In today's episode I'm joined with Katie Hornor as she shares with us about the Flamingo Advantage.  What is the flamingo advantage you might ask? God spoke to Katie about being true to who He uniquely made her to be and using it to her advantage to be bold and confident in what He has called her to. Tune in to today's episode to hear more about how you can leverage the power of the flamingo advantage in your own business.
Published 09/12/23
Is your business actually profitable? These questions came about in the midst of coaching and new client calls. Let's chat about these six questions you can ask yourself in today's episode.
Published 09/05/23
As Christians who are also business owners, we can choose one of two directions :  a Christian business owners a business owner who is also a Christian What's the difference? One you're super loud with your faith in your business and the other is when you're more quiet about your faith but let your actions and the way you conduct business speak for you.  Regardless of which one you find yourself as, it is possible to apply Biblical principles within your business. In today's episode...
Published 08/29/23
Right now I'm in the season of life of goodbyes and new beginnings. This past weekend (at the time of this recording) my family dropped our eldest daughter off for her freshman year of college.  It may seem like this has very little to do with social media and business, I want to encourage you to embrace every moment. Life can feel that it passes us by as we're busy doing all the things. But I want to remind you, and everyone else, that even as business owners and leaders we're still doing...
Published 08/22/23
As you may, or may not know, Elon Musk has taken over at Twitter and renamed it 'X'.  Say what you will about Elon Musk and whether or not you agree with what he says or does. This episode isn't about that.  Instead, let's chat about 8 very simple ways Elon Musk leverages X well. Get your free 31-day content calendar here : https://www.sweetteasocialmarketing.com/contentcalendar
Published 08/15/23
This podcast episode is a bit different than the content I usually put out there.  Yet, it's still true to who I am and the values I uphold in my own life and business.  Here's the hard true : we've been sold a bag of false goods.  Everywhere you look you see the message of: • 'do what feels good to you.' • 'you do you.' • 'follow your own heart.' • 'follow your own truth.' If you pay attention long enough you realize it's everywhere. However, as Christians, we're called to something...
Published 08/08/23
Do you use Instagram for your business? In today's episode, I'm sharing with you 5 areas you can optimize to get the most out of Instagram.
Published 08/01/23
Christians, in general, tend to be prone to poor boundaries.  Particularly those in business, ministry or leadership roles.  We're passionate about the work that we do, many times consider it a calling, and therefore, we struggle to walk away from it.  This can have serious implications for our relationships, particularly our marriages (for those of us who are in that type of relationship). In today's episode I'm joined by Mary Whitman Ortiz as she shares two pieces of advice and the #1...
Published 07/25/23
In today's episode I'm challenging you to the 10 VIDEO CHALLENGE ON YOUR SMARTPHONE! At this point it's not a matter of if video is important or a good idea to do or not. The reality is is that video is important, it's valuable and it converts. But that doesn't mean that it's easy to execute on for everyone.  So today I'm opening up the 10 Video Challenge to help you get some reps under your belt and to show you that you really can do video.  Find out in today's episode the topics for the...
Published 07/17/23
Is customer service hurting or helping your business? In today's episode, I'm sharing with you a personal story of something that happened to me just the other day in what I'm dubbing, 'The Japanese Steakhouse Fail'.  Tune in to this episode to hear the story but ultimately what I want you to be asking yourself is, 'What am I doing as a company to ensure customers are having a positive experience?
Published 07/11/23
The Bible tells us to daily put on the armor of God.  Let's chat about how we can apply that inside our business as well.  Get your copy of my book, The Golden Rules of Social Media Marketing : https://www.sweetteasocialmarketing.com/thegoldenrules
Published 07/04/23
There has been quite a lot of buzz in the online world around AI recently. Some people are excited about its prospects, while others are apprehensive of where it will take technology.  Regardless of where you land, I believe this episode will provide you with new information to help you determine where you stand. In today's episode, I'm joined by Julia McCoy as she shares her journey of getting involved with AI, how we can use the tools to create better content for our clients and how as...
Published 06/20/23
As business owners, we all know one of our top goals is to have customers. And not only customers but repeat customers.  We also know that word of mouth and reviews are the top ways we get customers. Let's face it, websites like Yelp have really made it easy to know what businesses are like before we even get there.  In today's episode, I'm joined by Greg Atkinson, Customer Service Extraordinaire, as he shares why kindness is one of the top ways we get repeat customers and the reviews we...
