Listen, It's impossible to accurately imagine how your life will be different after you welcome a new human into your it, so there's no such thing as being fully prepared for becoming a parent. There is, however, such a thing as being prepared for what you know will happen (like the paperwork you'll need to fill out, and the gotchas to avoid) in order to make it easier to focus on the stuff that completely blindsides you (like the utter insanity of it all or how suddenly and fiercely you fall...
Published 03/04/20
Published 03/04/20
Are you as tired as we are of "the economy" being trotted out to support every tax and social policy argument? Do you wish that people who use the phrase "the economy" were required to specify exactly what they're talking about? Us, too. Timestamps: 1:38 - Personal Economy vs THE Economy 10:57 - Revolution starts with imagination 22:33 - The Flat Tax Fallacy 39:00 - In the face of big structural issues ... what do we do?
Published 02/19/20
Yes, we have socialized medicine here in Canada (and are grateful for it!) But if you or someone you love needs to travel somewhere for treatment, or medical supplies that aren't covered (like osotomy bags), or drugs that might cost $2,400 in one visit to the pharmacy or $0 in the next...you might be surprised at the financial and emotional toll it can take on you. Timestamps: 4:18 - Getting “comfortable" with uncertainty 6:08 - Bedside manner matters - in medicine and in finance (and not...
Published 02/05/20
We truly believe that real conversations about money have the power to improve how we make decisions about our finances. In this episode, we're joined by Ian McNaughton, a seasoned coach and communications expert, to learn how to get better at having those conversations. Timestamps: 4:12 - Ian talks about the effects of wealth 6:48 - Ian talks about how to talk about money between generations 21:20 - Ian talks about communicating in the really tough times and how to be with someone in the...
Published 01/22/20
Welcome back to season six of Because Money! Since we last spoke, the show itself and each of our co-hosts have experienced transitions - some minor, some very, very major - and we've adopted the theme of transition to shape our conversations for the upcoming season. Join us for an episode of updates, outtakes, and change. Timestamps: 2:45 - Planning for transitions that 'might' happen 8:50 - The biggest Because Money transition of all 10:15 - John talks about health, family, and taking a...
Published 01/08/20
Impostor syndrome, squishy soft skills and the importance of real hard data... we talk about why we think the bigger conversation around money is so important. Timestamps: 1:00 - Why did Sandi start this thing in the first place? 3:14 - The value in non-actionable conversations 17:05 - John talks about the dangers getting lost in the data (for people who have spreadsheets for brains) 18:30 - Kate and Chris talk about imposter syndrome and how hard it is to be in a conversation when you feel...
Published 06/19/19
How do you talk about money when you're by yourself? We didn't even know this was a question you could ask... but John does in a solo episode. Timestamps: 1:00 - How do you have the conversation alone 6:11 - The problem with the loudest voice in the conversation (the church of Bitcoin) 11:49 - John talks about making pancakes
Published 06/05/19
John leads the charge on challenging some of the defaults we have in the financial world... and why they're sometimes complete phooey. Timestamps: 2:30 - John doesn't need to iron his shirts to feel like a grownup 9:00 - You don't have to buy a house for Aunt Jo 20:49 - What Kate thinks being an adult is 30:22 - How do you not fall into these defaults? 45:25 - There's a social cost to forging your own path
Published 05/22/19
Breakups suck and money doesn't make them any easier. We talk about how to talk about money in yet another situation where that's the last thing you want to talk about. Timestamps: 3:44 - The underlying conversation - What if we don't make it? 17:55 - You can't celebrate feelings and finance 18:35 - The difference in the definition of 'common law' 27:15 - What's the 'right' answer for mythical financially excellent adults? 37:02 - If communication is impossible... maybe it's time to...
Published 05/02/19
Mental illness and money: both things that people don't talk about and both things that are really really important things to talk about. Timestamps: 3:00 - Kate breaks down her last 6 months 10:35 - At what point is the 'ideal job' a luxury you can't afford 15:05 - The things that help: setting the non-negotiables 26:20 - What are the right things to say to the people in our lives living with mental illness 32:50 - You are allowed to be your whole self in all the places where you are
Published 04/17/19
The world of finances has so many 'rules of thumb'. Most of the time they're pretty useful, but in some cases they can be really dangerous. Timestamps: 5:30 - John talks about what averages are actually good for 15:08 - Sandi breaks down how she figures out when you're going to die 18:12 - Chris talks budgeting rules of thumb 24:11 - Rules of thumb vs customized advise 32:24 - Global warming and looking out for 'future us' 38:23 - Does working with rules of thumb make finances seem more...
Published 04/03/19
Setting goals matters, both in our finances and in our general lives... but there's tons of ways to go through that process. We talk about personal goals, income goals and how we plan out our lives. Timestamps: 1:40 - Kate talks about how she sets goals 8:40 - Why Sandi is resisting setting personal goals 15:05 - Who are you when you're not working (and why that matters in retirement) 25:40 - Income goals and whether they work...or not 36:00 - The metrics that matter (spoiler... 'matter'...
