Embark on a voyage of introspection with me as we harness the subtle yet profound power of meditative breathing. Feel the transformation as I guide you through the three-part yogic breath, teaching you to draw in life with each inhale and release the stagnant energy with every exhale. It's not just about breathing; it's about peeling back the layers of the self, witnessing the mind's journey without attachment, and finding harmony within. Whether you're navigating rush hour or curled up in...
Published 04/17/24
Published 04/17/24
Have you ever felt the tremble of a new love, the way your heart races with the thrill of being vulnerable? Today, I invite you to join me on a poetic journey through the delicate interplay of love and openness in my latest podcast episode. Reflecting on verses from my personal poem featured in the upcoming ebook "Change in Season," we traverse the emotional landscape of new relationships. From the shadow of fear to the luminous glow of courage, this discussion is a balm for anyone who's ever...
Published 04/10/24
Can a single breath bring everything into focus? In this episode, embrace a moment of connection and gratitude as we explore the power of presence and manifestation. Beginning with a gentle visualization exercise, we plant seeds of intention in the fertile soil of our inner landscape, nurturing them with love and trust. Reflecting on the current astrological climate and the call to slow down and adapt during Mercury retrograde in Aries, we delve into the importance of being specific about the...
Published 04/03/24
I discovered that even the din of city life in LA could turn into a meditative symphony. This episode of 'Breathe', I share the revelations that aid my experience of presence and stillness, transforming every moment into an opportunity to connect with the profound divinity within us. This episode is a heartfelt excursion into the art of living mindfully, where I guide you through a tranquil breathing exercise by the metaphorical shores of introspection. We'll explore the ways in which our...
Published 03/27/24
As I unveiled the intricate layers of my poem "This Is Us," also fondly known as "I Indite" on social platforms, I discovered an unexpected sanctuary within its lines. It's a space where joy and sorrow dance together, where the paradoxes of being human come to light. This episode of Breathe is a heartfelt recount of embracing life's rich contradictions and finding growth in the unlikeliest of places. I guide you through the transformative journey of completing this very poem, a process that...
Published 03/20/24
As the waves lapped against the shore, I experienced a moment of profound vulnerability that opened the door to the darker chambers of my psyche. This episode is a voyage through the raw and real process of personal growth, where I bare my soul about the unexpected turns on the path to self-awareness. You're invited to join me in a contemplative retreat, as we ponder the notion that growth isn't a straight shot but a beautifully chaotic dance with life. Meditation and the art of silence serve...
Published 03/13/24
Join G Peoples, as we sail through the ebb and flow of existence into a new season of life where this new podcast "BreathE" emerges. This podcast is about weaving through the harmonious dance of divinity within, sharing insights into meditation, mindfulness, and the power of poetic expression. As we navigate the changing tides of life together, you'll be equipped with words of encouragement, practical mindfulness practices, and cognitive behavior therapy techniques that are sure to illuminate...
Published 03/06/24
Ever felt like you're adrift in the vast ocean of your own emotions? That's the Pisces energy we're discussing this week, threading the needle between the whirlpool of uncertainty and the buoyant current of spiritual growth. We share our personal odysseys through vulnerability and surrender, and how these have become our beacons of light as we traverse significant life shifts. Join us as we reveal the importance of dreams in decoding the universe's messages and prepare for the soulful journey...
Published 03/01/24
Have you ever felt the universe aligning, nudging you towards introspection and personal evolution? Our 21st episode lands on the mystical date of 2-2-2, a convergence that heralds a dive into the waters of Pisces season. Together, we'll traverse the transformative landscapes of ego, boundaries, and the release of relationships that no longer contribute to our growth. We also celebrate the societal shift in perceptions of success, welcoming an era where content creators and diverse...
Published 02/23/24
As the hands of the clock weave through the fabric of a bustling life, have you ever found moments of magic in the mundane? G Peoples and Rachel Hubbard, guide you through the ebbs and flows of a week where gratitude is not just a practice but a beacon. This Reflection Fridays, we share stories of feeling the pull of life's countless directions, yet staying true to our course, finding stability in the whirlwind and spotting serendipity in the sequence of angel numbers and half-birthday...
Published 02/16/24
Ever wondered how to harness the power of a new moon to kickstart your dreams? This week on Reflection Fridays, G Peoples and Rachel Hubbard, dance with the energy of Aquarius to bring you insights into weaving the fabric of your aspirations into the tapestry of reality. As Mercury waltzes with Pluto, we uncover the profound alignment of thoughts with soul desires, urging us to shed the worn and embrace the fresh. Tune in for an invigorating discussion on the art of manifestation and find out...
Published 02/09/24
Caught in the swirl of a transformational tide, Rachel found herself juggling the discomfort of a cold against an undercurrent of burgeoning excitement. This week on Reflection Fridays, we wade through the emotional juxtaposition of healing past wounds and embracing the promise of a new self. We invite you to join us, as we navigate the echoes of our past selves, the prickly brushes with month-end anxieties, and the financial and professional stresses that test our resilience. Together, we...
