Some people say do what you love and what you're passionate about and you'll never work a day in your life. Other people say nah, go get yourself a good job with good pay and benefits and security, etc. etc. What's your opinion? I recently went with the former thinking--after many years of the latter thinking--and I have not been this happy and fulfilled in a long time. Listen to in to what made me realize I made the right choice.
Published 06/29/22
Published 06/29/22
Do you workout? Why? Is it to stay fit and healthy? Or is it because you feel that societal pressure to be fit because "real men" are fit? I feel you, I succumb to that pressure as well. Yes, I work out because I like to stay fit and I like to compete and I want to be healthy, but I'd be lying if I said the vain part of me didn't like how it made me look. Join me for this awesome conversation with Gareth Nock as we talk about masculinity, fitness, health and the tough conversations that arise...
Published 11/18/21
Who do you consider your teammates? Family, friends, spouses, co-workers? What do they mean to you? Why do you consider them your teammates? What do you do to make sure you remain good teammates? These are questions that we probably don't think about too often, except when something big in our life happens that makes us feel really lucky to have those teammates. Join me for this solo episode as I talk about my support system, what they mean to me and how they've helped shape the man I am today.
Published 11/08/21
As men, we're taught from a very young age what it means to be a man: play sports, be tough, don't cry, don't be emotional and many others. Some argue that those things are inherently masculine, that we're born that way. Join me in this conversation with Mark Greene as we discuss whether masculinity is something we're born with or something we learn... or both! Mark is a speaker and author who who writes and consults on relational practices, diversity/inclusion & masculinity for...
Published 11/02/21
Have you ever been faced with a big decision in your life--at work, in your relationships, with your health, wherever--but felt so paralyzed by fear? So paralyzed that the only thing you could do is constantly think about all the bad things that could happen if you made that decisions, never stopping to think about all the good that could come from it. If this resonates, listen to this solo episode about a recent big fear I had to face... and what happened after I faced that fear and took...
Published 10/22/21
We've all felt pain. But for a lot of us men, the only pain we identify with and open up about is physical pain... sometimes. Just because we're men doesn't mean we don't also feel emotional and mental pain as well, we just don't admit it. We don't admit it because at some point it became "unmanly" to admit you were in pain. Heck, a lot of us don't even know we're in pain. Join me for this solo episode that dives deep into the pain we all feel at one point or another, and what's really lying...
Published 06/21/21
Did you (or still do) have dreams of what you wanted your life to be? Yup, me too. So did Greg Larson. Greg is a former "clubbie" (a baseball euphemism for a clubhouse attendant aka housekeeper) who got to live his baseball dream for a short time. But, he also had another dream of becoming a successful writer. Join us for this conversation as we connect deeply not just about baseball, but about what it means to be a man with a dream and the choices we have to make that shape our lives.
Published 05/31/21
Think about one of your favorite songs.... what is it? Something in that song makes you come alive. You may not be able to put it into words, but you can definitely feel it. My guest today can help you put those feelings into words, into the song of your life. Join me for this intimate conversation with James Addison--songwriter and music healer--as he opens up about his life, from trying to "make it" and seek validation from others, to being in co-dependent relationships, to finally finding...
Published 05/10/21
Have you had someone in your life that made a big impact? Maybe it was a coach, a teacher, a family member, a friend. Someone who made you feel different--in a good way. Someone who made you feel like you mattered, like you were heard, like you were supported, like they believed in you. Perhaps you didn't realize it until this very moment. For me, one of those people was Ms. Mark, my high school English teacher. Join me for this solo episode as I share how she impacted me as a young, teenage...
Published 04/28/21
We all have men we look up to--dads, cool uncles (which I happen to be), grandfathers, coaches, teachers, and other men in our lives. I've got plenty! But the most important role model for me growing up wasn't a man. It was my mom. She was without question an integral part of helping me become the man I am. Such is the case for Q Williams. Q is a mindset and performance coach and Founder & CEO of World Class. Join us as we brag about our moms and how their examples paved the way for our...
Published 04/19/21
Are you good enough? What does it mean to be good enough? Does it have to do with how much money you make, how big your house is, what kind of car you drive or what your job is? What does it mean to be good enough as a man? Is it something we can measure on the outside, or what kind of person we are on the inside? Can it even be measured? Is there a role model for "good enough"? These are questions that I've struggled with and still struggle with. Join me for this solo episode as I dive deep...
Published 04/08/21
Who would you consider your teammates? Why? What do you provide for each other? Can you be yourselves around each other? Join me for this awesome, vulnerable conversation on the importance of teammates and role they play in our lives and us in theirs. I'm joined by Matt Zerker--founder & CEO of tethr, a peer enabled mental health and well-being platform for men--as he shares his story about having his dream job, losing a close friend, quitting that job, and finding his teammates and purpose.