Published 03/20/19
The expectation is that we all understand taxes as soon as we start making income, but that's not what happens for most of us. We talk about weird tax stuff, our past mistakes and what we wish was different. Time Stamps: 7:15 - It's your job to know, and we think that's stupid 17:04 - Chris talks about the tax disasters in his past 23:19 - John talks about what has surprised him in the tax world 37:40 - The misconceptions around deductions 45:05 - Some thoughts for people who don't file...
Published 02/21/19
It seems like retirement is the same for every one... but it's really not. John Stapleton joined us to talk about why retiring with low income is very different and requires a very different set of advice. Time stamps: 8:50 - How the wrong advice can cost a low income earner up to $60,000 12:10 - The issue of clawbacks (rawr) 18:30 - Is the problem a lack of advocacy or a lack of political will 22:40 - Could Basic Income help? 40:08 - The difference between tax credits and tax deductions
Published 02/06/19
We dearly love to interrogate couples about how they negotiate money, and for this latest round we caught Owen and Sue just before they went on a date and forced them to tell us how they talk about money with each other. Well, we say "forced"...but it didn't take too much effort on our part, because it turns out that this married couple with young kids has their money communication strategy down cold. It's a beautiful thing to see, and we're excited to share it with you. Timestamps: 5:30...
Published 01/23/19
Does everyone need the kind of comprehensive financial planning advice that Chris and Sandi offer their clients? We think not... and spend some time revisiting last season's finale about being the ones to encourage open conversations about money with people who (we bet you a thousand dollars) are just dying to talk about it without shame.
Published 01/09/19
We're big fans of Tim Nash, and you will be too! Tim is the founder of Good Investing, an advice-only investment coaching practice that helps folks create low-fee, diversified portfolios around their ethical values. 4:30 - What's in an anarchist's portfolio 6:46 - How Tim does what he does 15:15 - What's new in the SRI space? 21:20 - Ethical investing, for-profit prisons and the CPP 24:40 - The effect of SRI on the market (and the evil companies you love to hate) 37:36 - What would Tim do...
Published 12/12/18
Inspired by a conversation about shampoo, this one gets deep: what's our responsibility to make ethical choices if we can't afford them? 4:30 - I feel like we should be paying more for things & nudges 9:55 - Plastic straws vs A/C and low-stakes vs high stakes and virality 11:25 - When you feel like you can afford to make ethical choices 17:00 - Money is a thing that happens to people 25:00 - Can I afford to enact change? When is enough? 28:50 - My money is to create a barrier between me...
Published 11/28/18
Inspired by a conversation Chris had at a recent workshop, we explore whether there's a financially optimal way to handle illness and catastrophe if you're caught before you're fully prepared. 2:29 - What can you actually do when crisis hits? 8:23 - Chris brings up Universial Basic Income 17:51 - What supports are available in a crisis? 22:00 - Sandi says something really smart about hindsight
Published 11/15/18
We're delighted that Kate is joining the show as a co-host, delighted to see each other again after a few months of summer break, and truly delighted to start having real conversations about money again. So much delight. ALL the delight. Join us for an episode of updates: Sandi talks about how building a business and building a family lifestyle at the same time can be discouraging, John swipes left on going part time, Kate goes from freelance to full-time and talks about her unconventional...
Published 10/31/18
Hey, fellow money nerds: how do you talk to people who don’t know or don’t care quite as much as you do? Kate Smalley is our guest this week because A) as a maker and marketer with lots of financial services clients and a paraplanner at Spring, she’s really interested in how people talk about money and B) we really like her. You will too, trust us. 14:13 - The power of vulnerability 19:40 - Why you don’t need to know all the things to help people 23:41 - How do you start a money...
Published 04/18/18
We’ve been angling to get our friend MYD on the show for a long time. If you don’t remember, he’s the nice guy who offered to convert the show to audio and list it in all the podcast places before Season Three, Well, we still haven’t managed to get him on the show, but here’s the next best thing: we asked him what he wanted us to talk about, and he sent us a long list of questions to answer about RESPs. There are a few 101 questions, lots of 201 questions, and even a few 301 and graduate...
Published 04/04/18
While smack-dab in the middle of an emergency is kind of the worst time to start preparing for one, for most of us it’s the upheaval and chaos of just such an event that opens our eyes to the value of marshalling our resources before the next one hits... In this episode we talk about practicing for an emergency (kind of like a fire drill), what happens when an emergency hits after you’ve started preparing for it but before you’ve finished, and speculate wildly about how many people view...
Published 03/21/18
Listen, somebody is going to cry over socks in this episode, just so you’re prepared. We’re talking about how to have the conversations we need to have to make sure our parents are safe and happy as they age, and in the course of a short thirtyish minutes have at least three Eureka! Moments about youthful hubris, parental wisdom, and socks. You don’t want to miss this one, but definitely bring tissues. 4:56 - The gang gets real about talking to their parents about money 11:36 - What are the...
Published 03/08/18