Published 06/13/23
In today's episode, I'm joined by Brooke Sellas, owner of B Squared Media as we talk on the importance of social media conversations and why you need to begin with conversations before you ever try to sell to someone.  Work with Sweet Tea Social Marketing this year to accomplish your social media goals : www.sweetteasocialmarketing.com/contact/
Published 06/06/23
It wouldn't take long to look around and know that our country is polarized on many different issues. As business owners, it can be challenging to know when to speak out and when to not. Fear can be loud in our faces during these times when we want to stand up for what we believe is right. How can we be successful in our business if we do speak out and then people don't want to follow? In today's episode, I'm encouraging you, as a 21st century business owner living in the year 2023 (or...
Published 05/30/23
One amazing thing about social media is that is truly can work for anyone.  Even an insurance company. Enter Jeremy Powers, owner of Powers Insurance Experts who is leveraging the power of social media, education, kindness and his own personality to really make waves on social media with insurance. The average insurance agency closes $20,000 per month in sales while Jeremy just closed $140,000 in one month. Wow, that's amazing.  Whether you're an insurance agent or not, I believe this...
Published 05/23/23
Social media is ever changing and it does require us to consistently show up and be present. I'll be honest and say that that can be challenging when you're a solo business owner and trying to wear many hats throughout the day.  I like to see social media has something I can integrate into my every day and have it be fun vs. just something I have to do.  In today's episode, I want to talk about 4 things you can begin doing right now to stand out on social media.  These four things include...
Published 05/16/23
Work doesn't have to just be a place where people go because they have tasks they do and want to get paid. It is possible for work to be a place where people feel valued and want to contribute to the larger vision of the company.   When this shift is made, people feel cared for, trust and transparency are high and productivity changes.   Maybe culture doesn't feel like the highest priority on your list at the moment.   But I want to encourage you to listen to this podcast episode where I'm...
Published 05/09/23
Are you tired of staying small in your business? Then it's time to stop playing small and step into the big plans God has for you and your business. You don't have to wear all the hats, particularly if there are keys places of your business that get left in the dust. I invite you to ask God to highlight places of your business that could use help. Maybe that means hiring someone to take over certain things. Or maybe there are areas that could use an extra dose of excellence as you walk...
Published 05/02/23
You don't have to look very far on the internet to hear about hustling, grinding, forgoing sleep in the name of business growth, etc.  I don't know about you but I'm thankful to be a part of a Kingdom that offers a different solution.  In today's episode, I'm joined by Shae Bynes, author of Grace Over Grind, as she shares how as business owners we can learn to hear God's voice and be willing to trust and step in obedience and faith to what He's said. Join my free Facebook Group for...
Published 04/25/23
I'm so grateful that we find ourselves here, our 300th episode.  In this episode I wanted to feature some amazing women who have been impacted by the podcast and Sweet Tea Social Marketing and give them a chance to tell their story.  Thanks for tuning in, whether it's been one episode, 100 or you've been here since day 1. Each and every download and stream means the world to me. If you would like to join the ranks of some of these amazing women and work with Sweet Tea Social Marketing this...
Published 04/18/23
On today's show, I'm joined by livestream expert, Ross Brand, as he shares with us why podcasters should consider adding video alongside the audio of their podcast. And no, it doesn't have to be any more complicated, doesn't add a lot of more time or needed equipment to make the video happen and the benefits are infinite. Every platform is making video more of a priority than ever before - TikTok, Instagram, YouTube - let's chat about what you can do and where the opportunity lies.     
Published 04/11/23
Are you feeling disconnected between where you and the abundant life you know is possible in Christ? In this episode we're talking with Matt Tommey about his latest book, God's Plan for Living, asmhe breaks down his idea of I.D.E.A.L. I - Identity D - Design E - Expansion A - Alignment L - Love When you have these 5 things come together in your life, you're set up to walk in fullness.
Published 04/04/23
Writing a book can be challenging and daunting by itself. When you add in the marketing and everything to do once it's published, many can decide it's simply too much.  I'm so glad to be joined by 8 time author, Brenda Haire, as she shares with us three strategies she has used for her books and how she navigated being called a 'nobody' at the beginning of her author journey.
Published 03/28/23
As algorithms and platforms change, we can begin to question whether or not a platform is for us. Whether it's decreased engagement or lack of understanding regarding new changes, in today's episode I'm talking specifically about Facebook and 7 questions to ask yourself if you should continue using the platform for your business.  Work with the Sweet Tea Social Marketing Team in 2023 : www.sweetteasocialmarketing.com/contact Get your copy of my book, The Golden Rules of Social Media...
Published 03/21/23