The Rainbow Bridge Technique is perhaps one of the most effective tools for spiritual growth that you’ve never heard of. This method is a process for building the Antahkarana, aka the Rainbow Bridge, the energetic spiritual path between the lower self and the higher self. It is a safe, healthy, balanced technique in a “do it yourself” format to clear all karmic imbalance in one lifetime. This week’s guest, Chloe Folan, a gifted Clairvoyant and Rainbow Bridge Technique teacher, shares her...
Published 05/09/23
Welcome back! We kick off Season 7 by journeying into the fascinating Spirit Realm of our life between lives with Clinical Hypnotherapist, Scott de Tamble. Scott’s expertise in conducting spiritual regressions has guided countless individuals to understand their true purpose and gain insight and healing in their current life. Highlights: * How and when did Tianna & Scott meet?
 * A lifelong curiosity around magical stuff, history and what’s behind reality set the stage for his future...
Published 04/18/23
The spiritual path is a hidden gateway which leads us from the darkness to emerge into the light. This week’s guest, Jesston Williams, host of the podcast “The Hidden Gateway,” describes his journey to heal from trauma, overcome fear and find his purpose to help others through developing his spiritual gifts and sharing his message . Highlights: How Spirit led Jesston to start a podcast. The Hidden Gateway podcast focuses on the topics around reaching human potential and challenging the...
Published 03/14/23
Pendulum Alchemy is the use of a pendulum as a tool to change, transform or influence something in a way that is for the highest good of all concerned. Erich Hunter, a naturalist, healer and scientist with a Ph.D in Biology, developed this manifestation and healing system. In this episode, Erich shares how to experience the power and potential of Pendulum Alchemy to shift reality and create positive outcomes for everyone. Highlights: Erich’s lifelong interest in science, that natural world...
Published 02/28/23
Cultivating harmlessness and integrity are key signposts on the spiritual journey. This week’s guest, Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest, has extensive expertise across many spiritual modalities and traditions, making her the perfect person to write the book, “The Ethical Psychic: A Beginner's Guide to Healing with Integrity, Avoiding Unethical Encounters, and Using Your Gifts for Good.” Dr. Vest’s wisdom is a much needed guide, not just for psychics, but for all spiritual seekers. Highlights: * The need...
Published 02/14/23
If the eyes are the window to the soul, what does the rest of the face reveal? Have you ever wondered what your facial features say about you? This week’s guest, Barbara Roberts, is a world-renowned face reading expert and clinical medicine researcher. She has studied thousands of faces and developed an accurate, repeatable system that honors all ethnic backgrounds. In this episode, discover how to unlock your spiritual gifts and life lessons by decoding your face! Highlights: * How long has...
Published 01/31/23
What does 2023 have in store for us? Astrologers Shannon Gill and Russ Von Ohlhausen are back to illuminate the pathway for this new year, sharing the key cosmic happenings for the first half of 2023. This year’s theme is Initiation! Are you ready? Highlights: Review of recent astrology aspects and how they play into the themes we’re moving into. “2023 is an existential rite of passage” How do the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional consciousnesses differ? January starts off a bit slow due to...
Published 01/17/23
Way back in 2019, (seems like ages ago, right?), we had Valerie Bachman as a guest to talk about sound healing in the first season of our podcast. Much has changed in the world since then, and also in Valerie’s practice. She joins us in this episode to discuss the power of the subconscious mind, Emotion Code and Body Code, NLP and her amazing healing sanctuary space in Austin, Mandala Hills. Highlights: Mandala Hills continues to grow as a community based around nature, wellness and...
Published 12/20/22
Many people equate darkness with evil and shun it. Yet in our world of duality, this is impossible. You can’t have day without night or yang without yin. To become whole and return to Oneness, you need to integrate both light and shadow. Are you ready to embrace the dark feminine within? This week’s guest, Tandy Gutierrez, shares how to work with the dark goddess and receive her gifts of transformation, magic, sexuality, death and rebirth. Highlights: Fall and Winter, the underworld...
Published 12/06/22
Have you heard of Light Language? It’s a multi-dimensional form of frequency communication. Some people refer to it as “soul language.” The first time you hear it, it might sound strange or like gibberish. If you are sensitive, perhaps you can feel the high vibrational energy being transmitted. This week’s guest, Cynthia Brannum, describes it as “bypassing the conscious mind and tapping into the Superconscious, so that those areas are activated in a little more direct way than is usually...
Published 11/22/22
Pets are amazing spiritual teachers. They demonstrate unconditional love, acceptance, present moment awareness and more. Many of us form deep bonds with our animal companions. In this episode, Pet Psychic Laura Stinchfield shares tips on how we can better communicate with our pets and explains about the animal afterlife. Highlights: * Laura shares her earliest memories of hearing a pet telepathically speak to her.
 * The game-changing technique to let your pet know how long you’re going away...
Published 11/11/22
Do you want to decode your soul’s destiny? Look no further than your date of birth and full birthname! This week’s guest, Ann Perry, Numerologist, teaches people how to “speak numbers.” She explains how to unlock the key elements of our life path, talents, lessons and more using the powerful tool of Numerology. Highlights: * How Ann’s reflection of her journey to a “dark place” led her to really appreciate the value of numerology.
 * What does the Life Path number tell us?
 * What are the...
Published 10/14/22
Many old souls are incarnating on Earth to be here for this powerful time of The Shift. They’re awakening at a younger age, remembering the spiritual gifts & abilities they’re here to share. Toré Sol is one of these young “old soul” psychic healers. In this episode, they share their story & offer down-to-earth spiritual insights, especially for younger people. Highlights of this episode: * What happens in a Chakra stone reading?
