In today's episode I'm sharing with you the top tools and resources I have used during the last 6 years where I have made 6-figures as a business owner.  You can find the links to all of these resources in the shownotes on the website : www.sweetteasocialmarketing.com/episode344/
Published 04/30/24
Social Media Marketing World is an incredibly unique experience.  When creating an event, it's important to make it memorable for the attendees. In today's episode, I'm joined by Phil Mershon, Director of Experience for Social Media and Social Media Marketing World as he shares some top things to make an event an unforgettable experience.
Published 04/23/24
Life is full of opportunities for us to become hurt and offended.  And sometimes those hurts and offenses stay with us and begin to change how we see life and make decisions.  In today's episode, I'm joined by Athena Dean Holtz as she shares her story of how hurt and offense became a driver in her business decision making.  If you found today's episode helpful, I'd love to know! Send me an email to [email protected] OR find me on LinkedIn and tell me what you thought of...
Published 04/16/24
In today's podcast episode, I'm sharing with you 6 things to consider and think about if you are shifting your business offerings.  With the amount of content and information that is daily consumed on social media, it is not safe to assume that all of your followers will simply know what's going on with your business after 1 post.  So let's chat about 6 ways you can use social media to get traction with the right leads for your new business offerings in today's episode.
Published 04/10/24
60 books. Can you imagine writing 60 books? Today's podcast guest as done just that! I am excited for all the authors tuning in today (whether you're an aspiring author or this is your 2nd, 10th or beyond book) to hear the wisdom from Pam as she shares some of her best tips and lessons she's learned over the course of 30 years of authoring books. Pam Farrel is an international speaker, author or co-author of 60 books including bestselling Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti....
Published 04/02/24
Have you wondered what the Social Media Marketing World experience is like? Tune in to today's episode where I share takeaways from 8 people I met at SMMW this year, including Phil Mershon SMMW's Director of Experience. AND tune in to hear how you can attend next year's conference for FREE!
Published 03/26/24
Hiring someone new to join your team can be exciting and also intimidating.  What if the person ends up not being a good fit?  In today's episode, I'm joined by Teri Clanton, an Online Business Manager and Director Operations, as she shares 5 pitfalls a business owner can avoid when hiring someone for their team. 
Published 03/19/24
In today's episode, I'm sharing 6 strategies (+ 1 bonus tip) for how you can supercharge your social media marketing efforts to have a stellar 2024. We'll chat things like branding photos, engaging in trending conversations and website links.
Published 03/12/24
In today's episode I'm joined by Angela Nash who is well versed and has seen great success in using social media across different markets. From a branding house, real estate to running for school board, Angela has learned to leverage the power of social media. If you found today's episode helpful, I'd love to know! Send me an email to [email protected] OR find me on LinkedIn and tell me what you thought of today's episode. Meet Angela  Angela Nash is a dynamic force...
Published 03/06/24
Recently I was at a conference and met several people that were pleasantly surprised to find that I am the exact same person offline as I am online. I believe this is in part due to my transparency and openness around my faith and beliefs. In today's episode I want to talk about how you, as a business owner, can intentionally incoprorate your faith as a narrative woven into your social media marketing. 
Published 02/27/24
Do you know the difference between profit and revenue? Oftentimes we hear about revenue, but profit is just as important! In today's episode I'm joined by Robert & Kaylee Fukui as they share about profit in business, asking the question 'how hard do you want to work' and 3 common mistakes entrepreneurs make when it comes to pricing. If you found today's episode helpful, I'd love to know! Send me an email to [email protected] OR find me on LinkedIn and tell me what you...
Published 02/20/24
If you're a non-profit wondering how you can have success using social media marketing, this episode is for you. Let's chat about 6 ways you can use social media to share your values, inform and increase loyalty with current stakeholders and supporters and also seek out followers. 
