/11/20
Gerritt discusses the "dirty work" behind every successful person. Often times when we see the success of others, it's easy to look past all the hard work it took for them to get there. But any person who has achieved professional and personal success will tell you that most of the work required to get there is not easy. Getting up at early, jogging that extra mile, doing an extra set at the gym, staying late at work, or taking the time to be introspective enough to understand the toxic...
Published 06/09/20
Gerritt discusses how external stimuli lead to internal health or decay. Since the pandemic began, it has been easier than ever to fall out of our healthy routines and into bad habits. The external stimuli which we feed our body, whether it be food, exercise, or even the people we surround ourselves with, shapes our internal health which subsequently shapes our external reality, for better or worse.   Do you struggle to find the time to invest in yourself, family, AND your business? It...
Published 06/04/20
Gerritt discusses the unintended consequences. From raising the unemployment insurance payments by $600 per week to the housing crash of 2008 and the pandemic related lockdowns of 2020, the band-aid solutions prescribed to stemming the damage of these emergencies led to second and third-order effects with costs of their own. When we analyze the impact of these decisions, it leads us to wonder if they've caused more damage than they did to help. The same is true for our personal lives....
Published 06/02/20
Gerritt interviews Kevin Steven Quinn, a corporate sales executive turned entrepreneur. Garrett and Kevin discuss the importance of taking care of oneself first, the process of being broken down so we can be built back up, and the importance of learning how to let go of the person we used to be.   Do you struggle to find the time to invest in yourself, family, AND your business? It doesn't have to be that way. Find out more at https://www.thetacticalbusinessman.com -- The Tactical...
Published 05/28/20
Gerritt discusses deaths associated with railroad tracks and how not seeing the train coming until it's too late is a metaphor for coronavirus. Many businesses have found their business operations significantly altered due to coronavirus and the most prepared are those who squirreled away resources in the event of a major loss of revenue, such as the Green Bay Packers. Unfortunately, many businesses have found themselves stuck on the tracks as the train of coronavirus strikes at every part of...
Published 05/26/20
Gerritt interview Russ Ward, also known as "The Lead King". Russ discusses his journey to where he is today and how his resilience through hardship has forged him into a digital marketing expert. After a series of poor decisions led Russ to the brink of financial catastrophe and contemplating suicide, he managed to evolve into an entrepreneurial success by focusing on three words: "it's possible". Do you struggle to find the time to invest in yourself, family, AND your business? It doesn't...
Published 05/21/20
Gerritt discusses Covid-19 and common sense. During a crisis, it's easy to become overwhelmed by all the noise of life and lose our grip on obvious and simple solutions to the problems we face. Taking time to conduct an evaluation of our approach to these problems can help us get the clarity we need to deal with them appropriately.     Do you struggle to find the time to invest in yourself, family, AND your business? It doesn't have to be that way. Find out more at:...
Published 05/19/20
In this episode, Gerritt discusses spending time in nature with his family. After spraining her ankle earlier in the morning, Gerritt's wife struggled during a hike later that afternoon. The experience of walking the path together lead Gerritt to several insights about how leadership.   Do you struggle to find the time to invest in yourself, family, AND your business? It doesn't have to be that way. Find out more at: https://www.thetacticalbusinessman.com -- The Tactical Businessman is a...
Published 05/15/20