Published 02/02/24
Have you ever felt the tug of the full moon's energy on your soul, or found quiet creativity in the stillness of a moment? This week, G Peoples and Rachel Hubbard, unite once more for Reflection Fridays to explore the profound influences of celestial rhythms on our well-being and the transformative power of intentional living. Our heartfelt exchange invites you into a world where the ebb and flow of creativity are embraced, preparation meets passion, and the beauty of life's simple wonders is...
Published 01/26/24
Embark on a celestial voyage as we unveil the astrological landscape of 2024, guiding you through the cosmic ebbs and flows that could redefine your year. Feel the pulse of the planets with our spotlight on Mercury's retrogrades and the momentous ingress of Pluto into Aquarius—a harbinger of societal transformation and a beacon for progressive ideals. The stars align on Rachel's own California anniversary, imbuing the day with a personal touch of serendipity and reflection on...
Published 01/22/24
Join Rachel Hubbard and G Peoples every Friday on Reflection Fridays as we venture through the ups and downs of life's setbacks and victories, sharing stories of opportunities that appear to vanish but are ultimately transformed into hidden treasures. Let's embrace the dance of high vibrations and put our trust in the cosmos as we reveal how what seems like rejection may be the universe's way of guiding us toward bigger and better horizons. We are exploring the astrological map to identify...
Published 01/19/24
Join us for Reflection Fridays! This is your space to look forward to a fresh start in 2024. In this episode, Rachel Hubbard and G Peoples lead our Soulful Sunday community with updates on monthly in-person events and weekly online workshops starting Feb 4th in Santa Monica. Let's leave behind our past and focus on creating a brighter future with intention and clarity. Episode 15 is about the New Moon in Capricorn and how it can help you achieve your goals. We intend to guide you through any...
Published 01/12/24
Embrace the fresh start of 2024 with Rachel as we align our energies with the stars and carve out a roadmap for success and renewal. This Reflection Friday, Rachel plugs in and dives into the astrological forecast of the year, discussing the potent combination of Capricorn's new moon on January 11th and the strategic influence of an eight year in numerology. Get ready to learn how to set powerful intentions and clear away the past, making space for the wonders this year has in store. Rachel...
Published 01/07/24
As the full moon casts its luminous glow on the threshold of 2024, allow me - G Peoples - to be your guide on a transformative journey of meditation and manifestation. With each breath, we'll release the remnants of the year gone by and open our hearts to the infinite possibilities that await us. Our session is not only a meditation but a celebration of resilience, acknowledging every trial and triumph you've encountered. Feel the moon's energy as it allies with us, cleansing our spirits and...
Published 12/29/23
As the chill of winter settles in, G Peoples, invites you to wrap yourself in the warmth of  our Reflection Fridays bonus content. Envision a tranquil space where the stillness of the season mirrors the quiet introspection of the soul – this episode is a reverent ode to that very essence. I'll be sharing a cherished piece from my private collection, a poem that breathes life into the frosty air and captures the profound metamorphosis I experienced post-college. As you listen, allow yourself...
Published 12/22/23
Are you ready for a soulful exploration that promises to guide you through the tumultuous energy of the holiday season and the astrological influences of the new moon in Sagittarius? Your host, G Peoples, alongside Rachel Hubbard, ready to embark on this enlightening journey with you. We'll share personal anecdotes, insights, and engage in discussions about letting go, setting achievable goals, understanding life's enigma, and the overlooked significance of closure. Reflecting on our...
Published 12/15/23
Are you ready to journey into the unknown and unearth insights that lie within? This week on Reflection Fridays, we, G-peoples and Rachel Hubbard, got a chance to do just that. Sagittarius season has truly lit a fire under us, igniting a week of intense emotions and spiritual exploration. We've grappled with our short tempers, dove deep into our spiritual practices, and wrestled our budgets under control. Plus, we were thrilled to discover Sandra's new Instagram page, "This is Align", which...
Published 12/08/23
Did you witness the transformative energy of the Gemini full moon? We certainly did. Our week was an intriguing blend of emotional upheaval and sublime moments that reminded us of life's gifts, with the moon's energy compelling us to explore our emotional landscapes. Anecdotes from our journey, including a heartwarming story about a sweet elderly couple, will remind you to find joy in the everyday - an essential trait to nurture in these chaotic times. We also touched on the healing power of...
Published 12/01/23
Our guest Sarah Coblentz, a Soulful Sunday attendee, friend, and a magical being, joined us for a truly meaningful conversation in this week's episode. We explored the depths of Scorpio Season and embraced the initiation of Sagittarius Season with fiery passion. With Sarah's guidance, we discovered how self-love can help us overcome jealousy in relationships. We also delved into the compatibility factors in birth charts and shared our personal Thanksgiving traditions. Throughout the episode,...
Published 11/24/23
In this episode, we explore the profound transformations that occur behind the scenes and connect with the collective energy of these changes. We discover the power of forgiveness and how it can liberate us from the past and people who did not understand our boundaries at that time. Our discussion encompasses a range of topics, from manifestation and money transits to our birth chart houses and favorite tarot cards. We end with a tantalizing preview of the energy of next week. Thank you for...
Published 11/17/23