Breakup pain is a fact of life for virtually everyone. But there are ways to grow from it. In fact, here are 3 of them, backed by science. Full article: https://maxjancar.com/breakup-pain/
Published 04/23/21
Moving on is only one half of breakup recovery; the other is letting go of your past self and building someone new; finding yourself again. Full article: https://maxjancar.com/finding-yourself-again/
Published 04/23/21
Learn how handling social media after a breakup can help you get over your ex, get your mojo back and reach inner peace much faster. Full article: https://maxjancar.com/social-media-after-a-breakup/
Published 04/22/21
"Everything happens for a reason." You've probably heard the phrase before. Well, I don't buy into it. It's just wrong. And here's why. Full article: https://maxjancar.com/everything-happens-for-a-reason/
Published 04/20/21
The Max Jancar Show is a podcast hosted by, as the name implies, Max Jancar. The show's goal is to help people who are undergoing a breakup recover, grow and regain control over their emotions, identity, and life — essentially, become more well-rounded, mature, and resilient individuals. Website: https://maxjancar.com/
Published 04/20/21
Feeling worthless and inadequate is expected after virtually any breakup. Everyone goes through these disturbing emotions at some point in their life, yet some people stay stuck within their tight and cold and vicious grasp and somehow can't lessen it no matter how hard they fight. And when that happens. And when they get tucked under their emotions, the belief-forming process starts: their emotions turn into feelings, then their feelings, in turn, transform into thoughts, and those thoughts...
Published 11/16/20
Breakups Through The Lens Of Attachment Theory The attachment style we develop affects everything about our relationships - all from the partner we choose, how well it goes, and how we react if it ends. Understanding our attachment patterns can also help us identify why our relationship didn't work and the reasons behind its collapse. Hopefully, once you learn these things, you can keep your next relationship secure, healthy, and lasting by not making the same mistakes. If you prefer to...
Published 11/16/20
Learn how to heal your heart, and bounce back from your breakup by participating in art therapy exercises and self-reflection. Art therapy originates from various fields of psychotherapy. And like every therapy, it's purpose is to help you process your emotions and heal. But instead of exploring your psychological or emotional challenges by talking about them, you participate in various forms of art activities along the way. These activities help you convey the sentiments that are...
Published 11/16/20
I've spent over five years helping guys with their love life, and along my journey, I've discovered numerous ideas on my clients could get over their ex faster. Some of these ideas kinda worked, but most of them didn't. Nevertheless, a small handful of them granted exceptional results to those who utilized them. These ideas even changed people's lives. So here are my handpicked three that will not only help you let go of your ex faster but maybe even change your life. Or not. You decide.
Published 11/04/20
Compatibility is essential, whether you’re just casually dating or already in a new committed relationship after coming out of an old one. It’s also helpful to get a good grasp on the topic so you can get a better idea of why things didn’t work out with your ex. Tune in to this episode and get a solid overview of the subject.
Published 10/21/20
It’s no secret that any breakup, separation, or rejection you face heavily undermines your self-esteem, that is, your overall sense of self-worth and personal value. This episode will focus exclusively on how to rebuild it in a healthy and mature down to earth way. A way which doesn't involve toxic positivity, affirmations or fist bumping 100 random people at an overprices self development seminar.
Published 10/21/20
Boundaries often receive a bad rap because people feel establishing them is selfish, but that’s far from the truth. Proper boundaries actually help us to become a better date, partner and human in general because by setting them, we help ourselves meet our emotional needs. And once we take care of our needs, we simultaneously and automatically begin to take better care of the needs of others.
Published 10/21/20
Is your toxic ex really toxic or are your biases playing tricks on you? This episode will cover my best attempts at answering that question and making things crystal clear for you.
Published 10/21/20
A beast of an episode detailing from A to Z how you can move on from your breakup/separation in the most down-to earth way possible.
Published 10/21/20
Maybe you've already healed to a degree from your breakup/seperation and are testing out the dating game once again. Good for you. But you should always work on weeding out the healthy women from the fruit loops so you don't end up in another toxic relationship. This episode will make that process easier for you by presenting you with 7 red flags in dating. So if you sense your date has any of them, run away.
Published 10/21/20
We often succumb to seeing our past relationship through rose coloured glasses. They blind us from the pain we felt and the struggles we endured and cause us to mainly see the good and cherry aspects of that relationship. And because we are focused on mostly the good, we often ponder on getting back together with our toxic ex. Which is a huge mistake to do. This episode acts as a reminder of why you shouldn't want them back. So be sure to hit play whenever you get that tickle - that urge -...
Published 10/21/20
Join me on a cute education story on loss, heartbreak and human resilience starring Jimny! That one quirky character named by one of my fav 4x4 cars. This episode is specifically focused on presenting life shortly after a heartbreak as well as the solution on what we can do, to find peace amid the anxiety riddled suffering and chaos of this painful period.
Published 10/21/20
Have you ever dreamed about your misfortune? If so then you probably know the eerie feeling you get in the morning due to the dream, or nightmare. Surprisingly, this is a way your subconscious processes your grief, either from a breakup or just about any sort of loss in your life. Join me on a short story of how I coped with my post-breakup nightmares and how you do the same.
Published 10/21/20
Vulnerability is often considered a weakness in dating. Learn why that's far from the truth and how to use vulnerability as not only your seduction advantage - the #1 way to attract and keep a healthy woman - but also your life advantage.
Published 10/15/20
It's finally here! The official interview with Jarrod Saxton, a dating coach from the Land Down Under. Topic: Dating after the end of your toxic relationship Key topics we had discussed: Jarrod's story as a dating/relationship coach When to start dating after a breakup? What happens if we start dating before our recovery? Forcing yourself to date after the loss of your relationship. Developing social skills. Moving on vs. getting back together with a toxic ex(narcissism, codependent,...
Published 10/15/20
Welcome to the breakup recovery for men podcast where we talk about how you can learn to rock life even after your breakup/separation and the loss of your toxic ex. I'm your host Max Jancar and the goal of the show is to help men from all walks of life, overcome their heartbreak, get their mojo back, and move on from their toxic ex so they can meet someone healthy and 10x better when they feel ready.
Published 10/09/20