Published 04/03/21
Led Zeppelin. The Rolling Stones. The Beatles. Jimi Hendrix. Rock stars. Legends. Gods. Idols. Every man wanted to be them and every woman wanted to be with them. They were the epitome of cool, bad ass, manly, masculinity. But, if you look a little bit closer and dig a little bit deeper, you'll see that there was more to these paragons of perfection than just sex, drugs and rock and roll. Join me for this solo episode as I discuss what it means to truly live the rock star life.
Published 03/17/21
What does masculinity mean to you? Do you think it's one solid definition for every man or do you think there's a spectrum that can vary from man to man? Do you think it can be viewed as a brand? Join me for this deep conversation with Mike Iamele on what masculinity as a brand means and how you can use it to live a much more meaningful and fulfilling life. Mike is a Life Purpose Expert and a Brand Strategist who, only through batting his own fears, found purpose and "success" in a whole new...
Published 03/08/21
Do you hide? B******t. Even the "manliest" among us hide. Maybe not from a fight, from your responsibilities, or from the ups and downs of life... but from your emotions. Especially "lesser" emotions like fear, shame, insecurity and unworthiness. Instead of accepting those emotions and diving deep into them and working through them, we suppress them and hide them. We lash out whenever one of them is triggered and we're reminded of our inherent vulnerability. Join me for this solo episode...
Published 03/01/21
Who's on your team? Who's your support system? Who do you know has your back no matter what you may be going through in your life? Join me for this incredibly vulnerable conversation with Addison Brasil as he opens up about his life and the unbelievable tragedies that he's endured, tragedies he didn't think he would overcome... definitely not on his own. Addison is a co-founder of Tether, the world’s first peer-to-peer support community connecting men for open and honest conversations about...
Published 02/26/21
What have you lost in your life? Over the past year with the pandemic, a lot of us have lost many important things in our lives: jobs, income, freedom, peace of mind, mental well-being, privacy, relationships... LIVES! Join me for this deep conversation with Gavin McHale about loss and how you can come back from it. Gavin is a former hockey star turned successful entrepreneur, but even though he's tasted success he still continues to battle fear, insecurity and feelings of unworthiness on...
Published 02/14/21
" If we want freedom from perfectionism, we have to make the long journey from 'what will people think?' to 'I am enough.' " --Brené Brown Where do you try to be perfect? Work? Relationships? Sports? Hobbies? Health? Physique? There's a difference between trying to be the best you can be, taking your bumps, learning from your mistakes... and being perfect. Who do you know that's perfect? Join me for this solo episode as I dive into how I've struggled with perfectionism and where it really...
Published 01/30/21
Are you really good at something? Maybe it's your job, or figuring out how to build IKEA furniture. Now think back to when you first began that skill--were you really good at it then? Probably not. It can be difficult to start something new and remind your ego that you're probably not gonna be that good for a while. Join me for this conversation with personal development coach and former pro tennis player Sam Morris as we dive deeply and vulnerably on the fear, but excitement, of being a...
Published 01/17/21
What emotions do you think of when you think of a man? Courage? Anger? Excitement? Rage? Pride? What about sadness? Loneliness? Fear? Insecurity? Jealousy? Despair? Pain? Heartbreak? If you thought "no" to those last few, you're wrong. I'm a man and I've felt every one of those emotions--DEEPLY. There is this notion that men don't feel, and if we do we better do our bet to suppress it. Join me for this solo episode as I talk about what it feels like to be an emotional man. Actually, just...
Published 12/17/20
John Iadarola is the host and creator of the popular and rapidly growing online news show, The Damage Report, and he is also a producer and co-host of the live prime-time news show, The Young Turks.
Published 11/11/20
Are you a good guy? How do you know? What is a good guy? Is it an old school, provider/protector guy? Is it a tender, self-aware, empathetic guy? Join me for this important, first-ever, 3-person conversation as I speak to Brad Johnson and David Smith on what it means to be a good guy. Brad is a professor of psychology at the US Naval Academy. David is a professor of sociology at the US Naval War College. They are the co-authors of "Good Guys: How Men Can Be Better Allies for Women in the...
Published 10/26/20
Have you ever failed at anything? Has an event in your life left you feeling broken and battered? That's what happened to my guest Harris Fanaroff. His athletic career came to end in a way he never expected. It crushed him. Then one day, he was introduced to the field of mental performance coaching. Now, Harris is making it his mission to help individuals regain confidence, make the best decisions possible, and live a happier and more fulfilled life as a mental performance COACH instead of a...
Published 10/13/20