 * Why a big foundational aspect of Toré’s practice is...
Published 09/30/22
What is Alchemy? Our guest this week, Li-Sann Mullings, the founder of The Temple Of Alchemy And Illumination, defines alchemy as “awakening to the light that we are.” She says it’s “as commonplace as upleveling and returning to remembrance of the self as light.” What could be more beautiful or empowering than that? Highlights of this episode: * When was the beginning of the Reawakening for Li-Sann?
 * How did her soul step in to create a pattern interrupt in her life?
 * What is she...
Published 09/16/22
Our favorite astrologers, Shannon Gill and Russ Von Ohlhausen, are back to give us their cosmic insights for the remainder of 2022! Listen in for their advice and guidance on how to navigate the Shift. Highlights: * How did the astrological transits of the first half of the year play out? 
 * Droughts and the metaphor of water in the Age of Aquarius.
 * People are asking themselves, “What is my contribution to the whole?”
 * We have to find the balance of knowing what’s going on behind the...
Published 09/02/22
Many people are seeking alternative approaches to pharmaceuticals, which often just suppress or treat symptoms while also causing many side effects. Did you know there’s a natural medical system that recognizes and removes the underlying cause and has existed for over 200 years? It’s Homeopathy. This week’s guest, Lizzie Martinez, a Board Certified Homeopath, shares why you’ll want to try this holistic health approach. Some of the topics we cover: * What exactly is Homeopathy and how does it...
Published 08/19/22
You’ve undoubtedly heard of the Law of Attraction and of Abraham, a group of loving beings who focus on teaching this concept. Benny Ferguson, Jr, our guest this week, is a channeler of Abraham, bringing through inspiring guidance to raise your vibration and better align with your Source nature. Listen in to learn why Benny prefers the term “the Law of Reflection”, and towards the end you’ll hear him channel Abraham to answer our questions. Highlights from our conversation: * What does...
Published 08/05/22
Welcome back to Season 6 of Beyond the Illusion Podcast! Do you wonder what extraordinary experiences a professional psychic medium must’ve had in their lifetime? Well this week’s guest, Nicole Parish, doesn’t disappoint! In this episode, Nicole, who’s been psychic since childhood, shares incredible stories from her intuitive journey, along with helpful guidance so you can further develop your gifts. Highlights from our conversation: * What did she notice psychically as a child when...
Published 07/22/22
What the heck is a Crystal Stair Chamber? In this episode’s discussion with Taylor Hatch you’ll learn about this advanced, almost futuristic type of healing chamber and how it's helping bring Light to the planet. Highlights from our conversation: * How do we navigate all the emotional clearing in these times?
 * What is the Crystal Stair Chamber and how does it work?
 * What are Tachyons?
 * How does Tachyon energy heal people and living things?
 * Who is Cobra?
 * Does this technology come...
Published 04/01/22
Have you ever wonder what happens in a tarot reading? Receiving a tarot reading from Victoria Belue was an eye-opening experience for Tim, so he decided to share it so you can listen in, get all the dirt on Tim and learn a bit about tarot in the process. Highlights from the tarot reading: * Why does Victoria start the reading with an energy check?
 * What are Rune cards?
 * In what way is Tim at a new beginning in his life?
 * What’s the Hierophant’s mantra?
 * What’s the driving force in...
Published 03/25/22
Are you paying attention to the messages from your subconscious mind? How do you decipher the symbols and archetypes that show up through your dreams? This week’s guest, Victoria Belue, shares how the tools of Tarot and Dream Interpretation can assist you in knowing yourself deeply and provide guidance along your spiritual journey. Highlights from our conversation: * Victoria starts with 3 card Tarot readings from the Supra deck for Tianna & Tim, which included Overview, Challenge and...
Published 03/04/22
This week’s guest is medical intuitive, Tina Zion. You may be wondering, what exactly is a medical intuitive? '“A medical intuitive is a person who has the ability to see inside the body and read the energy patterns of the physical, emotional and spiritual energies of a client.” (from femininewisdomacademy.com) Tina’s newest book, “Be Your Own Medical Intuitive” teaches you how to do this yourself! Listen as we discuss practices that can help you develop your own intuition. Highlights from...
Published 02/18/22
Channeler and Curandero Michael Thornhill is back to talk about the work he does to help you connect to your multidimensionality and empower your healing. He shares about the need for trauma-informed approaches to healing and also channels galactic beings to give reassuring and helpful answers to our questions. Here’s some key topics we cover: * Michael and his wife, Jamie’s, new retreat center in the Cusco Valley of Peru.
 * What is trauma-informed healing?
 * The transformative...
Published 02/04/22
Buckle up - there’s so much happening in the Cosmos this year! So we’ve brought back our favorite astrologers, Shannon Gill and Russ Von Ohlhausen to help prepare us for the energies of 2022. As usual, they don’t disappoint! As you hear about all of the intensity this year, remember that you are an empowered divine spiritual being who chose to incarnate in this life to be a part of this momentous time on planet Earth. Here’s what we discuss: * The theme for 2022: “There’s a storm coming. Get...
Published 01/21/22
What is reality? How often do you put your reality to the test? This week we have a really fun conversation with Brandon Thomas, creator and host of the Expanding Reality Podcast. Brandon is a deep thinker and true consciousness explorer. He loves pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and just remaining open, without limiting himself to one way of seeing things. Some of the topics we explore: * What is the Mandela effect?
 * Are there multiple timelines, and is it possible we’ve slipped...
Published 01/07/22