Can I have dessert? How much? Can I eat carbs? Do I have to eat vegetables? Deciding to stop dieting can bring up many questions. Let's uncover some answers.
Published 11/10/21
Most people don't want to feel resentful. Most of us want to be gracious and grateful, or at least appear that way. But many people who struggle with emotional eating or binge eating struggle with this feeling. Here are solutions.
Published 10/14/21
A shocking number of people with disordered eating, (including binge eating or compulsive eating) have been through painful or difficult events in their past. The things that happened to us, even long ago, can still influence the way we see the world and how our brains work today. To understand our behavior, it helps to look at all the things we have been through as well.
Published 09/22/21
I was so "good" at dieting", people say. "What happened?" In this episode we explore cognitive factors which can bolster or weaken your ability to resist temptations and meet your goals.
Published 09/06/21
Most people who develop a binge eating pattern can see how it is impacted by emotional states, triggering situations, or hunger states. Have a negative review at work? Many people would be more vulnerable to binge that day. Extra body-conscious because of an upcoming vacation? Same deal; more temptation to binge eat. But this isn't the case for everyone. If binge eating has simply become a daily habit, unrelated to the emotional content of the moment, we address it differently. Learn more in...
Published 08/24/21
You can be cruising along, proudly practicing your emotion and self-care skills, living the binge-free life... when a relapse of old behaviors barges in and shakes all your confidence. Fear not. Here's what to do when all of a sudden you feel like you've lost traction.
Published 08/12/21
As soon as you see your summer vacation photos, do you start picking apart your appearance? Ever pull out an old photo and think, "oh, I didn't look bad at all but I was convinced I looked terrible that night!" In this show we'll cover why these fun house mirror distortions happen, and how to see past them.
Published 08/12/21
In the second episode on closing the gap between *knowing* and *doing*, Georgie shares more practical tips. You'll find out how to start on the bunny slope, go for partial credit instead of pass/fail, and manage emotions about the past which have - until today, that is - held you back like an anchor.
Published 07/20/21
When you know what to do, but just aren't doing it, how do you get unstuck? Listen in for Georgie's advice on turning what you *want to do* into what you are *actually doing*.
Published 07/07/21
Mystifying. Puzzling. Baffling. We could use any of these adjectives to describe the phenomenon of knowing what to do to make ourselves feel better - and not doing it. It's one thing to not know. But when it's right there, you know it's doable and that it's effective, what the heck is it getting in the way? Fear not, you are absolutely not the only person to experience this, and we've got tips to help.
Published 06/14/21
Published 05/30/21
What if urges to binge eat or compulsively raid the cabinets didn't feel so... urgent? What if they were weak, flimsy thoughts that passed by? In this episode, we'll talk about how changing your perspective can help you successfully pass on things which used to trigger uncontrolled eating.
Published 05/16/21
With so much information coming us during every waking hour, we  naturally pay more attention to some data than others. But left unchecked, your mind may focus on prioritizing the wrong type of information. In this episode we'll talk about how to discover what kind of filtering your mind might do, and how get rid of any unhelpful filters that create a biased view of the world. 
Published 05/02/21
Taking stock of our past often leads us to conclude that the future will be a repetition: same struggles, same mistakes, same old patterns. But that line of reasoning has a crucial flaw. In this episode we explore the most beneficial perspective to take...
Published 04/18/21
Cognitive distortions are part of the “launch sequence” you could say, leading up to binge or emotional eating.  The idea of eating a lot of food isn’t itself compelling, but it’s these sabotaging thoughts - which are kind of like little lies - that...
Published 04/04/21
Somewhere in time, many of us got the idea that we "should be" able to perform certain tasks. We might base it on the idea that everyone else can do X, therefore we ought to as well. Or we might reason that after working on recovery for so long and...
Published 03/21/21
"I just want to eat". You've probably had this thought as you're considering all the other things you could choose from in this moment. But you're tired. It's been a hard day. You don't want those other things as much as you want food. In this episode,...
Published 03/07/21
Heading back to work after a holiday is prime time for a wave of overwhelm. Feeling overwhelmed includes feeling small, incapable, confused, and frustrated. And unfortunately, many of us end up in this state on a daily or weekly basis! A sense of...
Published 01/07/21
Have you had any "wow, this sucks" moments lately? If so, know this: it's a sign you are making progress if you feel intense emotions. Maybe they are more intense than ever before. It means at least in this moment, you haven't numbed or distracted...
Published 12/09/20
If you have a rocky past when it comes to potato chips, should you banish them from your home forever? What if your trigger food is chocolate -- does that mean you must never buy m&m's again? Or can you only call yourself 'recovered' when you can...
Published 11/03/20
Being tired is one of the most common triggers for binge eating. And when we feel "tired" most people are experiencing not just physical fatigue, but also the emotional drain of dealing with responsibilities, challenges and... life! In this episode...
Published 10/28/20
There's nothing quite as upsetting as noticing someone is in distress and being able to do NOTHING about it. All too often, that person is us. We might notice through self-monitoring (see prior episode) that we are having a hard time, or just barely...
Published 10/18/20
We crave data. We journal our workouts, log physical measurements, and take interest in our gadgets' feedback on our steps counts and hours of sleep. But without insight into our psychological health, we suffer a major big blind spot. Staying aware of...
Published 09/24/20
When even the thought of cutting back on carbs makes you crave bagels...Or the mental image of plain rice and canned tuna sends you straight to the vending machine... Or you consider restarting macro counting, but would rather do your own...
Published 09/11/20
At points in your journey you might find yourself not progressing or taking action, seemingly paralyzed. In this episode you'll meet Jackie and find out the perfectly logical reason she was stalled, and the solution we uncovered. 
Published 09/09/20