Published 02/13/24
Today's episode is all about teams and how you can take your business and team to the next level. I'm joined by Toi Sweeney as she shares :  The biggest mistake business owners make when it comes to their team Strategies you can apply to ensure your team is operating at it's best How to get team members to take greater responsibility over what they do How to 'reward' employees for going above and beyond in their work
Published 02/06/24
I have great expectation that the Lord is going to move this year. In my life and in my business. And - I believe He will do the same in yours.  So where are you putting your focus so that you can partner with what He desires to do? Looking for community with fellow Christian entrepreneurs and business owners? Head on over and join my free Facebook group : www.sweetteasocialmarketing.com/freegroup/
Published 01/30/24
Every Tuesday for the last 6 years we have shown up with a new podcast episode for you. I love hosting and creating new episodes, however, I felt that it was time to take a step back and take a break over the holidays.  Tune in to this week's podcast episode - and the final one for 2023 for a quick update from me!
Published 11/21/23
One thing I love about God is that He can and will use anyone.  All you have to be is willing.  And that's the story of Misty Phillip who joins me on today's podcast episode as she shares her story of how God took her from being a stay-at-home mom to founder of Spark Media, who's mission is to equip Christian podcasters to launch, grow and monetize while sharing the Gospel and messages of hope.
Published 11/14/23
In today's podcast episode I want to share with you some encouragement.  It can be easy to get discouraged as we find ourselves in the thick of trying to grow our business, maybe having to do things we're not the best at until we can hire someone, etc.  And sometimes, we can start to feel that no one actually takes our business and what we do seriously.  In today's episode I want to ask you two questions :  How long have you felt that way? Do YOU take your small business seriously?
Published 11/09/23
In today's podcast episode, I'm joined by Heidi Gollub as she shares with us how to use LinkedIn the right way.  She shares with us 2 success stories, good strategies for using LinkedIn the right way and also somethings not to do. Meet Heidi :  Heidi Gollub is a big believer in opening all the doors and saying yes to new adventures. In the past decade, she's been a stay-at-home mom, business owner, travel writer, social media director, chief marketing officer, MBA student, and editor at...
Published 10/31/23
We're all familiar with the social media algorithms. What we engage with we get more of - and that includes the posts where we give angry face reaction or make disapproving comments on.  When we comment and engage in that way, we will also get more of that type of content in our feed. And honestly, is that the kind of content we want to be seeing and filling our minds and hearts with? I'm not at all suggesting that everything we fill our feeds with needs to be rainbows and sunshine,...
Published 10/24/23
If you're not familiar with Andy Stanley, he is the pastor of North Point Community Church just outside of Atlanta, GA. He is well known for his books and messages on leadership and influence. If you want to learn more about him, you can do so on his website. At the end of September, him and his church hosted a conference for the parents of LGBTQIA+ teens and their ministry leaders. Here's an excerpt from the webpage :  "YOU’RE INVITED to the Unconditional Conference. This two-day premier...
Published 10/17/23
I'm quite certain at this point that fyou've heard the words AI or ChatGPT. AI seems to be what everyone is talking about. Have you had a chance to use it yet? In today's episode I'm joined by Dustin Stout, creator of Magai, a different AI interface that is powerful, intuitive and robust.  Dustin shares with us some of the unique features of Magai and how as business owners and creatives, we can be using the power of AI to build up and compliment what we're already doing and give us the...
Published 10/10/23
In today's episode I'm joined by Sophia Todd, the 2023 Miss Kentucky's Teen America. Sophia shares with us how she uses social media to share her journey as Miss Kentucky Teen and to advocate for the organization ArtSpoken. Tune in to today's episode to hear from a unique perspective on how you can leverage social media to share your message and have impact. Get your copy of my book, 'The Golden Rules of Social Media Marketing' here : https://www.sweetteasocialmarketing.com/thegoldenrules
Published 10/03/23
With the rise of social media, creating an online Christian community is now more accessible than ever before. In this episode, I discuss strategies, tips, and best practices for using social media to connect with like-minded individuals, cultivate meaningful relationships, and support one another in faith. Invite Heather to be a speaker at your next event : www.sweetteasocialmarketing.com/contact/
Published 09/26/23
In today's episode I'm joined by Jessica Dante, owner of Love and London, a very local brand with a global audience as they reach those looking to travel to London. Jessica shares with us how she uses YouTube to grow her audience and get them on her email list. Join us on today's episode as we discuss why Youtube and how you can optimize your description, title and thumbnail for your videos. 
Published 09/19/23